Will Explore Major Advancements, Innovations, Challenges, and Evolving Business Models

Newswise — As advancements in genetic testing, personalized medicine and molecular diagnostics continue to reach new heights, they are also facing the growing pains and challenges of an emerging industry struggling with policy, regulatory framework, industry standards, and product commercialization.

At the 4th Annual Consumer Genetics Conference, the field’s preeminent researchers, clinicians, government regulators and industry leaders will provide their varying perspectives on this evolving field, and the crucial topics surrounding its implications to clinical health and medicine. In this highly interactive forum, panel participants will represent a broad spectrum of viewpoints, and will engage in an open discussion on best practices and policies, as well as new advancements and challenges. Through the course of this dynamic exchange, the future of consumer-based genetics will be explored, examined, and shaped.

Major themes to be covered at this conference include: Big Data/Analysis, Molecular Diagnostics, Sequencing, Translational Genomics, Venture Capital and Investment Banking, Genome Data: The Physician’s Perspective, Genome Interpretation, Visions for Personalized Medicine, Prenatal/Neonatal Diagnostics, Nutrition, Food Genetics and Cosmetics, Disease Diagnostics, The Empowered Patient, and Consumer Genetics Companies

Please note, a significant discounted price to this conference is available until end-of-day August 10.

Forum: 4th Annual Consumer Genetics Conference When: Wednesday, October 3 to Friday, October 5 Where: Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA Registration & Program Schedule: http://www.consumergeneticsconference.com Media Registration & Interviews: [email protected] or 508-851-0930 For More Information: Cambridge Healthtech Institute at 781-972-5400

Program Highlights Include:

  • Keynote: Lee Silver, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Biology and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, Self-Discovery in the Age of Personal Genomes

  • Keynote: Jay Flatley, President and CEO, Illumina, The Big Picture: Visions for Personalized Medicine

  • Keynote: Kenneth Chahine, Ph.D., J.D., Senior Vice President and General Manager, DNA, Ancestry.com, An Inside Look at How AncestryDNA Uses Population Genetics to Enrich Its Online Family History Experience

  • Diana Bianchi, M.D., Executive Director, Mother Infant Research Institute, Tufts Medical Center, Advances in Noninvasive Prenatal Genetic Testing: Does This Mean “Designer” Babies for All?

  • Arindam Bhattacharjee, Ph.D., CEO and Founder, Parabase Genomics, Screening Neonates by Targeted Next-Generation DNA Sequencing

  • Gholson Lyon, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Human Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Consumer Empowerment in Health Care and Personal Genomics: Ethical, Societal and Regulatory Considerations

  • Craig Martin, CEO, Feinstein Kean Healthcare, Genomes R Us - How Personalized Medicine is Reshaping the Role of Patients, and Why It Matters

  • James McCullough, CEO and Founder, Exosome Diagnostics, Measuring Disease Treatment and Progression at the Molecular Level without Biopsy

  • Oliver Rinner, Ph.D., CEO, Biognosys AG, Bridging the Gap between Genetic Risk and Blood Diagnostics by Personalized Health Monitoring

  • Samuil R. Umansky, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Co-founder, CSO, and President, DiamiR LLC, A Paradigm Shift: Universal Screening Test

  • Brian T. Naughton, Ph.D., Founding Scientist, 23andMe, 23andMe’s DTC Exome

And so many more presentations. For the full program and to register: http://www.consumergeneticsconference.com/.

We encourage participants to register before end-of-day on August 10 for major registration discounts.

We welcome media to attend this unique conference that allows insights into the new developments, progress, challenges and issues that are helping to shape this emerging industry. For quick press registration, contact Lynn Blenkhorn at email: [email protected] or at phone: 508-851-0930.


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