Newswise — Brooke Reavey, assistant professor of marketing, will spend this academic year teaching and studying in Romania as part of a Fulbright Scholarship. She will be doing research on Romanian millennials' apparent disengagement with nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, and will teach at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest.
Brooke will be conducting a research project investigating the attitudes of Romanians, particularly milliennials, about engagement and financial support of domestic NGOs. Romanians appear to have low levels of engagement perhaps, in part, because of the country's legacy of Communist rule. She will be studying this phenomenon by assessing current NGO's marketing strategies, by conducting interviews with millennials and by doing a country-wide survey.
According to Brooke, domestic NGO's are too dependent on international funding, which can be unreliable. Better marketing strategies may help overcome this disengagement and benefit society.