Latest News from: American Psychological Association (APA)

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Released: 11-Jan-2019 3:20 PM EST
American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association called for an immediate end to the partial government shutdown because of the deleterious effect it is having on the economic security and mental health of federal employees and contractors, as well as their families.

Released: 7-Jan-2019 12:30 PM EST
Whites Struggle to Tell Real From Fake Smiles on Black Faces
American Psychological Association (APA)

White people and non-black minorities have a harder time telling the difference between genuine and fake smiles on black faces than they do on white faces, a problem black people don’t have, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

18-Dec-2018 3:10 PM EST
Certain Moral Values May Lead to More Prejudice, Discrimination
American Psychological Association (APA)

People who value following purity rules over caring for others are more likely to view gay and transgender people as less human, which leads to more prejudice and support for discriminatory public policies, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

13-Dec-2018 11:40 AM EST
Looking on Bright Side May Reduce Anxiety, Especially When Money Is Tight
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- Trying to find something good in a bad situation appears to be particularly effective in reducing anxiety the less money a person makes, possibly because people with low incomes have less control over their environment, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

20-Nov-2018 11:20 AM EST
Sexist Men Underestimate Their Power in Romantic Relationships
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- Heterosexual men with sexist attitudes may underestimate how much power they actually have in their romantic relationships, which could lead to increased aggression toward their female partners or wives, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

13-Nov-2018 4:15 PM EST
Killer Whales Share Personality Traits with Humans, Chimpanzees
American Psychological Association (APA)

Killer whales display personality traits similar to those of humans and chimpanzees, such as playfulness, cheerfulness and affection, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 8-Nov-2018 2:20 PM EST
APA Names First Open Science and Methodology Chair to Deepen Commitment to Data Sharing, Transparency in Science
American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association has named Steve W.J. Kozlowski, PhD, as its first open science and methodology chair, responsible for working with the association’s authors, reviewers, editors and publications board to understand and develop best practices for the evolving landscape of open science in psychological research.

Released: 8-Nov-2018 1:20 PM EST
APA Elects Consultant Sandra L. Shullman President
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – Sandra L. Shullman PhD, a consulting psychologist internationally known in leadership assessment and development, has been elected 2020 president of the American Psychological Association.

Released: 7-Nov-2018 10:05 AM EST
'Bargaining While Black' May Lead to Lower Salaries
American Psychological Association (APA)

African-American job candidates are more likely to receive lower salaries in hiring negotiations when racially biased evaluators believe they have negotiated too much, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 6-Nov-2018 3:15 PM EST
APA Decries Proposal Allowing Indefinite Detention of Immigrant Children
American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association voiced opposition to a proposed rule that would allow the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to detain immigrant children with their families indefinitely.

1-Nov-2018 11:15 AM EDT
Happy Childhood Memories Linked to Better Health Later in Life
American Psychological Association (APA)

People who have fond memories of childhood, specifically their relationships with their parents, tend to have better health, less depression and fewer chronic illnesses as older adults, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

29-Oct-2018 4:50 PM EDT
APA Stress in America™ Survey: Generation Z Stressed About Issues in the News but Least Likely to Vote
American Psychological Association (APA)

Headline issues, from immigration to sexual assault, are causing significant stress among members of Generation Z – those between ages 15 and 21 – with mass shootings topping the list of stressful current events, according to the American Psychological Association’s report Stress in America™: Generation Z released today.

Released: 29-Oct-2018 11:20 AM EDT
Thrill-Seeking, Search for Meaning Fuel Political Violence
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – What drives someone to support or participate in politically or religiously motivated acts of violence, and what can be done to prevent them? While one factor may be a search for meaning in life, research published by the American Psychological Association suggests people may be further driven by an increased need for excitement and feeding that need with thrilling but non-violent alternatives may curb the desire.

10-Oct-2018 12:35 PM EDT
When Ignoring Your Spouse Can Help Your Relationship
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- It is a classic relationship stalemate: One partner asks the other to change something and the partner who is asked shuts down. But that type of response may actually be beneficial for the relationship of lower-income couples, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. Conversely, withdrawing can negatively affect higher-income couples’ relationship satisfaction, the study found.

5-Oct-2018 3:45 PM EDT
Nice People Finish Last When It Comes to Money
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- Nice people may be at greater risk of bankruptcy and other financial hardships compared with their less agreeable peers, not because they are more cooperative, but because they don’t value money as much, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

20-Sep-2018 11:15 AM EDT
Asian-Americans More Likely to Be Hired to Lead Troubled Companies
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – Asian-Americans are more than twice as likely to be hired as CEOs when a company is struggling, possibly setting them up for failure, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

18-Sep-2018 2:05 PM EDT
American Girls Read and Write Better Than Boys
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – As early as the fourth grade, girls perform better than boys on standardized tests in reading and writing, and as they get older that achievement gap widens even more, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 18-Sep-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Associated with Lower Well-Being Among Adolescents
American Psychological Association (APA)

Racial and ethnic discrimination takes a toll on adolescents and is linked to their depression, poor self-esteem, lower academic achievement, substance use and risky sexual behavior, according to a meta-analysis published in the American Psychological Association’s flagship journal, American Psychologist.

11-Sep-2018 12:30 PM EDT
One in Three College Freshmen Worldwide Reports Mental Health Disorder
American Psychological Association (APA)

As if college were not difficult enough, more than one-third of first-year university students in eight industrialized countries around the globe report symptoms consistent with a diagnosable mental health disorder, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

6-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
In Gut We Trust When It Comes to Choices
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- Why do some people trust their gut instincts over logic? It could be that they see those snap decisions as a more accurate reflection of their true selves and therefore are more likely to hold them with conviction, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 6-Sep-2018 2:40 PM EDT
Statement of APA President Regarding Administration's Proposal to Detain Child Migrants Longer Than Legally Allowed
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – Following is the statement of American Psychological Association President Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, in response to the Trump administration’s proposal to detain migrant children beyond the 20 days allowed by current law:

Released: 6-Sep-2018 11:15 AM EDT
Can't We All Just Get Along? National Conversation on Civility Features Psychologists, Media Personalities
American Psychological Association (APA)

From the Brett M. Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearing to people burning their Nike products, as the country approaches the 2018 midterm elections, our national rhetoric is more polarized than ever. Rudeness, name-calling, bullying and insults have become so commonplace that many Americans have tuned out. Can these behaviors be curbed, and can we learn to disagree civilly? To address these and other questions, the American Psychological Association and the National Institute for Civil Discourse have partnered to present “A National Conversation on Civility.”

22-Aug-2018 12:30 PM EDT
Even Toddlers Care What Others Think
American Psychological Association (APA)

By the time toddlers are forming two-word sentences, they are already aware that they may be judged by others, behavior that previously wasn’t believed to emerge until years later, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 23-Aug-2018 2:05 PM EDT
APA Voices Opposition to Using Federal Funds for Schools to Buy Guns
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – The American Psychological Association called on Congress and the administration to back away from a reported plan to allow states to use federal funding to purchase guns for educators.

Released: 22-Aug-2018 12:45 PM EDT
APA Launches Video on Race-Related Stress
American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association has produced a video entitled “Racism in America” aimed at promoting dialogue on the complex issues associated with race-related stress.

15-Aug-2018 1:30 PM EDT
Teens Today Spend More Time on Digital Media, Less Time Reading
American Psychological Association (APA)

If you can’t remember the last time you saw a teenager reading a book, newspaper or magazine, you’re not alone. In recent years, less than 20 percent of U.S. teens report reading a book, magazine or newspaper daily for pleasure, while more than 80 percent say they use social media every day, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

1-Aug-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Rude to Your Coworker? Think of the Children
American Psychological Association (APA)

Incivility in the workplace associated with more negative parenting behaviors at home, study says

1-Aug-2018 3:35 PM EDT
Depressed Teens, Depressed Parents
American Psychological Association (APA)

The bond between parent and child extends far beyond sharing similar looks or behaviors, as symptoms of depression in teens and parents appear to be linked, according to research presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association.

1-Aug-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Dealing with Digital Distraction
American Psychological Association (APA)

Being ever-connected comes at a cost, studies find

1-Aug-2018 3:15 PM EDT
Why We’re Susceptible to Fake News, How to Defend Against It
American Psychological Association (APA)

Thinking developed in childhood makes people vulnerable, researchers say

1-Aug-2018 4:05 PM EDT
It’s Complicated: Our Relationship with Texting
American Psychological Association (APA)

From sexting to breaking up, texting can bring us close or drive us apart, studies find

1-Aug-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Even Men Get the Blues After Childbirth
American Psychological Association (APA)

Postpartum depression as prevalent in new fathers as mothers, research says

1-Aug-2018 3:25 PM EDT
You’re Only as Old as You Think and Do
American Psychological Association (APA)

Increased control, physical activity lower subjective age in older adults, research says

1-Aug-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Can Psychedelic Drugs Heal?
American Psychological Association (APA)

Psychologists explore potential benefits of hallucinogens for mental health disorders

1-Aug-2018 3:10 PM EDT
Roles of Emotional Support Animals Examined
American Psychological Association (APA)

Beyond airlines, colleges and courts struggle to understand need, effects, researchers say

Released: 1-Aug-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Psychologists Discuss Opioid Epidemic
American Psychological Association (APA)

As the national opioid epidemic continues to take its toll, the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association will include a variety of sessions focused on how psychologists can help people with opioid dependence and addiction. Following is a list of relevant sessions.

Released: 1-Aug-2018 3:00 PM EDT
Psychologists Discuss Aspects of Violent Behavior
American Psychological Association (APA)

Violence will be a featured topic at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, with psychologists discussing community violence, gender-based violence, the role of race/ethnicity in the study of violence, intimate partner violence and the role of masculinity its perpetration. Following is a list of relevant sessions.

Released: 1-Aug-2018 2:50 PM EDT
Psychologists Discuss Suicide Epidemic
American Psychological Association (APA)

U.S. suicide rates are on the rise, with nearly 45,000 Americans dying by their own hand each year. Suicide is now the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, and recent suicides by celebrities Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade have made international headlines.

Released: 1-Aug-2018 2:30 PM EDT
Psychologists Discuss Effects of Immigration on Mental Health
American Psychological Association (APA)

With the issue of immigration featured prominently in the news, psychologists at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association will be discussing many aspects of the topic, including the psychological harm to migrant youth in detention facilities and how psychologists are responding to the needs of immigrant communities. Following is a list of relevant sessions.

Released: 26-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
APA Voices Concern at Continued Separation of Migrant Children and Parents
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – Following is the statement of Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, president of the American Psychological Association, regarding the continued separation of migrant children and their parents:

Released: 9-Jul-2018 9:20 AM EDT
American Psychological Foundation Names Fleming New Chief Executive Officer
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – The American Psychological Foundation has appointed Ashawnda Fleming, PhD, chief executive officer, responsible for the $18+ million grantmaking organization that supports graduate students and early career psychologists working to find innovative solutions to some of society’s most pressing problems.

Released: 5-Jul-2018 2:50 PM EDT
APA Decries Trump Administration Plan to Roll Back Policies That Factor Race in College Admissions
American Psychological Association (APA)

Following is the statement of Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, president of the American Psychological Association, regarding the Trump administration’s announcement that it will rescind guidelines on affirmative action in college admissions:

Released: 27-Jun-2018 9:25 AM EDT
Vacation Time Recharges U.S. Workers, but Positive Effects Vanish Within Days, New Survey Finds
American Psychological Association (APA)

Taking time off helps the majority of U.S. workers recover from stress and experience positive effects that improve their well-being and job performance, but for nearly two-thirds of working adults, the benefits of time away dissipate within a few days, according to a survey released by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 25-Jun-2018 10:05 AM EDT
APA Disappointed That SCOTUS Declines to Hear Dassey Case
American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association expressed disappointment that the U.S. Supreme Court decided against hearing the case of Dassey v. Dittman, which focused on the susceptibility of juveniles and people of limited mental capacity to make false confessions.

20-Jun-2018 2:45 PM EDT
Can the Kids Wait? Today's Youngsters May Be Able to Delay Gratification Longer Than Those of the 1960s
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- Some 50 years since the original “marshmallow test” in which most preschoolers gobbled up one treat immediately rather than wait several minutes to get two, today’s youngsters may be able to delay gratification significantly longer to get that extra reward. This was the key finding of a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 20-Jun-2018 5:10 PM EDT
Statement of APA President Regarding Executive Order Rescinding Immigrant Family Separation Policy
American Psychological Association (APA)

Following is the statement of APA President Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, in response to President Trump’s signing an executive order ending the separation of immigrant children from their parents:

Released: 20-Jun-2018 4:25 PM EDT
American Psychological Association's 126th Annual Convention, Aug. 9 - 12, 2018, San Francisco
American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association’s 126th annual convention will take place Aug. 9–12, 2018, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Released: 18-Jun-2018 12:25 PM EDT
Racial/Ethnic and Sexual Minority Males Among Unhealthiest People in America, Report Finds
American Psychological Association (APA)

Men in the United States tend to have more privilege, wealth and career success than women, yet they lead shorter and unhealthier lives. This reality is compounded for men of color and sexual minority men, who are among the unhealthiest people in America, partly due to systemic oppression and discrimination, according to a report released by the American Psychological Association.

13-Jun-2018 4:45 PM EDT
Helicopter Parenting May Negatively Affect Children's Emotional Well-Being, Behavior
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON -- It’s natural for parents to do whatever they can to keep their children safe and healthy, but children need space to learn and grow on their own, without Mom or Dad hovering over them, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. The study, published in the journal Developmental Psychology, found that overcontrolling parenting can negatively affect a child’s ability to manage his or her emotions and behavior.

Released: 12-Jun-2018 4:30 PM EDT
Psychologists Available to Talk About Impact of Separating Immigrant Children and Parents
American Psychological Association (APA)

For reporters covering the Justice Department’s recent decision to separate immigrant children from their parents, these psychologists are available to discuss psychological issues associated with immigration, including discrimination, trauma and commonly held myths about immigrants – both legal and illegal.
