Feature Channels: Respiratory Diseases and Disorders

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Released: 12-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Markey Researchers Discover Role of Nuclear Glycogen in Non-small Cell Lung Cancers
University of Kentucky

Researchers at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center have made a breakthrough discovery that solves a mystery long forgotten by science and have identified a potentially novel avenue in pre-clinical models to treat non-small cell lung cancers.

Released: 12-Sep-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Texas Biomed Researchers Pinpoint Why HIV Patients Are More Likely to Develop Tuberculosis
Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Tuberculosis and HIV – two of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases – are far worse when they occur together. Now, Texas Biomedical Research Institute researchers have pinpointed an important mechanism at work in this troubling health problem. And, their discovery could lead to a new mode of treatment for people at risk.

Released: 12-Sep-2019 10:00 AM EDT
Science Snapshots: messenger proteins, new TB drug, artificial photosynthesis
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Science Snapshots: messenger proteins, new TB drug, artificial photosynthesis

Released: 12-Sep-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Failed Cancer Drug Looks Promising For Scleroderma And Other Fibrotic Conditions
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Sixteen years ago, a research group at Mayo Medical School published results showing that a protein called TRAIL can kill cells that cause liver fibrosis but no one seemed to follow up on these findings. Now, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have improved on this protein and shown that it selectively kills cells that cause the hardening of skin associated with scleroderma, effectively reversing the condition in mice genetically engineered to mimic the disease. A report on these results was published earlier this year in Nature Communications.

11-Sep-2019 1:05 PM EDT
HHMI Awards $1.4 Million Each to 15 Hanna Gray Fellows to Support Diversity in Science
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

HHMI announces the selection of 15 exceptional early career scientists as 2019 HHMI Hanna Gray Fellows to support diversity in biomedical research. The 2020 Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program competition is now open. Applications are due on January 8, 2020.

Released: 11-Sep-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Expert Alert: Mayo Clinic expert addresses vaping concerns
Mayo Clinic

With possible vaping-related deaths dominating news headlines, there is an increased concern on its effects and associated lung illnesses. Health officials are worried that there is a possible connection between vaping and a number of multi-state deaths that have occurred in the United States. While it’s not necessarily clear what is causing the lung damage, the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention has issued a warning to discontinue vaping pending further investigation into the surge of lung-related deaths.

Released: 10-Sep-2019 6:05 PM EDT
Rutgers Medical Expert Discusses Health Effects of Vaping on Youth
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Young people face special health risks when using e-cigarettes, according to tobacco dependence expert

Released: 10-Sep-2019 9:15 AM EDT
Gene Coding Error Found in Rare, Inherited Form of Lung-Scarring Disorder Linked to Short Telomeres
Johns Hopkins Medicine

By combing through the entire genetic sequences of a person with a lung scarring disease and 13 of the person’s relatives, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have found a coding error in a single gene that is likely responsible for a rare form of the disease and the abnormally short protective DNA caps on chromosomes long associated with it.

Released: 9-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic和United Therapeutics携手共建医疗探索与创新楼,为更多患者提供移植用肺
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic在佛罗里达州新建的探索与创新楼于8月22日(周四)正式开放。在此运用的先进技术将增加可供移植的肺器官数量。另外,这栋占地75,000平方英尺的大楼还会配设创新型生命科学孵化器,让企业家能够利用各项资源将医疗解决方案推向市场。

6-Sep-2019 11:05 AM EDT
First Marker for Mysterious Vaping Illness Identified
University of Utah Health

A new development has revealed a previously unknown characteristic of the vaping-related respiratory illness that has been emerging in clusters across the U.S. in recent months. The finding may allow doctors to definitively diagnose the nascent syndrome more quickly and provide the right treatment sooner. University of Utah Health investigators reported the findings in a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Released: 6-Sep-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic und United Therapeutics erhöhen die Anzahl Lungen für eine Transplantation in einem neuen Gebäude, das der medizinischen Entdeckung und Innovation gewidmet ist
Mayo Clinic

Das neue Entdeckungs- und Innovationsgebäude der Mayo Clinic in Florida eröffnete am Donnerstag, dem 22. August. Hier wird durch wegweisende Technologie die Anzahl der für die Transplantation verfügbaren Lungen erhöht. In dem rund 7000 Quadratmeter großen Gebäude wird sich auch ein innovativer Life Sciences Incubator befinden, der Unternehmer mit Ressourcen verbindet, um medizinische Lösungen auf den Markt zu bringen.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 5:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic et United Therapeutics prévoient d'augmenter le nombre de poumons disponibles pour les transplantations dans un nouveau bâtiment dédié à la recherche et à l’innovation médicales
Mayo Clinic

Le nouveau Discovery and Innovation Building de la Mayo Clinic en Floride, un bâtiment dédié à la recherche et à l’innovation, a ouvert ses portes le jeudi 22 août. Dans cet endroit, une technologie novatrice augmentera le nombre de poumons disponibles pour les transplantations.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 1:05 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic e United Therapeutics aumentarão o número de pulmões para transplante em novo edifício dedicado a descobertas médicas e inovação
Mayo Clinic

O novo Edifício de Descobertas e Inovação da Mayo Clinic na Flórida foi inaugurado na quinta-feira, 22 de agosto. Nele, a tecnologia de ponta aumentará o número de pulmões disponíveis para transplante.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 11:20 AM EDT
SCCA Experts Present Cancer Research at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

News and interview opportunities at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

3-Sep-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Vaping May Harm Fertility in Young Women
Endocrine Society

E-cigarette usage may impair fertility and pregnancy outcomes, according to a mouse study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 8:00 AM EDT
Researchers Characterize Lung Inflammation Associated With Some Cancer Immnunotherapy
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Immune checkpoint inhibitors are a type of therapy that uses the immune system to fight cancer. They have been hailed as game changing, garnering a Nobel Prize last year and quickly becoming the standard of care for many tumor types such as melanoma and certain lung and head and neck cancers.

Released: 4-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
UTEP School of Pharmacy Awarded NIH Grant to Study Thirdhand Smoke
University of Texas at El Paso

Researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso’s School of Pharmacy have been awarded $1.8 million from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study the effects of thirdhand smoke on platelet function and cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke.

Released: 4-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Henry Ford Cancer Institute First-in-Michigan, Second-in-World to Complete Laser Spinal Ablation
Henry Ford Health

Henry Ford Cancer Institute is the first-in-Michigan and second-in-the-world to complete an innovative cancer treatment known as Spinal Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (SLITT), which destroys cancer cells that are adjacent to the spine without the need for open surgery.

Released: 4-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Study Maps Genetics of Early Progression in TB
Harvard Medical School

Study identifies possible gene variants that determine whether a person infected with TB will progress rapidly to active disease.
