Newswise — The National Association For Continence (NAFC) has designated the Women’s Pelvic Health & Continence Center and The Woman’s Hospital of Texas as a Center of Excellence (COE): Continence Care in Women. This is the first time that a community hospital along with a separate, private practice group of physicians have applied and achieved this national designation as a single, integrated unit. Doctors at the Women’s Pelvic Health & Continence Center, an affiliate of Obstetrics & Gynecological Associates, PLLC (OGA)—Peter Lotze, MD, FACOG; Ginger Cathey, MD, FACOG; Kimberly Miller-Miles, MD, FACOG; Hilaire Fisher, MD, FACOG; and Nina Dereska, MD, FACOG are the principle physicians for this COE title.

It’s estimated that over 25 million adult Americans experience loss of bladder or bowel control, 75-80% of whom represent women. Because age is a risk factor for such health problems, the prevalence of those experiencing these problems is likely to grow as the baby boomer generation ages. Each day another 10,000 Americans turn 65 years of age. NAFC’s National Centers of Excellence: Continence Care initiative was established to offer consumers, seeking solutions to their bladder and bowel control problems and related pelvic floor dysfunction, a reliable, trustworthy means of finding an experienced and well-trained team of experts. The COE designation is based on evidence of extensive training, clinical experience, interdisciplinary resources and patient satisfaction statistics that meet established standards. Health care institutions seeking to apply for this designation must first meet prequalification requirements set by NAFC and its COE Review Committee. A complete list of the requirements can be found on NAFC’s website.

A multi-step process must be completed to achieve COE status. First, a qualified health care facility, together with two or more physicians, completes an application. Once minimal requirements are deemed satisfied, patient satisfaction data collection is initiated by means of a confidential, anonymous survey, results of which are analyzed and discussed with all individuals who are part of the application. A qualified NAFC staff member makes a site visit to the facility and interviews the entire team of providers and the support staff over a two-day period. A full written report is subsequently submitted to the COE Review Committee to determine if COE designation can be granted or if additional data is needed. From beginning to end the entire process is entirely patient-centered in criteria. Fully approved status is valid for three years before renewal. The COE designation applies to only to the facility at the location specified in the designation and to those named physicians at that facility who sought and received COE designation.

“We are so proud of the work that these physicians and our ancillary staff at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas have done to achieve this designation,” said Linda Russell, chief executive officer of The Woman’s Hospital of Texas. “The Woman’s Hospital is one of the few hospitals in the country that offers specialty care in urogynecology and an extensive array of specialized support services including physical therapy and women-centered proctology.”

The Woman’s Hospital of Texas was founded by a group of physicians in 1976 committed to providing health care exclusively for women and infants. Historically, The Woman’s Hospital is known for the innovative utilization of minimally invasive surgical techniques. Many of Woman’s physicians are pioneers in gynecologic surgery and Woman’s featured the first fellowship-trained urogynecologist in Houston, Dr. Peter Lotze.

“At the Women’s Pelvic Health & Continence Center, our only concern is to manage the health and well-being of women who have prolapse or incontinence,” said Dr. Peter Lotze, urogynecologist and medical director of the Women’s Pelvic Health & Continence Center. “Most physicians look at treating these issues with one option—surgery. We offer a variety of options that are validated treatments tested for safety and effectiveness for a cure.”

Named one of the nation’s top performers in using evidence-based care to patient outcomes by The Joint Commission, the Woman’s Hospital of Texas has Houston’s first urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery center and is the only center in the city staffed solely by fellowship-trained physicians. Woman’s Hospital has also ranked as one of the top 50 hospitals for gynecologic care in the US by the US News & World Report.

“The physicians receiving this Center of Excellence recognition represent the exceptional quality of care for which OGA is renowned,” said Dr. Mark Cone, chief executive officer of Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates. “We are aware that loss of bladder control and pelvic organ prolapse affect up to 50% of childbearing women. I am proud that OGA has physicians who are considered ‘excellent’ by an organization whose mission it is to provide effective treatment for these symptoms and to do so with understanding and respect.”

About NAFCThe National Association For Continence is a 501(c) 3 corporation whose mission is threefold: 1) to educate the public about the causes, diagnosis categories, treatment options and management alternatives for incontinence, voiding dysfunction, nocturnal enuresis and related pelvic floor disorders; 2) to network with other organizations and agencies to elevate the visibility and priority given to these areas; and 3) to advocate on behalf of consumers who suffer from such symptoms as a result of disease or other illness, obstetrical, surgical or other trauma, or deterioration due to the aging process itself. NAFC is broadly funded by consumers, health care professionals and industry. It is the world’s largest and most prolific consumer advocacy organization devoted exclusively to this field.

About Woman’s Hospital of TexasThe Woman’s Hospital of Texas is an acute care hospital located near the Texas Medical Center. The hospital was established in 1976 by a group of doctors who recognized the need for a facility focused solely on the care of women and infants. In keeping with this vision, Woman’s offers a full range of women’s services, including breakthrough developments in minimally invasive surgery and urogynecology as well as an antepartum unit, 36 labor and delivery rooms, a medical surgical unit and 124-bed Levels II and III Neonatal Intensive Care nurseries. Since its inception, Woman’s has welcomed nearly 200,000 babies into the world and delivers more babies in Harris County than any other hospital. Well equipped to handle everything from preemies weighing less than 1,500 grams to high-order multiples, the hospital garners recognition for its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as well as its impressive outcomes for its tiniest patients.

The Women's Pelvic Health CenterAbout The Women’s Pelvic Health & Continence Center is Houston's first urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery center and the only center staffed solely by fellowship-trained physicians. Patients enjoy the comprehensive service and unique individualized approach taken with each patient. The doctors and dedicated staff seek to provide patients with the highest level of care for each individual’s gynecologic and urogynecologic needs. Offices are located both in the Medical Center Area and the Bay Area. The Medical Center office is staffed by Drs. Cathey, Lotze and Wood and the center’s nurse practitioner sees patients in our Medical Center Area office as well. The Bay Area office is staffed by Dr. Miller-Miles.

About OGAThe Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates was founded in 1962. Now one of the largest and most technologically advanced obstetrical and gynecological groups in the nation. OGA is home to nearly 40 physicians and more than 300 ancillary staff members including physician's assistants, nurses, lab technicians and office personnel. OGA's accomplishments in the health care industry rival some of the best organizations in the world. The real success story of OGA is found in its people. All OGA physicians are diplomates of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology or board-certified. Many are fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and nearly all OGA physicians are Baylor College of Medicine clinical faculty members. The founding fathers of this organization worked hard to instill a belief in excellence and cooperation. These principles will lead OGA as we meet future health care challenges.