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9-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Does Living in America’s Wealthiest Communities Make You Safer?
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

Nationwide study published in Risk Analysis, compares the concentration of hazards and risks for the richest and poorest counties and municipalities in all 50 states (200 locations). Wealthier communities face higher economic consequences from natural hazard events compared to the poorest, mostly rural communities. The lowest-income municipalities have fewer impact from natural hazards, but at least 50% higher suicide and homicide rates, and firearm fatalities.

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Newswise: Measuring What Matters: Broadening the Scope of Health Economics Evaluation to Incorporate Well-Being
Released: 9-Jul-2024 4:05 AM EDT
Measuring What Matters: Broadening the Scope of Health Economics Evaluation to Incorporate Well-Being
ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research announced the publication of a special themed section of research papers in Value in Health that offer insights into facets of economic evaluation aimed to incorporate well-being into decision making.

Newswise: Measuring the doughnut: A good and ecological life is possible for all
Released: 8-Jul-2024 2:05 AM EDT
Measuring the doughnut: A good and ecological life is possible for all
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Sustainability and quality of life – a contradiction? Not necessarily, shows a new study by Empa researchers. According to their calculations, an ecologically and socially just life is possible for over ten billion people. It will, however, require a paradigm shift.

Newswise: Unveiling East Asia's urban landscape: a massive mapping project illuminates 280 million buildings
Released: 3-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Unveiling East Asia's urban landscape: a massive mapping project illuminates 280 million buildings
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pioneering study has completed a detailed mapping of 280 million buildings in East Asia, a region grappling with urbanization challenges. This mapping, the most extensive to date, utilizes very high-resolution (VHR) imagery to create a precise and comprehensive dataset.

Newswise: COVID-19 pandemic tied to low birth weight for infants in India, study shows
Released: 2-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
COVID-19 pandemic tied to low birth weight for infants in India, study shows
University of Notre Dame

The incidence of low birth weight rose sharply in India amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research from Santosh Kumar, associate professor of development and global health economics at the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame.

Released: 26-Jun-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Available: Kenya’s President Rejects Finance Bill After Violent Protests
George Washington University

Kenya’s president said Wednesday he will not sign a finance bill that included tax hikes, bowing to pressure from protestors had stormed parliament, launched demonstrations across the country and... ...
