Says Each Candidate Is Doubling Down on Who They Are and What They Believe In

As the 2012 Democratic National Convention comes to a close, Nova Southeastern University political experts are available to speak with media about various aspects of the convention, the Republican and Democratic presidential and V.P. candidates, and issues that affect this year’s political race.

Obama's speech to the 2012 Democratic National Convention hit a cord with Nova Southeastern University’s Professor of History, Law and Politics. Charles Zelden, Ph.D., found both Obama’s speech and delivery to be strong and serious. Zelden was especially taken by the President's point that we not only have rights as Americans, but responsibilities that go with these rights. Zelden says:This was a call to arms on par with Lincoln in his 1862 message to Congress when Obama noted; "The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion." The question is - are people listening, really listening -- to the words and their intent. The President is offering a stark choice between himself and Romney -- one similar too, if more explicit, than the choice Romney is offering between himself and the President. In a very real sense, each candidate is doubling down on who they are and what they believe in -- betting that a majority of the American people will agree with them and not their opponent. This sort of clear choice between political ideals doesn't happen much in American history. When it does, it makes the resulting election transformational. We are really making a choice that will affect this nation for decades to come.

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