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National Center for Science Education
Oakland, CA USA

Our News on Newswise

Top Ten Evolution Stories of 2010

Those crafty creationists just won't let up. Since they can't get their way in the courts or state legislatures, their new tactic is to attack the curriculum itself, from science standards to textbooks, forcing teachers to teach science the...
17-Dec-2010 3:45 PM EST Add to Favorites

Giant Science Party

Mondo science party this weekend in DC! The USA Science & Engineering Festival and Expo features 1500 exhibits, 750 organizations (including NCSE), 75 stage shows, and more.
20-Oct-2010 8:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Free Evolution Book Excerpts

The NCSE is offering free evolution book excerpts on its web site (
25-Aug-2010 4:55 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Dr. Scott, the Octodoc

NCSE's executive director Dr. Eugenie C. Scott just nabbed honorary doctorates #7 and #8...and offers some sage advice on common sense and sunscreen.
17-May-2010 3:50 PM EDT Add to Favorites

First Annual UpChucky Awards Announced

Which creationist was the most nauseating?
3-Mar-2010 3:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

From Evolution to Global Warming?

Science deniers, creationists, and their fellow travelers aren't just targeting evolution. Now they're turning their sights on global warming.
28-Feb-2010 3:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

Newswise: Darwin_awardblank3b--smaller.jpg

Darwin Stands Tall in Texas!

"Friends of Darwin" take center stage.
24-Feb-2010 1:35 PM EST Add to Favorites

Top Doc Nabs Fab Sci Prize--Again!

Dr. Eugenie C. Scott Joins Carl Sagan, C. Everett Koop in National Academy of Sciences honor.
12-Jan-2010 2:15 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

Francis Collins Nomination: Expert Sources

Need a clear-eyed take on the Francis Collins nomination to head the NIH? issues? The NCSE has two experts you can turn to.
9-Jul-2009 8:00 PM EDT

Darwin in Danger? Top Evolution Stories of the Year

Evolution is under attack across the U.S. Last year, the teaching of evolution was challenged in scores of schools. During the same period, six states introduced (and Louisiana passed) "academic freedom laws" that discredit evolution and smuggle...
30-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST

See All Experts


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