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Switching Decisions: Interleukin-12 Influences B Cell Immune Response

Researchers discover that a cytokine called interleukin-12 (IL-12) acts like a switch to direct which antibody response B cells will generate.
26-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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3 women named to Pitt posts of engineering dean, education dean, head of student affairs

Michele V. Manuel has been named the first women dean at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, while Eboni Zamani-Gallaher likewise was named dean of the Pitt School of Education and Carla Panzella the vice provost for student...
30-May-2024 1:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Making batteries takes lots of lithium. Almost half of it could come from Pennsylvania wastewater.

A new analysis using compliance data from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection suggests that if it could be extracted with complete efficiency, lithium from the wastewater of Marcellus shale gas wells could supply up to 40% of the...
10-May-2024 10:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Nanotubes, nanoparticles, and antibodies detect tiny amounts of fentanyl

Using his platform composed of carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles, Professor Alexander Star added antibodies to detect the opioid. His sensor can also distinguish fentanyl from several other common opioids.
2-May-2024 3:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

How we remember

In two experiments, Temple and Pitt researchers asked participants to repeatedly study pairs of items and scenes that were either identical on each repetition or in which the item stayed the same but the scene changed each time.
12-Mar-2024 2:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Geographic disparities in access to addiction treatment medication may be linked to race, ethnicity

Buprenorphine, a life-saving medication for opioid use disorder, is far less accessible in geographic areas of the United States with racially and ethnically diverse populations than in predominantly white areas, according to a new study of...
21-Feb-2024 1:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Eating too much protein is bad for your arteries, and this amino acid is to blame

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine researchers discovered a molecular mechanism by which excessive dietary protein could increase atherosclerosis risk.
19-Feb-2024 8:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

Pitt ranks in Top 20 for patents granted to universities worldwide

For the first time, the University of Pittsburgh cracked the Top 20 of the National Academy of Inventors' annual list of worldwide universities granted utility patents.
15-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

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A nova is coming: learn more about this stellar explosion

Astronomers expect a “new” star will be visible in the sky by September following an explosion in the constellation Corona Borealis
3-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT

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