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23-Jul-2009 12:20 PM EDT
Teen Pregnancy May Be Symptom, Not Cause, of Emotional Distress
Health Behavior News Service

It would make sense that teenage mothers have a lot of psychological stress in their lives, but a new study shows that the distress comes before the pregnancy, not because of it.

30-Jun-2009 3:30 PM EDT
REVISED: Getting Married - and Staying Married - Is Good for Your Health
Health Behavior News Service

A stable, long-term marriage can be good for your health, but divorce or widowhood leave a lasting scar on the health of middle-aged and older people, according to a new study. Remarriage seems to reduce but not erase the damage done by losing a marriage, and those who remain single after a marriage ends show consistently worse health than those who remarried.

Released: 21-Jul-2009 3:45 PM EDT
No Evidence That Combined DTP-HBV-Hib Vaccine Works Better
Health Behavior News Service

There is no evidence that giving infants a combination vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and hepatitis B along with a form of flu protects them as effectively as separate vaccines.

Released: 21-Jul-2009 3:40 PM EDT
Seniors Benefit From Strength Training
Health Behavior News Service

Progressive resistance muscle training improves strength in older adults and enhances their ability to do daily tasks such as walking, climbing steps or getting out of a chair.

Released: 21-Jul-2009 3:40 PM EDT
Blanket Support for Trauma Victims Not Best Way to Prevent PTSD
Health Behavior News Service

Say a deadly campus shooting occurs. It might seem sensible to offer everyone on campus psychological support to prevent psychological repercussions, including PTSD. However, a new review suggests the opposite.

Released: 16-Jul-2009 12:45 PM EDT
Prepared Patient: Seeking a Second ...or Third ...Opinion
Health Behavior News Service

Seeking out multiple sources of expert advice is one of the best ways for patients to gather information before proceeding with a treatment plan. Don't think of it as an end-run around your doctor: think of it as assembling the best team possible to guide you through some critical, potentially life-altering choices.

16-Jun-2009 12:40 PM EDT
Home Smoking Rules Tend to Vary by Race
Health Behavior News Service

Prohibiting tobacco use at home could reduce adolescent smoking rates, but the practice might be less common in black families than in white families.

Released: 14-Jul-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Green Tea: Mixed Reviews for Cancer Prevention
Health Behavior News Service

A large new Cochrane review of studies that examined the affect of green tea on cancer prevention has yielded conflicting results.

Released: 14-Jul-2009 2:45 PM EDT
Calming Parents Might Help Kids Cope With Anesthesia
Health Behavior News Service

No single non-drug method is clearly better for keeping a child calm and cooperative during the start of anesthesia. Having the parent present does not appear to help.

Released: 14-Jul-2009 2:45 PM EDT
Review: Weak Support for Workplace Hearing Loss Programs
Health Behavior News Service

A new review of existing research says there is little evidence to support mandatory hearing-loss prevention programs at the workplace. Workers could simply wear earplugs and other devices that protect hearing, but even those are not always effective, the review authors found.

Released: 9-Jul-2009 11:30 AM EDT
Drug Used to Treat Anemia in Cancer Is Harmful, Review Confirms
Health Behavior News Service

A Cochrane review found that patients with head and neck cancers who received erythropoietin in combination with radiation had poorer outcomes than those who received radiation treatment alone.

Released: 9-Jul-2009 11:30 AM EDT
Review: Weight-loss Drug Raises Blood Pressure
Health Behavior News Service

A new review of existing research confirms that a weight-loss drug raises blood pressure, posing a risk to obese patients who hope to reduce hypertension by shedding pounds.

Released: 9-Jul-2009 11:20 AM EDT
Sport Creams, Heat Rubs Not So Hot for Treating Muscle Pain
Health Behavior News Service

Would the Cochrane review author recommend salicylate creams to consumers? "I wouldn't waste the money. You might as well rub your skin with a bit of spit."

7-Jul-2009 8:00 PM EDT
College Students Might Drink Less If They Knew Peers' True Habits
Health Behavior News Service

Blame it on peer pressure. When college students think that other undergrads drink a lot of alcohol, they drink more themselves. But authors of a new review say that much of that peer influence is the result of incorrect perceptions.

Released: 7-Jul-2009 8:00 PM EDT
Tackling Several Allergens at Once to Prevent Asthma in Kids
Health Behavior News Service

Reducing children's exposure to a variety of allergens, rather than targeting a single "trigger," might be a better way to avoid asthma, according to a new review of studies.

2-Jul-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Garlic Might Fight Vampires Better Than It Fights Colds
Health Behavior News Service

A new review of the research on garlic pills was suggestive of benefit, but inconclusive.

2-Jul-2009 3:00 PM EDT
NSAIDs Can Reduce Common Cold Symptoms
Health Behavior News Service

A new Cochrane review of nine studies has found that NSAIDs are effective in reducing many cold symptoms. It is important to note, however, that NSAIDs can relieve symptoms of the common cold "“ not prevent or treat the illness.

Released: 30-Jun-2009 3:30 PM EDT
Secondhand Smoke Threatens Casino Workers' Health
Health Behavior News Service

New research suggests that casino workers face a higher risk of heart disease and lung cancer because they work in buildings filled with tobacco smoke.

11-Jun-2009 3:30 PM EDT
Nearly 1 in 10 Kids Report Cyber Bullying
Health Behavior News Service

New research shines a light on the phenomenon of "cyber bullying," suggesting that nearly 1 in 10 children are bullied through electronic means such as text messages, and girls are more likely to be victims than boys are.

Released: 22-Jun-2009 11:00 AM EDT
CFAH Research Helps Develop Better Consumer Tools for Healthcare Decisions
Center for Advancing Health (CFAH)

Analysis of Popular Consumer Decision Aids; ebay, Consumer Reports: Car Buying Guide, U.S. News & World Report: America's Best Colleges, and the FDA's Nutrition Facts Panels reveals keys To developing resources to help patients find and use better healthcare.
