Latest News from: University of Alabama at Birmingham

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Released: 31-Oct-2019 10:05 AM EDT
A kinase identified as possible target to treat heart failure
University of Alabama at Birmingham

An unexplored kinase in heart muscle cells may be a good target to treat heart failure, a disease that is only incrementally delayed by existing therapies. Failing human hearts showed reduced amounts of this kinase, and restoring the amount of this kinase in a kinase-depleted mouse model rescued the animal from heart failure.

Released: 24-Oct-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Study aims to learn more about ‘silent strokes’
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Investigators at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Stanford University want to learn more about silent strokes and their role in brain health, cognitive decline and dementia.

Released: 24-Oct-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Get your flu shot in October, early November to stay flu-free this season
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Physicians at the University of Alabama at Birmingham want to encourage everyone to get a flu shot between now and early November.

Released: 23-Oct-2019 11:45 AM EDT
NIH study to explore vaccine for gonorrhea prevention
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB’s Division of Infectious Diseases researchers have been awarded a three-year contract with a total potential amount of $10 million to study the efficacy of the vaccine Bexsero — already licensed to prevent meningitis — in protecting vulnerable populations from infection with the bacteria that causes gonorrhea.

Released: 22-Oct-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Study shoots down hopes that metformin might help strength training seniors build more muscle
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A new clinical trial dispels the hypothesis that the diabetes drug metformin could help exercising seniors gain more muscle mass by inhibiting tissue inflammation.

Released: 21-Oct-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Beta-blocker trial does not reduce risks for COPD patients
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dransfield said their findings showed no evidence that beta-blockers were helpful in reducing the risk of exacerbations.

Released: 17-Oct-2019 7:05 AM EDT
How to keep flu germs from spreading in your home
University of Alabama at Birmingham

You cannot really germ-proof your home, but you can clean and disinfect things to improve your chances of preventing the flu.

Released: 1-Oct-2019 5:05 AM EDT
What You Need to Know About Sinus Infections
University of Alabama at Birmingham

As the fall months approach, the potential for seasonal allergies, runny noses and sinus infections increases.

Released: 30-Sep-2019 4:55 PM EDT
Study: Violent Victimization Among Youths Is Linked to Risky Sexual Behavior
University of Alabama at Birmingham

For young people, being the victim of violence can lead to risky sexual behavior.

Released: 24-Sep-2019 4:00 PM EDT
Pivotal Role Found for IgC Autoantibodies in IgA Nephropathy
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A study largely validates that immunoglobulin IgG is a crucial part of the pathogenic immunodeposits in kidneys of patients with IgA nephropathy. The routine clinical test that identifies the presence of IgA in all cases of IgA nephropathy fails to show IgG in 50 to 80 percent of biopsies.

Released: 13-Sep-2019 3:05 PM EDT
How IL-6 allows the immune response to develop for a key cell, the T follicular helper
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A preclinical study published in Science Immunology shows how the interplay of two interleukin signaling proteins, IL-6 and IL-2, affects the development of T follicular helper cells and germinal centers. Thus, the research may help guide future disease treatment for autoimmune diseases like lupus.

Released: 11-Sep-2019 1:05 PM EDT
Full circle kindness: Transplant patients hope to inspire others
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB has successfully completed more than 14,000 transplants since doctors performed Alabama’s first kidney transplant in 1968.

Released: 6-Sep-2019 12:35 PM EDT
Economic recession and heart health: What’s the relationship?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The researchers found that from 2007-2010 to 2011-2016, American adults showed a decline in mean cardiovascular health score driven by an increasing prevalence of obesity and impaired fasting glucose.

Released: 6-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Two blood-clotting disorders with different causes interact synergistically
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Researchers have found a synergistic connection, or crosstalk, between two rare but potentially deadly blood-clotting diseases — thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome. The linkage may provide a rationale for a more targeted therapeutic intervention in patients.

Released: 6-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Biomarker identified for early beta cell death in Type 1 diabetes
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Pancreatic beta cells produce insulin. Their death is a key feature of Type 1 diabetes, and loss starts long before diagnosis. Researchers now have identified an early biomarker of Type 1 diabetes-associated beta-cell loss in humans — microRNA-204, which is easily measured in blood serum.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 4:05 PM EDT
PTSD is not just for veterans, it’s a trauma disorder that affects millions
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Research shows that individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder are not just war veterans, but anyone who has experienced some form of severe life trauma.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Get a new knee that morning, go home that afternoon
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB now does same-day knee replacement surgeries for selected patients. Advances in surgery and anesthesia make it possible for qualifying patients to avoid an overnight stay in the hospital, which reduces the risk of an acquired infection.

Released: 4-Sep-2019 5:05 PM EDT
Shh…Your Devices May Be Listening to You
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB computer science experts provide advice on how to protect your personal information from mobile devices and smart speakers.

Released: 4-Sep-2019 2:05 PM EDT
New members found in a transcription factor complex that maintains beta cells
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A protein complex in beta cells that includes the Islet-1 transcription factor regulates genes important to develop and maintain functional beta cells. Now researchers report the complex also associates with enzymes RNF20 and RNF40, and disruption of either enzyme reduces insulin release.

Released: 27-Aug-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Surviving gameday: Tips to help you make it through the season
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The boys of fall are back, but how your team fares this season could be the least of your worries.

Released: 27-Aug-2019 12:05 PM EDT
$3 million grant will fund search for biological basis of major depressive disorder
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A $3 million NIH grant will probe underlying biological changes of major depressive disorder, with a focus on epitranscriptomics. Early study of human postmortem MDD brains shows changes in amounts of enzymes that add or remove methyl groups to mRNA and changes in the mRNA targets of these enzymes.

Released: 27-Aug-2019 8:05 AM EDT
First-of-its-kind study shows link between unhealthy diet and symptoms of depression in youth
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Diet matters when it comes to depression. Teens who have a high-sodium, low-potassium diet are at a higher risk of depression.

Released: 22-Aug-2019 3:05 PM EDT
Woman’s Christmas present: Surviving an internal decapitation
University of Alabama at Birmingham

An Alabama woman suffered an internal decapitation when the ATV she was driving hit a barb wire fence. The story of her recovery is remarkable.

Released: 21-Aug-2019 4:05 PM EDT
Nine Signs Children May Need an Eye Exam
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Comprehensive eye exams can detect a variety of eye conditions, that left untreated in a child, could result in partial or complete loss of vision later on in life.

Released: 21-Aug-2019 2:05 PM EDT
The challenge: Make and purify a medical isotope that must be used the same day
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A DOE grant will help solve a production roadblock for the medically useful radioactive isotopes scandium 43 and scandium 47. If available, they could visualize and destroy solid tumors. But with a half-life of 4 hours, scandium 43 must be made, purified and then used in a PET scan in a single day.

Released: 21-Aug-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Diagnosis in 2.127 seconds: Solving a years-long vomiting mystery using AI, research and brain power
University of Alabama at Birmingham

An artificial intelligence tool developed at UAB's Precision Medicine Institute helped find relief for a young woman with cyclical vomiting syndrome. One unlikely remedy? isopropyl alcohol

Released: 19-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Research Shows That Conflict Avoidance Is How Society Overcomes Violence
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Historically, Americans have chosen conflict avoidance over violence in property rights.

Released: 19-Aug-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Study: Increase in Employment Shows Strong Correlation to Spread of Influenza
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Higher employment rates cause an increase in flu incidence, according to a new study.

Released: 19-Aug-2019 7:00 AM EDT
Snoring nose no limits
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Snoring affects nearly 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women

Released: 13-Aug-2019 11:40 AM EDT
Tips for teens, parents on staying safe during summer months and activities
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Pediatricians share their summer and back-to-school safety tips for parents and teens.

Released: 9-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Deciphering the regenerative potential of newborn mammalian hearts
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A new grant will study why the newborn mammalian heart can repair itself, an ability that vanishes a few days after birth. Aims are to decipher mechanisms that govern that neonatal regenerative potential, and see if those mechanisms can be manipulated to remuscularize hearts after heart attack.

Released: 7-Aug-2019 4:05 PM EDT
A Simple Method to Improve Heart-Attack Repair Using Stem Cell-Derived Heart Muscle Cells
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The heart cannot regenerate muscle after a heart attack. Injecting heart muscle cells grown in vitro could help the failing heart, but engraftment rates are low. A new and simple method to improve the quality of the delivered cells has now been tested in mice, and it doubles the engraftment rate.

Released: 7-Aug-2019 3:05 PM EDT
Eat this, not that: Tips for packing healthier school lunches
University of Alabama at Birmingham

School lunches and after-school snacks are important parts of a child’s daily routine. With a little creativity, you can help make certain that your child’s routine is based on healthy choices.

Released: 2-Aug-2019 12:20 PM EDT
Study: Parking Lots Present High Risk of Injury, Death in Children Due to Lack of Attention
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Research shows that young children are at a particular risk for pedestrian injuries in parking lots, and interventions should be made to decrease this risk.

30-Jul-2019 2:45 PM EDT
Battling low health literacy one step at a time
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Patients with low health literacy are at high risk of having poor health outcomes and experiences.
