Research Alert

Embargoed by Nature Microbiology  - 28 October 2019 at 16:00 (London time), 12:00 (US Eastern Time)  

Mimicking the human environment in mice reveals that inhibiting biotin biosynthesis is effective against antibiotic-resistant pathogens

Newswise — The vitamin biotin is essential for the growth of bacteria. The researchers show that there is not enough biotin present in human plasma to support the growth of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Several multi-drug resistant pathogens must synthesize biotin to survive in human plasma. Accordingly, biotin synthesis is a novel target for antibiotics. Biotin synthesis has been previously overlooked as a target because mice have 40 times more biotin in their plasma then humans. Researchers developed a mouse model that mimics the amount of biotin in humans. With this new mouse model, researchers were able to treat drug-resistant infections by inhibiting biotin synthesis.


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Nature Microbiology