Newswise — In the last few years, as many as two-thirds of New York City public school students failed federally mandated standardized math exams, reflecting a nationwide crisis in math education. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel, appointed by President Bush in 2006, is expected to help set targets and create benchmarks for each grade. Due to be released by the Department of Education this week, the panel's report will address student proficiency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division according to school grade.

What if there was a new online program that offered students quality tutoring at affordable prices? A Brooklyn-based education company, Multimedia Tutorial Services, creator of Math Made Easyâ„¢, makes private, approachable, and friendly tutoring widely accessible through its website With live online tutoring packages beginning at as little as $49.95 per month, the company's premiere tutorial program focuses on reaching out and relating to students in fun, stimulating, and personable ways during thirty-minute practice sessions. The sessions, taught by a diverse and highly talented team of instructors, help students achieve better math grades by providing them with the confidence and skill level they need to succeed.

Factors that contribute to a lack of student motivation and the resultant decline in math skills nationally include inexperienced teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and, at home, parents who may not have the time or skills to help their children. speaks to a new generation of children on their home turf, allowing them to experience math in a comfortable learning environment—over the Internet. The program even has a notebook function that allows a child to review their work during a practice session anytime, similar to saving every blackboard a math teacher ever writes out during class!

When the highly anticipated National Mathematics Advisory Panel report is released this week, many teachers will be told to focus on the "critical" topics and foundations in mathematics. The suggested emphasis on the essentials may help educators stay on the same page, however, it will not guarantee positive results from children who may struggle with the subject. As children spring forward into school's final semester they may need some help from supplemental learning tools such as the to gain the confidence and clarity they need.

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