Latest News from: National Center for Science Education

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Released: 17-Dec-2010 3:45 PM EST
Top Ten Evolution Stories of 2010
National Center for Science Education

Those crafty creationists just won't let up. Since they can't get their way in the courts or state legislatures, their new tactic is to attack the curriculum itself, from science standards to textbooks, forcing teachers to teach science the creationist way.

Released: 20-Oct-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Giant Science Party
National Center for Science Education

Mondo science party this weekend in DC! The USA Science & Engineering Festival and Expo features 1500 exhibits, 750 organizations (including NCSE), 75 stage shows, and more.

Released: 25-Aug-2010 4:55 PM EDT
Free Evolution Book Excerpts
National Center for Science Education

The NCSE is offering free evolution book excerpts on its web site (

Released: 17-May-2010 3:50 PM EDT
Dr. Scott, the Octodoc
National Center for Science Education

NCSE's executive director Dr. Eugenie C. Scott just nabbed honorary doctorates #7 and #8...and offers some sage advice on common sense and sunscreen.

Released: 3-Mar-2010 3:00 PM EST
First Annual UpChucky Awards Announced
National Center for Science Education

Which creationist was the most nauseating?

Released: 28-Feb-2010 3:00 PM EST
From Evolution to Global Warming?
National Center for Science Education

Science deniers, creationists, and their fellow travelers aren't just targeting evolution. Now they're turning their sights on global warming.

Released: 24-Feb-2010 1:35 PM EST
Darwin Stands Tall in Texas!
National Center for Science Education

"Friends of Darwin" take center stage.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 2:15 PM EST
Top Doc Nabs Fab Sci Prize--Again!
National Center for Science Education

Dr. Eugenie C. Scott Joins Carl Sagan, C. Everett Koop in National Academy of Sciences honor.

Released: 31-Dec-2009 2:20 PM EST
Top Ten Evolution/Creationism Stories of the Year
National Center for Science Education

Darwin celebrated; evolution still under attack. The Year in Review.

Released: 7-Dec-2009 2:30 PM EST
NCSE Changes Web/Email Domain
National Center for Science Education

NCSE is shifting its primary domain to

Released: 16-Nov-2009 4:20 PM EST
Don't Diss Darwin!
National Center for Science Education

NCSE responds to creationist edition of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species."

Released: 2-Nov-2009 9:00 AM EST
Ray Comfort is Bananas
National Center for Science Education

NCSE Executive Director Eugenie Scott takes aim at creationist Ray Comfort's distorted views on evolution in a debate taking place on the U.S. News & World Report site.

Released: 19-Oct-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Genie Grants SciAm's Wishes
National Center for Science Education

Dr. Eugenie C. Scott has joined Scientific American's revamped and expanded Board of Advisers.

Released: 8-Oct-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Darwin Defender Takes Top Prize
National Center for Science Education

The NCSE's Dr. Eugenie Scott has received the California Academy of Sciences' highest honor: the Fellows Medal.

Released: 11-Aug-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Battle in the Classroom
National Center for Science Education

Are state science standards worthless? Are kids learning about evolution or being spoon-fed creationist pseudoscience? What's the proper role of state science standards in American public education, anyway?

Released: 9-Jul-2009 8:00 PM EDT
Francis Collins Nomination: Expert Sources
National Center for Science Education

Need a clear-eyed take on the Francis Collins nomination to head the NIH? issues? The NCSE has two experts you can turn to.

Released: 27-May-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Eugenie Scott Wins Stephen Jay Gould Prize
National Center for Science Education

The Society for the Study of Evolution has honored NCSE's Dr. Eugenie Scott with its first Stephen Jay Gould Prize, recognizing her outstanding work in communicating the insights, applications, and importance of evolutionary biology to the general public.

Released: 18-May-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Eugenie Scott, Barack Obama, Bill Gates Honored!
National Center for Science Education

Scientific American names the 10 most important leaders in science and technology... including Dr. Eugenie C. Scott of NCSE.

Released: 30-Mar-2009 4:45 PM EDT
Science Setback for Texas Schools
National Center for Science Education

After three all-day meetings and a blizzard of amendments and counter-amendments, the Texas Board of Education cast its final vote Friday on state science standards. The results weren't pretty. The board majority amended the Earth and Space Science, and Biology standards (TEKS) with loopholes and language that make it even easier for creationists to attack science textbooks.

Released: 25-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Scientists to Texas Board of Education: Teach Evolution Right!
National Center for Science Education

Over 50 scientific societies representing hundreds of thousands of American scientists today publicly urged the Texas Board of Education to support accurate science education.
