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Newswise: Radioactivity not invited! Argonne uses heavy ions to quickly and safely produce degradation in nuclear materials
Released: 16-Jan-2024 2:20 PM EST
Radioactivity not invited! Argonne uses heavy ions to quickly and safely produce degradation in nuclear materials
Argonne National Laboratory

ATLAS — the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System — can do even more ​“heavy lifting” for physics and nuclear science than previously thought.

Newswise: Joshua Zide: Then and Now / 2012 Early Career Award Winner
Released: 16-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Joshua Zide: Then and Now / 2012 Early Career Award Winner
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Joshua Zide and his team at the University of Delaware are taking a new approach to materials, making metallic nanoparticles separately from films and then incorporating them. It turns semiconductors into nanocomposites with different properties and new applications.

Newswise: Snow-Capped Mountains at Risk from Climate Change
Released: 16-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Snow-Capped Mountains at Risk from Climate Change
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Humans store water in huge metal towers and deep concrete reservoirs. But nature’s water storage is much more scenic – the snowpack that tops majestic mountains.

Released: 16-Jan-2024 9:30 AM EST
A roadmap for rescuing Utah's Great Salt Lake
University of Utah

Conserving water won’t be enough to restore the depleted Great Salt Lake, the signature Utah landscape whose existence as a functioning ecosystem remains seriously imperiled from low water levels and rising salinity.

Newswise: A roadmap for rescuing Utah's Great Salt Lake
Released: 16-Jan-2024 9:05 AM EST
A roadmap for rescuing Utah's Great Salt Lake
University of Utah

Conserving water won’t be enough to restore the depleted Great Salt Lake, the signature Utah landscape whose existence as a functioning ecosystem remains seriously imperiled from low water levels and rising salinity. Much of the water saved by Utah cities and farms through various conservation measures will have to be allowed to flow into the terminal lake if its levels are to rebound and remain at a safe level, according to Utah’s Great Salt Lake Strike Team. The panel of university and agency experts has released its latest data analysis just ahead of Utah’s upcoming legislative session.

Newswise: AI and robots will play an active role at manufacturing sites
Released: 16-Jan-2024 9:00 AM EST
AI and robots will play an active role at manufacturing sites
National Research Council of Science and Technology

The research team led by Chang-hyun Kim, head of the Department of AI Machinery of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials(KIMM) has succeeded in developing an AI technology for robot work that can be easily applied to manufacturing processes.

Newswise: ISPOR Publishes New Top 10 HEOR Trends Report
Released: 16-Jan-2024 4:05 AM EST
ISPOR Publishes New Top 10 HEOR Trends Report
ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) announced today the publication of its “2024-2025 Top 10 HEOR Trends Report.”

Released: 15-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Tratamiento no quirúrgico para los fibromas uterinos
Mayo Clinic

Los fibromas uterinos son el principal motivo por el que las mujeres se someten a las histerectomías, cirugía que tiene como consecuencia la imposibilidad de tener hijos.

Released: 15-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
علاج غير جراحي للأورام الليفية الرحمية
Mayo Clinic

الأورام الليفية الرحمية هي السبب الرئيسي وراء خضوع النساء لعمليات استئصال الرحم، مما يجعلهن غير قادرات على الإنجاب.

Released: 15-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Tratamento não cirúrgico para fibromiomas uterinos
Mayo Clinic

Os fibromiomas uterinos são a principal causa de mulheres submetidas a histerectomias, deixando-as impossibilitadas de ter filhos.

Newswise: Sasin Offers Sasin Sustainability Advisory
Released: 15-Jan-2024 8:55 AM EST
Sasin Offers Sasin Sustainability Advisory
Chulalongkorn University

or over two decades, Sasin School of Management has been pushing forth sustainability efforts in Thailand and Sasin’s Southeast Asia through Sustainability & Entrepreneurship Center.

Newswise: Cold Weather Platform Tennis Season Is Here: Avoid the ‘Ouch’ From the Most Common Injuries
Released: 15-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Cold Weather Platform Tennis Season Is Here: Avoid the ‘Ouch’ From the Most Common Injuries
Midwest Orthopaedics at RUSH

Played outside in the cold weather on a heated, elevated court surrounded by chicken wire, platform tennis has been growing rapidly in pockets around the country since it began in the 1960’s.

Newswise: DOE User Facility Offers Imaging Platforms for Live Cell Microscopy
Released: 15-Jan-2024 7:05 AM EST
DOE User Facility Offers Imaging Platforms for Live Cell Microscopy
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory - EMSL

The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory a Department of Energy user facility, will hold a free webinar on Jan. 24 to showcase available imaging platforms for live cell microscopy.

Newswise:Video Embedded no-spokes-in-these-wheels-an-intellectual-disability-fails-to-deter-cyclists
Released: 14-Jan-2024 7:05 PM EST
No spokes in these wheels: an intellectual disability fails to deter cyclists
University of South Australia

As Australia gears up for the opening event of the world's premier men's elite road cycling tour, a group of lycra newbies will be celebrating their own success on wheels.

Released: 14-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
2024 Economic report to the governor highlights resilient Utah and U.S. economies
University of Utah

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute today presented the 36th Economic Report to Utah Gov. Spencer Cox at the 2024 Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit, hosted by the Salt Lake Chamber.

Newswise: Answering the cattle nutrition protein question
Released: 12-Jan-2024 6:05 PM EST
Answering the cattle nutrition protein question
Texas A&M AgriLife

Knowing exactly how beef cattle utilize protein is important to answering many nutrition questions producers and industry nutritionists pose to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialists like Jason Smith, Ph.D., Amarillo.

Newswise: Goldstein selected to help lead statewide task force addressing heart disease and stroke
Released: 12-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Goldstein selected to help lead statewide task force addressing heart disease and stroke
University of Kentucky

Larry Goldstein, M.D., chair of the University of Kentucky Department of Neurology, has been selected to serve as co-chair of The Kentucky Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (KHDSP) Task Force representing stroke systems of care across the state. 

Released: 12-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
MIND Diet Ranked Among Best in 2024

For the seventh consecutive year, a diet created, studied and reported on by researchers at RUSH has been ranked among the top five diets for 2024 in multiple categories by U.S. News & World Report.

Newswise: Smartphone app could help prevent falls in older adults
Released: 12-Jan-2024 10:55 AM EST
Smartphone app could help prevent falls in older adults
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York's Motion Analysis Research Laboratory have developed an app to help study and prevent falls in older adults.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 6:05 PM EST
New ECMO Resources Include Online Course, Micro-credential
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)

Nurses and other clinicians who care for patients with severe heart and lung failure receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) now have access to multiple resources from the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, including specialized training and validation of their ECMO knowledge

Released: 11-Jan-2024 6:05 PM EST
Blue Monday, Considered By Some The Most Depressing Day Of The Year, Doesn’t Have To Be
Hackensack Meridian Health

Blue Monday is a myth, but depression this time of year isn't. Psychiatrists explain why and how to combat it.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 3:35 PM EST
Merging computer science and robotic technology to modernize processing of radioisotopes
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne is leading a U.S. Department of Energy-funded project to safely speed up medical isotope production through a remotely-operated “hot box.”

Released: 11-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Tufts Named a Top Institution for Community Engagement
Tufts University

Tufts University has been named one of 40 U.S. colleges and universities to receive the 2024 Carnegie Community Engagement Classification from the American Council on Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Newswise: Argonne’s annual First Look@Argonne gives undergraduate students from underrepresented groups their first exposure to the lab — and its internship opportunities
Released: 11-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Argonne’s annual First Look@Argonne gives undergraduate students from underrepresented groups their first exposure to the lab — and its internship opportunities
Argonne National Laboratory

Despite growing up in the Chicago area, Yasleen Muñoz — currently studying environmental biology at Harold Washington City College in Chicago — knew very little about the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory in suburban Lemont, Ill.Then one day this fall, she received an email out of the blue, inviting her to First Look@Argonne.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 8:05 AM EST
Pain-based weather forecasts could influence actions
University of Georgia

For individuals who experience chronic pain, weather can be a significant factor in their day-to-day plans.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Quando os transtornos do sono prenunciam algo mais sério
Mayo Clinic

Certa manhã, bem cedo, enquanto examinava uma paciente adormecida no Centro de Medicina do Sono, o Dr. Erik St. Louis percebeu algo peculiar. A paciente, uma mulher na faixa dos 60 anos, começou a correr debaixo dos lençóis.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Cuando los trastornos del sueño presagian algo más grave
Mayo Clinic

Una mañana temprano, mientras revisaba a una paciente dormida en el Centro de Medicina del Sueño, el Dr. Erik St. Louis observó algo particular. La paciente, una mujer de unos 60 años, había empezado a correr debajo de las sábanas. A media que sus párpados se agitaban, las piernas se pusieron en marcha, lentamente al principio, pero luego aceleraron rápidamente el paso, lo que la impulsó a lo largo de un camino que solo ella podía ver. Después de correr durante aproximadamente 30 segundos, se detuvo bruscamente y abrió los ojos. No era el comportamiento que el Dr. St. Louis esperaba de una persona con apnea del sueño.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Join Us in Sunny San Diego for the ATS 2024 International Conference May 17-22
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Register now to learn about the latest in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. Join us for scientific sessions and expert interviews.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
عندما تُنذر اضطرابات النوم بشيء أكثر خطورة
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا— يومًا ما في الصباح الباكر، أثناء فحص حالة نائمة في مركز طب النوم، لاحظ الدكتور إريك سانت لويس أمرًا غريبًا. حيث بدأت الحالة، وهي مريضة في أوائل الستينات من عمرها، تركض تحت غطاء سريرها. حيث بدأت ساقاها تنطلقان ببطء في البداية ثم أخذت تزيد سرعتها لتندفع في طريق لا يراه أحد غيرها، وكان جفناها يرتعشان في نفس الوقت. وبعد الركض لمدة حوالي 30 ثانية، توقفت فجأة وفتحت عينيها. ولم يتوقع الدكتور سانت لويس أن يصدر مثل هذا التصرف من مريض انقطاع النفس النومي.

9-Jan-2024 8:05 AM EST
Scientists behind Novel Discoveries and Individuals Leading the Understanding of Emerging Areas of Concern for Public Health Are Being Honored with 2024 SOT Awards
Society of Toxicology

Among the accomplishments of this year’s awardees are discoveries related to the role of altered pharmacokinetics in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease neurodegeneration, the risk of COVID-19 to smokers and vapers, and the role of the microbiome in pregnancy and early developmental programming.

Newswise: Developing Diagnostics for a Deadly Elephant Disease
Released: 10-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST
Developing Diagnostics for a Deadly Elephant Disease
Tufts University

Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus is the leading cause of death for Asian elephant calves and is a danger to young African elephants as well.

Newswise: The Medical Minute: 75 Hard, 75 Soft and how to keep your fitness resolutions
Released: 10-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
The Medical Minute: 75 Hard, 75 Soft and how to keep your fitness resolutions
Penn State Health

75 Hard, a popular fitness routine, promises to change your life – but it’s intense. A Penn State College of Medicine expert discusses how you can achieve results with lower impact.

Newswise: 20231121-APL-BIOISAC-TTX-1.jpg
Released: 10-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Tabletop Exercise at Johns Hopkins APL Prepares Government and Industry for Bioeconomy Security Threats
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Representatives from the federal government, academia and private industry convened at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, for a tabletop exercise to assess the nation’s preparedness for security threats unique to the bioeconomy. In May 2023, several dozen experts in public health, policy, cyber, physical sciences and law came together to identify vulnerabilities, develop mitigation recommendations and establish a greater understanding of the extent of the threats to key biological capabilities.

Newswise: Texas Climate-Smart Initiative opens producer application period
Released: 10-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Texas Climate-Smart Initiative opens producer application period
Texas A&M AgriLife

Texas commodity producers interested in improving the sustainability of their operations can apply to participate in the Texas Climate-Smart Initiative, spearheaded by Texas A&M AgriLife Research.

Newswise:Video Embedded a-life-changing-treatment-for-enlarged-prostate
Released: 10-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
A ‘Life-Changing’ Treatment for Enlarged Prostate

The choices that Bruce Gold faced last December to resolve debilitating symptoms from a severely enlarged prostate were to keep using a catheter or have an invasive surgery with unreliable results and a high risk of complications and lingering side effects.

Newswise: Five Rutgers Alumni Tapped for Induction into the University’s Hall of Distinguished Alumni
Released: 10-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Five Rutgers Alumni Tapped for Induction into the University’s Hall of Distinguished Alumni
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The Rutgers University Alumni Association announced its new class of inductees consisting of renowned leaders in medicine, government, media, and civil rights.

Newswise: New ACG Guideline on Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease and More in the January Issue of AJG
Released: 10-Jan-2024 8:50 AM EST
New ACG Guideline on Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease and More in the January Issue of AJG
American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)

A new ACG Clinical Guideline on alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) is featured in the January 2024 issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Newswise: Corps Strength
Released: 9-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Corps Strength
California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office

CSU students and alumni make a significant impact on California communities through the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
لماذا يجب على أبناء الألفية الجديدة أن يعرفوا أعراض سرطان القولون
Mayo Clinic

تقول الجمعية الأمريكية للسرطان إنه يزداد تشخيص إصابة البالغين الأصغر سنًا بسرطان القولون – والمعروف أيضًا بسرطان القولون والمستقيم – ويُشخَّصون بمراحل متأخرة من المرض. وهذه ظاهرة شائعة لاحظها الخُبراء على مدار العقد الماضي.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Por qué los mileniales deberían conocer los síntomas del cáncer de colon
Mayo Clinic

Más adultos jóvenes están recibiendo el diagnóstico de cáncer de colon, también conocido como cáncer colorrectal, y en etapas más avanzadas de la enfermedad, dice la Sociedad Americana contra el Cáncer. Esta es una tendencia que los expertos han observado durante la última década.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 11:05 AM EST
Por que a geração Y deve conhecer os sintomas do câncer de cólon
Mayo Clinic

Cada vez mais jovens adultos estão sendo diagnosticados com câncer de cólon, também conhecido como câncer colorretal, e em estágios mais avançados da doença, diz a Sociedade Americana de Câncer. Segundo os especialistas, esta é a tendência da última década.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 9:00 AM EST
Press passes now available for Discover BMB to be held March 23–26
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Complimentary press passes are now available for Discover BMB, the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). Join us March 23–26 in San Antonio to experience an engaging agenda showcasing the newest developments and current trends in the field.

Released: 9-Jan-2024 8:15 AM EST
Researchers developing AI to make the internet more accessible
Ohio State University

In an effort to make the internet more accessible for people with disabilities, researchers at The Ohio State University have begun developing an artificial intelligence agent that could complete complex tasks on any website using simple language commands.

Newswise: 2023-12-15-1472-0001-hr.jpg
Released: 9-Jan-2024 8:05 AM EST
Brookhaven Lab Sets Sights on Particle Physics Goals
Brookhaven National Laboratory

As the particle physics community releases its strategic plan for the next 10 years and overall vision for the next 20, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have started planning how the Lab is positioned to contribute to a range of the plan’s science goals, new experiments, proposed research facilities, and ongoing projects.

Newswise: Using Chatbots to Advance Spanish-Speaking Patient Outreach
Released: 9-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Using Chatbots to Advance Spanish-Speaking Patient Outreach
Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Thanks to funding from the National Cancer Institute, Kimberly Kaphingst, director of cancer communication research, and her team are exploring a new way to teach people about genetic testing options.

Released: 8-Jan-2024 5:05 PM EST
DOE User Facility Offering Four Proposal Call Opportunities
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory - EMSL

The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a Department of Energy user facility at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, is accepting research proposals for four open calls.

Newswise: Out with the old and in with a hopeful new year for patient who played guitar during ‘awake’ brain tumor surgery
Released: 8-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Out with the old and in with a hopeful new year for patient who played guitar during ‘awake’ brain tumor surgery
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Christian Nolen usually plays guitar on stage, but the professional guitarist recently underwent an open craniotomy and played notes from Deftones songs while a neurosurgical team worked to remove a tumor (glioma) from his brain. B-roll is available.

Newswise: Cathode innovation makes sodium-ion battery an attractive option for electric vehicles
Released: 8-Jan-2024 11:25 AM EST
Cathode innovation makes sodium-ion battery an attractive option for electric vehicles
Argonne National Laboratory

As most shoppers looking for a new vehicle know, electric vehicles typically carry a relatively hefty price tag. A primary contributor to this expense are the lithium-ion batteries that power the vehicle. Significantly reducing that cost would bring us closer to transportation solutions that are eco- and wallet-friendly. Researchers at the U.

Newswise: Baths, books and sex: Survey explores Americans’ regular bedtime routines
Released: 8-Jan-2024 10:45 AM EST
Baths, books and sex: Survey explores Americans’ regular bedtime routines
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

How does America sleep? An American Academy of Sleep Medicine survey found that noise and lights disrupt the sleep of more than one-third of Americans, more than half of people sleep with a fan, and a quarter consider sex a part of their regular bedtime routine.

Released: 8-Jan-2024 9:30 AM EST
تظهر الأبحاث السريرية أن سَمَّاعَة الطبيب الرقمية المدعمة بالذكاء الاصطناعي يمكنها اكتشاف أمراض القلب المرتبطة بالحَمْل
Mayo Clinic

يشير بحث جديد من مايو كلينك أن الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) يمكن أن يحسن تشخيص اعْتِلاَل عَضَلَة القَلْب في الفَتْرَةِ المُحيطَةِ بالوِلاَدَة، وهي حالة يمكن أن تهدد الحياة ويمكن علاجها حيث تضعف عضلة القلب لدى النساء أثناء الحمل أو في الأشهر التي تلي الولادة.

