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Our News on Newswise

In Emergencies, Should You Trust a Robot?

In emergencies, people may trust robots too much for their own safety, a new study suggests. In a mock building fire, test subjects followed instructions from an “Emergency Guide Robot” even after the machine had proven itself unreliable – and...
29-Feb-2016 8:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

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Soft Matter Offers New Ways to Study How Materials Arrange

A fried breakfast food popular in Spain provided the inspiration for the development of doughnut-shaped droplets that may provide scientists with a new approach for studying fundamental issues in physics, mathematics and materials.
20-May-2013 8:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Protein Study Suggests Drug Side Effects are Inevitable

A new study of both computer-created and natural proteins suggests that the number of unique pockets – sites where small molecule pharmaceutical compounds can bind to proteins – is surprisingly small, meaning drug side effects may be impossible...
17-May-2013 2:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Ant Study Could Help Future Robot Teams Work Underground

Future teams of subterranean search and rescue robots may owe their success to the lowly fire ant, a much-despised insect whose painful bites and extensive networks of underground tunnels are all-too-familiar to people living in the southern United...
16-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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In Early Earth, Iron Helped RNA Catalyze Electron Transfer

A new study shows how complex biochemical transformations may have been possible under conditions that existed when life began on the early Earth. The study shows that RNA is capable of catalyzing electron transfer under conditions similar to those...
14-May-2013 9:50 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Pathway Competition Affects Early Brain Differentiation

A new study shows how the strength and timing of competing molecular signals during brain development has generated natural and presumably adaptive differences in a brain region known as the telencephalon -- much earlier than scientists had...
25-Apr-2013 8:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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“Taxels” Convert Mechanical Motion to Electronic Signals

Using bundles of vertical zinc oxide nanowires, researchers have fabricated arrays of piezotronic transistors capable of converting mechanical motion directly into electronic controlling signals. The arrays could help give robots a more adaptive...
24-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Robot & Baby Sea Turtles Reveal Principles of Motion

Based on a study of both hatchling sea turtles and "FlipperBot" -- a robot with flippers -- researchers have learned principles for how both robots and turtles move on granular surfaces such as sand.
21-Apr-2013 11:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

Experts Available to Discuss How a Flu Outbreak Spreads and the Best Intervention Strategies

Georgia Tech professors have developed models that show how a flu outbreak would spread in the state of Georgia and what the best intervention strategies are.
27-Apr-2009 1:40 PM EDT

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Georgia Tech Research News communicates the results of research from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Research News also publishes Research Horizons Magazine, Georgia Tech's research magazine.
