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Released: 8-Mar-2022 9:25 AM EST
Physical activity may protect your brain as you age
University of Georgia

We all know we should exercise and eat healthy. But doing that isn’t just good for maintaining your figure as you age. New research from the University of Georgia shows that physical activity could help protect your cognitive abilities as you age. And it doesn’t have to be intense exercise to make an impact.

23-Feb-2022 9:55 AM EST
Additional Years of Ice Hockey Play May Be Linked to Greater Chance of CTE
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a degenerative brain disease linked to the repetitive head impacts that athletes get from playing contact sports. According to a new preliminary study, each additional year of playing ice hockey may increase a person’s chance of developing CTE by about 23%. The research being released today, March 2, 2022, will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 74th Annual Meeting being held in person in Seattle, April 2 to 7, 2022 and virtually, April 24 to 26, 2022.

Released: 24-Feb-2022 4:35 PM EST
Mayo Clinic


Released: 24-Feb-2022 1:55 PM EST
أمل جديد: خبير مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية يشرح تغيير النهج المتبع لمشاكل القلب لدى الرياضيين
Mayo Clinic

لندن- قد تمثل أمراض القلب نهاية الرحلة أو حتى تهدد حياة الرياضيين التنافسيين والترفيهيين على حدٍ سواء، إلا إن الأطباء يدركون أنه في كثير من الحالات، يمكن معالجة مشاكل القلب لمساعدة المرضى على ممارسة الرياضة. إيليا بهر، دكتور الطب، وطبيب القلب في مايو كلينك للرعاية الصحية في لندن، يشرح التوجه العام لإبقاء الرياضيين المصابين بمشاكل القلب في رحلتهم الرياضية وألعابهم.

Released: 24-Feb-2022 1:50 PM EST
Novo jogo: especialista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare explica a mudança de abordagem de problemas cardíacos em atletas
Mayo Clinic

Doenças cardíacas podem significar o fim do jogo ou até um risco à vida tanto para atletas de competição como para recreacionais, mas os médicos estão descobrindo que, em muitos casos, os problemas cardíacos podem ser administrados para ajudar os pacientes a continuar praticando esportes.

Released: 24-Feb-2022 1:10 PM EST
Novedad: experto de Mayo Clinic Healthcare explica cambio de método para problemas cardíacos de los deportistas
Mayo Clinic

Las afecciones cardíacas pueden poner fin al deporte o hacer peligrar la vida de los deportistas, sean de competición o recreación, pero los médicos ahora se dan cuenta de que en muchos casos, es posible controlar los problemas cardíacos para permitir que los pacientes continúen practicando deporte.

Released: 23-Feb-2022 1:30 PM EST
New game: Mayo Clinic Healthcare expert explains changing approach to heart issues in athletes
Mayo Clinic

Heart conditions can be game-ending or even life-threatening for competitive and recreational athletes alike, but physicians are realizing that in many cases, cardiac issues can be managed to help patients carry on with sports. Elijah Behr, M.D., a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, explains the trend toward keeping athletes with heart problems in the game.

Released: 17-Feb-2022 4:25 PM EST
Blood samples from professional soccer players provides latest evidence that headers affect brain activity
Taylor & Francis

Repetitive headers and accidental head impacts in soccer are leading to changes in blood patterns, linked to brain signalling pathways and potential alterations – the latest study to assess potential dangers of heading in soccer shows.

Newswise:Video Embedded virginia-tech-helmet-lab-takes-on-snow-sports-with-new-ratings
Released: 17-Feb-2022 12:55 PM EST
Virginia Tech Helmet Lab takes on snow sports with new ratings
Virginia Tech

The ratings, which are built on years of Virginia Tech’s research and expertise in injury biomechanics, provide a unique, evidence-based way for consumers to know which helmets offer the best protection.

Newswise: Integrity of the sport: FSU expert available to discuss Olympic figure skating scandal
Released: 16-Feb-2022 9:00 AM EST
Integrity of the sport: FSU expert available to discuss Olympic figure skating scandal
Florida State University

By: Kathleen Haughney | Published: February 16, 2022 | 8:51 am | SHARE: With 15-year-old Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva under the world’s microscope for her alleged use of a banned substance, the outcomes of the team competition and potentially the women’s competition may be in doubt.Florida State University’s renowned experts are available to discuss the use of banned substances in athletic competitions with the news media.

Newswise: Who Will Win Big at Super Bowl LVI: Bengals, Rams or Sports Betting Fans?
Released: 11-Feb-2022 1:40 PM EST
Who Will Win Big at Super Bowl LVI: Bengals, Rams or Sports Betting Fans?
University of Northern Colorado

UNC doctoral students are going on all researching the sports betting industry. The goal is to find out what motivates people to make a bet and if the exchange is financially sound

Newswise: An IU Kelley School advertising industry veteran offers insights into Super Bowl commercials
Released: 9-Feb-2022 12:50 PM EST
An IU Kelley School advertising industry veteran offers insights into Super Bowl commercials
Indiana University

Before coming to the Indiana University Kelley School of Business in 2002, initially as a lecturer, Ann Bastianelli, spent more than 30 years in advertising and marketing. Today a teaching professor of marketing, she remains in tune with the latest in advertising and marketing trends. We asked what she expects to see this Super Bowl Sunday, the biggest day of the year in advertising.

Released: 8-Feb-2022 2:00 PM EST
New Clinical Tool Predicts Prolonged Recovery After Sports-Related Concussion
Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP)

A new clinical tool can be used to identify which patients who first present with a sports-related concussion are more likely to have a prolonged recovery according to new research published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (AJPMR).

Released: 8-Feb-2022 1:50 PM EST
Personality Traits Drive Players’ Decisions to Return to Contact Sports Sooner After Concussion
Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP)

Personality traits like experience seeking and impulsivity may make athletes more eager to return to competitive sports sooner after they have had a sports-related concussion, according to new research published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (AJPMR).
