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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Best of 2011: Top News Releases of the Year

2011 saw quite a few news releases posted on Newswise — more than 10,000! — and quite a few popular topics helped stories go viral and attract enormous numbers of pageviews from around the web.  Looking back at 2011, here are some of the greatest hits, counting down to the #1 release of the year:

#10 - Researchers Create Near-Real-Time Map of Japan Quake Aftershocks

#9 - Most Effective Treatments for Common Childhood Eye Problem

#8 - Numerous Flaws in ‘Personhood’ Movement, Says Family Law Expert

#7 - Johns Hopkins Study Probes “Sacred Mushroom” Chemical

#6 - Change in Diet May Relieve Allergies and Asthma

#5 - Zoologists Lead Campaign to Save Endangered Tasmanian Devil

#4 - Congresswoman Giffords’ Shooter More Than Just a ‘Deranged Individual’

#3 - Whites Believe They Are Victims of Racism More Often Than Blacks

#2 - Scientists Engineer Malaria-Resistant Mosquito

#1 - How Mosquitoes Fly in the Rain








Posted by Thom Canalichio on 01/04/12 at 04:54 PM


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