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Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Fat History Gives the Skinny On Fat
Carnegie Mellon University

The start of a new year -- at least for most of us -- means a vow to diet and to get into shape. Beyond the obvious health considerations, did you ever wonder why getting skinny tops our lists of resolutions?

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
University Radio Station Launches Student-Run Foreign Bureau
University of Evansville

WUEV, radio station of the University of Evansville in Indiana, launched its UK-based foreign bureau this year, just in time for student/correspondents Stacy Woodruff and Beth Nicewonger to cover the funeral of Princess Diana. The new foreign-correspondent program , developed by the university's mass communication department, is the first of its kind.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Counting Down to the Millennium
Carnegie Mellon University

Playing with the idea of "The End" is simply too close to the realities of modern anxiety and too much fun to ignore, as Carnegie Mellon Social Historian Peter N. Stearns shows in his book, "Millennium III, Century XXI."

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
"A Unique Aging Experience": Older People Living with AIDS
University of Illinois Chicago

Commonly considered a disease affecting younger people, AIDS rapidly is becoming a part of older people's lives -- as care givers, family members, friends and patients.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Nature of Nursing Home Changes
Miami University

Seniors who enter nursing homes to recuperate after surgery aren't likely to stay there long, according to Miami University sociologist and anthropologist.

Released: 24-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Don't Ignore Militia Groups
Miami University

White supremacists, militia groups, and conspiracy theorists may seem on the fringe, but they should be taken very seriously, says a sociologist and anthropologist at Miami University of Ohio.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Central Michigan University

Young deer hunters who bring home a trophy buck during firearm season also may be returning with an unwanted acquisition: permanent hearing loss. The results of a new survey by a Central Michigan University audiologist show that most young recreational firearm shooters between the ages of 18 and 30 are in danger of permanently damaging their hearing.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Rural residents pay a social cost
Mississippi State University

Persons choosing to live outside of urban centers can expect to pay a social cost, primarily in their adult income levels.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Emancipating Leisure: True Leisure Is the Basis of Democracy
Washington State University

While a frantic pace has become an accepted way of American life,John Hemingway says it is also a threat to democracy.

Released: 23-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Historian Traces Plight of the 'Radium Girls'
Central Michigan University

The federal government's recent attempts to settle claims relating to human radiation experiments during the Cold War doesn't address the problems of radium poisoning that occurred during the years before World War II. The plight of a group of women known as the "radium girls," who from 1910 to 1935 found themselves among the first victims of radium poisoning, is the subject of a new book by a Central Michigan University history professor.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
Ruining Your Holiday....Why the FBI Thought "It's a Wonderful Life" was a Subversive Film
Franklin & Marshall College

"It's a Wonderful Life" is one of the most popular and heartwarming films ever made. Long regarded as the definitive Christmas movie, "It's A Wonderful Life" tells the tale of a man's life that is recognized as wonderful and truly rich after he suffers through many hardships and trials. Yet in 1947, the FBI had some very different ideas about this holiday classic. In fact, the FBI branded "It's a Wonderful Life" and seven other films, including "The Best Years of Our Lives" as subversive.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
This Year I Resolve...Franklin & Marshall Professor Finds Message of Hope in New Year's Resolutions
Franklin & Marshall College

What is it about the New Year that compels people to make resolutions? Michael Penn, assistant professor of psychology at Franklin & Marshall College believes it's the tone time of year when people drop their typically cynical views of human nature and hope for a positive change.

Released: 19-Dec-1997 12:00 AM EST
F&M Leaders Write Guide to Help Parents Cope With the Costs of a College Education
Franklin & Marshall College

In their respective positions as president and vice president of Franklin & Marshall College, Richard Kneedler and Alice Drum have spent years talking to parents about the value of a liberal arts education. Sooner or later, almost every conversation comes around to cost.

Released: 26-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Gay men relate their development in new book
Cornell University

Cornell University Professor of Human Development Ritch Savin-Williams analyzes developmental milestones and turning points of 180 gay young men with generous excerpts from their poignant and diverse personal stories.

Released: 3-Sep-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Focus on Looks Puts Young Girls in Peril
Cornell University

A new book by Joan Jacobs Brumberg discusses how early menarche and new focus on body parts put young girls in peril. They have become so preoccupied with their bodies that they spend much of their energy managing and maintaining their looks at the expense of their creativity and mental and physical health, she says.

