Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Paint Changes Color To Reveal Corrosion On Aircraft
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University are developing an early warning system for aircraft degradation -- paint that changes color when the metal beneath it begins to corrode.

Released: 3-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Software Makes More Reliable Cast Metal Parts
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a fast new method to identify potential defects that may form in die-cast metal parts for cars, major appliances, toys and electrical components.

Released: 3-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
3-D Structure Of Human Tumor-Suppressor Protein Produced
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University have determined the three- dimensional structure of the protein produced by one of the most important human tumor-suppressor genes.

Released: 3-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
People Want Direct Physician Involvement In Assisted Suicides
Ohio State University

People are more likely to support assisted suicide if there is direct physician involvement in helping people end their lives, new research suggests.

Released: 3-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Fathers Strongly Influence Mothers' Decision To Breast-Feed
Ohio State University

Three out of four mothers feel that their partner's opinion greatly influences their decision to breast-feed, according to a study at Ohio State University.

Released: 3-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Study Of Trampoline-Related Injuries Calls For Ban On Devices
Ohio State University

A new study is calling for a ban on backyard trampolines after researchers discovered the number of injuries to children using these devices has doubled during a recent six-year period.

Released: 3-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Computer Program Helps Design New Antennas For Navy Ships
Ohio State University

A computer program developed at Ohio State University has enabled the U.S. Navy to design a new system of antennas that reduces radio interference and makes its destroyers less visible to enemy radar.

Released: 27-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Titanic Movie Is Just The Latest In The Rhetoric Of Disaster
Ohio State University

The hit film Titanic serves as more than just a way to entertain moviegoers and make millions of dollars for the creators, according to a researcher who has written about the disaster. The film, like most examples of oral, written or other narratives of disaster, embraces a number of social purposes, said James Hikins, associate professor of journalism and communication at Ohio State University.

Released: 30-Jan-1998 12:00 AM EST
Franchise Name No Advantage For Small Retailer Facing Big Rival
Ohio State University

If you're a small business battling a giant national retailer, having an affiliation with a trade-name franchise may not give a competitive advantage, a new study suggests. The small retailers that survive and prosper in such a competitive environment tend to be independent stores and focus on providing knowledge-intensive service to their customers, according to researchers.

Released: 19-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Takeover Deterrents May Help Company CEOs More Than Shareholders
Ohio State University

Corporate CEOs may propose some takeover deterrents for their companies in order to protect their above-average levels of compensation, a new study suggests.

Released: 3-Jul-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Some Workaholics May Be Happy and Productive
Ohio State University

Workaholics have a bad reputation as people whose obsession with work is often harmful to themselves and possibly even bad for their companies. But a new analysis of previous research suggests that there may be "good" workaholics: people who work a lot because they enjoy their jobs, have strong career identities and a desire for upward mobility.

Released: 3-Jul-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Entrepreneurs Overconfident, Prone to Generalizations
Ohio State University

Entrepreneurs think differently than corporate managers when it comes to making business decisions -- and not in ways that seem favorable at first glance. A new study of 219 entrepreneurs and managers found that entrepreneurs were more likely to be overconfident about the correctness of their decisions and were more prone to make broad generalizations based on limited experience.

Released: 6-Feb-1997 12:00 AM EST
Participative Management Hurts Employee Relations
Ohio State University

One of the hot new trends in management -- worker participation -- has been touted as a boon to employees because it allows them to play an active role in making decisions involving their jobs. But such management systems, which often involve workplace teams, may hurt relations among co-workers, a new study suggests.
