Feature Channels: Respiratory Diseases and Disorders

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Released: 5-Aug-2019 12:05 AM EDT
Leading Health Organizations Introduce New Award to Advance Lung Cancer Research
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons—along with its charitable arm, The Thoracic Surgery Foundation (TSF)—and the American Lung Association have established a new grant, the Lung Cancer Research Award, designed to support investigators performing impactful lung cancer research.

Released: 2-Aug-2019 1:05 PM EDT
Nordic researchers: A quarter of the world's population at risk of developing tuberculosis
Aarhus University

A new study from Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University, Denmark, has shown that probably 1 in 4 people in the world carry the tuberculosis bacterium in the body.

29-Jul-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Mount Sinai Researchers Make Immunotherapy Work for Treatment-Resistant Lymphoma
Mount Sinai Health System

Mount Sinai researchers have developed a way to use immunotherapy drugs against treatment-resistant non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas for the first time by combining them with stem cell transplantation, an approach that also dramatically increased the success of the drugs in melanoma and lung cancer, according to a study published in Cancer Discovery in July.

Released: 1-Aug-2019 3:00 PM EDT
ATS Publishes Clinical Guideline on Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society has published an official clinical guideline on the evaluation and management of obesity hypoventilation syndrome in the Society’s Aug. 1 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 1-Aug-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Discovery of distinct lung cancer pathways may lead to more targeted treatments
Mayo Clinic

Known for its poor prognosis, lung adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer, responsible for about 4 of 10 diagnoses, according to the National Cancer Institute. Researchers on Mayo Clinic's Florida campus can now distinguish between two pathways where this deadly cancer can develop. They say their discovery could help future patients. The findings appear in Cancer Cell.

Released: 31-Jul-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Dangers of E-Cigarette Usage and the Vaping Trend
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Vaping and e-cigarettes have quickly become popular among teens today, but Michigan Medicine pulmonary expert, Wassim Walid Labaki, M.D., warns that vaping won’t mitigate risks to your health, and could be responsible for creating them.

Released: 30-Jul-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Memorial Sloan Kettering Among the Top “Best Hospitals” for Cancer Care and Ranked First in Gynecology by U.S News & World Report
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) has been ranked as the number two hospital for cancer care in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report in its annual listing of Best Hospitals. Since the inception of the rankings 30 years ago, MSK has held either the first or second spot each year for cancer care. In addition to its ranking for overall cancer care, MSK was ranked #1 in Gynecology.

Released: 30-Jul-2019 8:30 AM EDT
New Study Finds Overuse of Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics to Treat Pneumonia Leads to Worse Outcomes
Intermountain Healthcare

A new study by researchers at Intermountain Healthcare has found that administering broad-spectrum antibiotics, which act against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria, to treat patients with pneumonia often does more harm than good.

Released: 25-Jul-2019 4:55 PM EDT
Home Renovations Linked to Diminished Lung Function
University at Albany, State University of New York

A study by UAlbany’s School of Public Health and international colleagues found that home renovations, particularly with vinyl flooring, cause impaired lung function during childhood

Released: 23-Jul-2019 12:05 PM EDT
First Impressions Go a Long Way in the Immune System
Weizmann Institute of Science

When immune cells and bacteria meet, the outcome is decided fairly quickly – including whether the bacteria will lie dormant, as in diseases like tuberculosis. Now, Weizmann Institute scientists have developed an algorithm that predicts how the immune system will respond to a pathogen, thus leading to early diagnosis for infectious diseases.

16-Jul-2019 4:00 PM EDT
Ivacaftor May Reduce Common Infections in Patients with CF
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Patients with cystic fibrosis who take ivacaftor appear to have fewer respiratory infections over time than those not taking the drug, according to new research published online in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Released: 17-Jul-2019 4:05 PM EDT
Shaky Scaffold Changes Lung Infrastructure
Thomas Jefferson University

Researchers identify changes in enzymes that may contribute to lung damage in rare genetic disorder

Released: 12-Jul-2019 2:45 PM EDT
Horiba & SYnAbs partnership : Production of guinea pig monoclonal antibody directed against a steroid hormone and its binding study thanks to SPRi technology
71st AACC Annual Scientific Meeting Press Program

Monoclonal antibodies represent therapeutics of great conditions such as cancer, inflammatory disease, organ transplantation, cardiovascular disease, infection, respiratory disease and even ophthalmologic disease.

9-Jul-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Adding Immunotherapy After Initial Treatment Can Benefit Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Treating metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab after they’ve completed locally ablative therapy almost tripled the median progression-free survival compared to the historical average.

Released: 9-Jul-2019 12:05 PM EDT
New CT scan analysis predicts respiratory illness and death in COPD
University of Alabama at Birmingham

CT scans of the lungs of smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — when analyzed by a mathematical function called airway fractal dimension — can estimate increased risk of death for a group of people who are not otherwise identified as high-risk by conventional tests.

2-Jul-2019 8:05 AM EDT
Pneumonia patients get too many antibiotics – especially as they leave the hospital
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A million times a year, pneumonia sends American adults to the hospital. And while antibiotics help save lives, a new study shows two-thirds receive more antibiotics than they probably need.

Released: 8-Jul-2019 2:05 PM EDT
What is driving the spike in black lung disease among coal miners?
University of Illinois Chicago

Rates of severe coal workers’ pneumoconiosis — also known as black lung disease — among coal miners have been on the rise recently despite regulations on exposure to dusts associated with mining. Researchers believe the higher rates of more severe lung disease may be due to greater exposure to silica, likely as a byproduct of going after ever-narrowing coal seams that require cutting through more rock to reach.

25-Jun-2019 1:00 PM EDT
Using Artificial Intelligence to Deliver Personalized Radiation Therapy
Cleveland Clinic

New Cleveland Clinic-led research shows that artificial intelligence (AI) can use medical scans and health records to personalize the dose of radiation therapy used to treat cancer patients. Published today in The Lancet Digital Health, the research team developed an AI framework based on patient computerized tomography (CT) scans and electronic health records.
