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Our News on Newswise

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The Cancer Research Institute and the Kidney Cancer Association Announce a Collaboration to Co-Fund Kidney Cancer Immunotherapy Research

The Cancer Research Institute and the Kidney Cancer Association are collaborating on a new kidney cancer immunotherapy research grant.
24-Sep-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Appoints Alicia Zhou, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer to Advance Next Generation of Cancer Immunotherapy Science and Innovation

The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) has appointed Alicia Zhou, PhD, as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
9-Sep-2024 12:10 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Global Experts Converge at CICON24 to Unveil Groundbreaking Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy, September 8-11, 2024 at National Harbor, MD

CRI is co-hosting CICON24 to illuminate pioneering advances in cancer immunotherapy research starting September 8 in National Harbor, MD.
6-Sep-2024 12:20 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Cancer Research Institute Awards Over $22 Million in Grants to Fuel Immunotherapy Innovations

CRI awarded over $22 million to leading cancer immunotherapy researchers in the 2024 fiscal year, amounting to 64 awards at 42 institutions.
8-Aug-2024 10:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Cancer Research Institute Announces New Lloyd J. Old STARs Class

CRI has announced its new class of 2024 Scientists Taking Risks (STARs) grant recipients who are expert cancer immunotherapy researchers.
5-Aug-2024 11:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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New Survey of U.S. Oncologists Reveals Where More Work Can Be Done to Research Treatments for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

CRI helped commission a poll of oncologists who say that much more research is required to holistically tackle non-small cell lung cancer.
24-Jan-2024 8:50 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Cancer Research Institute Joins Lance Kawaguchi, #SouthPoleTrek4Cancer to Ring the Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell

The Cancer Research Institute and Lance Kawaguchi with the #SouthPoleTrek4Cancer ring in the Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell.
19-Dec-2023 10:15 AM EST Add to Favorites

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The Cancer Research Institute’s Patient Immunotherapy Summit is Now Available On Demand

CRI's 2023 Patient Immunotherapy Summit is now available on-demand for the benefit of cancer patients, families, caregivers, and scientists.
6-Dec-2023 1:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

Expert Available for Commentary on Recent FDA Analysis of TNF Blockers

The FDA announced on Aug 4 2009 that tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers used in the treatment of immune disorders carry an increased risk of lymphoma and other cancers in children and adolescents. The discoverer of TNF-alpha, Lloyd J. Old, M.D., a...
7-Aug-2009 9:00 AM EDT

PROVENGE Cancer Vaccine Heralds New Dawn in Cancer Therapy

Dendreon's PROVENGE for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer is the first active cellular immunotherapy to prolong patient survival, according to data from a pivotal phase III clinical trial announced at yesterday's AUA annual meeting in...
29-Apr-2009 11:20 AM EDT

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The mission of the Cancer Research Institute is to save more lives by fueling the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer.

