Newswise — ORNL’s record in using small businesses to meet subcontracting needs has earned UT-Battelle the 2010 Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence in the Research and Development category.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) presented the award to Keith Joy, director of ORNL's Small Business Programs, and Jerome Hicks, director of ORNL Contracts Division, at a ceremony in Washington D.C. as part of National Small Business Week during May 23-25.

“Though our small business programs ORNL staff have worked consistently to serve as a valuable and productive resource to the small business community,” Joy said. “By providing advice and technical assistance to businesses interested in working with the Department of Energy, our programs enhance the ability of small businesses to be competitive in the subcontracting market.”

In fiscal year 2008, ORNL issued more than $251 million in subcontracting dollars to small businesses, representing nearly 63 percent of subcontracting expenditures. In fiscal year 2009, small business subcontracting dollars increased to $257 million.

ORNL's Small Business Program Office (SBPO) maintains an active national presence by attending, speaking and exhibiting at numerous small business conferences throughout the United States. The office also places an emphasis on making time for face-to-face, in-office discussions: In fiscal year 2009, the SBPO met with 210 visiting small business representatives.

Other recent honors include the 2008 DOE Mentor of the Year Award for improving the capabilities and contracting opportunities of its small business protégés as well as the 2008 DOE M&O Small Business Program Manager of the Year Award.

Created in 1991, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence honors the president who helped create the Small Business Administration. The award recognizes outstanding large prime contractors in their use of small business as suppliers and contractors in five different categories: manufacturing, service, research and development, construction and utility. In 2005, ORNL earned the distinction of being the first Office of Science laboratory to win this award.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

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