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Released: 14-Jun-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Self-Regulation, Resilience, Commitment and Discipline Appear Key to Becoming an Elite Level Football Player
Leeds Beckett University

Psychosocial characteristics influence whether you become an elite level football player of the future, according to research from Leeds Beckett University.

Released: 14-Jun-2017 7:05 AM EDT
UVA Honored as Center of Excellence for Bone Marrow Cancer
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Cancer Center has earned recognition as a national center of excellence for its care of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a cancer of the bone marrow that often leads to leukemia.

Released: 14-Jun-2017 6:05 AM EDT
Electrifying Magnetism
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Researchers create materials with controllable electrical and magnetic properties, even at room temperature.

Released: 14-Jun-2017 6:05 AM EDT
Lawrence Livermore Researchers to Design, Build Instrument to Help Explore Metal Asteroid
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

In a few years, an instrument designed and built by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers will be flying hundreds of millions of miles through space to explore a rare, largely metal asteroid.

13-Jun-2017 3:00 PM EDT
Statins Should Not Be Used for Protection Against Parkinson’s Disease, Research Suggests
Penn State College of Medicine

Use of statins may speed up the onset of Parkinson’s disease symptoms in people who are susceptible to the disease, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers.

Released: 14-Jun-2017 5:35 AM EDT
One Step Closer to Practical Fast Charging Batteries
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Novel electrode materials have designed pathways for electrons and ions during the charge/discharge cycle.

Released: 14-Jun-2017 5:05 AM EDT
Radiation Levels in Food Predicted
University of Portsmouth

Food in Japan will be contaminated by low-level radioactivity for decades following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, but not at a level which poses a serious risk to human health, according to new research.

14-Jun-2017 5:00 AM EDT
Researchers Create 3-D Printed Tensegrity Objects Capable of Dramatic Shape Change
Georgia Institute of Technology

A team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology has developed a way to use 3-D printers to create objects capable of expanding dramatically that could someday be used in applications ranging from space missions to biomedical devices.

Released: 14-Jun-2017 1:00 AM EDT
Breakthrough by Queen’s University Paves Way for Smaller Electronic Devices
Queen's University Belfast

Queen’s University Belfast researchers have discovered a new way to create extremely thin electrically conducting sheets, which could revolutionise the tiny electronic devices that control everything from smart phones to banking and medical technology.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 9:05 PM EDT
Discovery by NUS Researchers Improves Understanding of Cellular Ageing and Cancer Development
National University of Singapore (NUS)

A team of researchers led by Dr Dennis Kappei, a Special Fellow from the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore at the National University of Singapore, has discovered the role of the protein ZBTB48 in regulating both telomeres and mitochondria, which are key players involved in cellular ageing. The results of the study will contribute to a better understanding of the human ageing process as well as cancer development.

13-Jun-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Ancient Otter Tooth Found in Mexico Suggests Mammals Migrated Across America
University at Buffalo

An ancient otter tooth recently discovered in Mexico suggests certain mammals migrated across America during the Miocene geologic epoch, roughly 23 million to 5.3 million years ago. The new hypothesized route questions other theories such as migrations above Canada and through Panama, and has implications for a much larger biologic event — the Great American Biotic Interchange, when land bridges were formed and animals dispersed to and from North America and South America.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 7:05 PM EDT
Researchers advocate statistical approach to search for Earth-like planets
University of Chicago

Astronomers at the University of Chicago and Grinnell College seek to change the way scientists approach the search for Earth-like planets orbiting stars other than the sun, taking a statistical comparative approach in seeking life beyond the solar system.

12-Jun-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Researchers Pinpoint How Detecting Social Signals May Have Affected How We See Colors
New York University

The arrangement of the photoreceptors in our eyes allows us to detect socially significant color variation better than other types of color vision, a team of researchers has found. Specifically, our color vision is superior at spotting “social signaling,” such as blushing or other facial color changes—even when compared to the type of color vision that we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 6:05 PM EDT
ARN Releases White Paper to Define the Role of the Rehabilitation Nurse Within Cancer Rehabilitation
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses

As cancer survival rates continue to rise, more and more patients benefit from physical rehab during and after treatment to help maintain and restore function. Rehabilitation nurses look to ARN to help define their role in this arena.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 6:05 PM EDT
U.S.-China Collaboration Makes Excellent Start in Optimizing Lithium to Control Fusion Plasmas
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Feature describes testing different lithium injectors on China's EAST tokamak.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 6:05 PM EDT
Shape and Size of DNA Lesions Caused by Toxic Agents Affects Repair of DNA
University of California San Diego

A team led by New York University researchers has identified and described how a major player in the repair process, called nucleotide excision repair or NER, works to recognize certain lesions for subsequent removal by the NER machinery.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 5:05 PM EDT
ARN to Meet with Congressional Offices to Discuss Improving Transitions of Care
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses

On June 21 the ARN Board of Directors will meet with congressional offices to promote Transitions of Care for Patients.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 5:00 PM EDT
Hazards of Cigarette Smoking Extend Way Beyond the Lungs
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

The long list of conditions that smoking can cause, contribute to, increase the risk of or worsen runs from high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and stroke to gum disease, arthritis and erectile dysfunction.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Concussion Effects Detailed on Microscopic Level
Ohio State University

New research has uncovered details about subcellular-level changes in the brain after concussion that could one day lead to improved treatment.

Released: 13-Jun-2017 4:05 PM EDT
University of Redlands Appoints Donna M. Eddleman as Dean of Student Affairs
University of Redlands

Following a national search, the University of Redlands today announced the appointment of Dr. Donna M. Eddleman as University dean of student affairs, effective August 7.
