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Released: 26-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Electrical Nerve Stimulation May Help Reduce Chronic Pain in Cancer Patients
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Borrowing from the ancient practice of Chinese acupuncture, a newly developed electrical nerve-stimulation technique may help alleviate pain associated with cancer that has spread to bones, said researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Released: 30-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Understanding How Estrogen Protects Against Heart Disease
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas now have a better understanding of the protective role that estrogen plays in cardiovascular disease.

Released: 18-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Researchers Isolate Gene for Heart and Facial Defects
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have isolated the gene they believe is responsible for the most common genetic cause of heart and facial birth defects.

2-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Back Pain
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A recently developed electro-analgesia technique may offer new hope to patients who suffer from chronic, debilitating back pain, according to researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Released: 9-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
PSA Levels and Prostate Volume Can Predict Prostate Complications
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A routine test already in use to diagnose prostate cancer and enlarged prostate could also predict the likelihood of a patient requiring surgery or developing acute urinary retention.

30-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
New cell isolation method will aid in studying tumor development
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Investigators at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have developed a new way to isolate purified cancer cells - an important advance that will help unravel the mysteries of tumor biology and cancer development.

Released: 8-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Molecular Effect of Vitamin E on Plaque Formation Identified
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Furthering evidence of the importance of vitamin E, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have identified the pathway that may allow the vitamin to block the trigger of arterial plaque formation at the molecular level.

21-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Gender Affects Lung-Cancer Development
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Once again researchers have discovered that men and women may not in fact be equal - at least with respect to the pattern of precancerous lesions in the lungs of current and former smokers.

22-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Size and Morbidity/Mortality in Newborns
UT Southwestern Medical Center

The smallest 3 percent of infants born at term and of the same gestational age are at the greater risk of death or disability - compared to the 10 percent previously believed to be in danger.

Released: 13-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Way to Control Gene Activities
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have developed a method to turn off a gene for telomerase, which activates the continuous division of cancer cells. This finding could aid in the creation of new cancer drugs.
