Newswise — The July 2024 issue of Toxicological Sciences includes a Contemporary Review that discusses what is currently known about how AHR-signaling influences macrophage differentiation, polarization, and function. The issue also features an In-Depth Review that focuses on allergic reactions induced by systemically administered low-molecular weight drugs with an emphasis on drug- and patient-specific factors that could influence the development of drug hypersensitivity reactions. Additionally, a ToxSpotlight article describes a parameter grouping approach when using physiologically based kinetic models while another Tox Spotlight article explores how neonatal BDE-99 exposure may reprogram cell type–specific gene expression and cell-cell communication in the liver.

Other papers in the July 2024 issue (sorted by topic category) are:

Clinical and Translational Toxicology
miRNAs Mediate the Impact of Smoking on Dental Pulp Stem Cells via the p53 Pathway

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology
An Environmentally Relevant Mixture of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Impacts Proliferation, Steroid Hormone Synthesis, and Gene Transcription in Primary Human Granulosa Cells

The Blood-Testis Barrier Disruption Is a Prerequisite for Toxicant-Induced Peritubular Macrophage Increases in the Testis of Peripubertal Rats(open access)

Emerging Technologies, Methods, and Models
Predicting Oncology Drug-Induced Cardiotoxicity with Donor-Specific iPSC-CMs—a Proof-of-Concept Study with Doxorubicin

Endocrine Toxicology
House Dust-Derived Mixtures of Organophosphate Esters Alter the Phenotype, Function, Transcriptome, and Lipidome of KGN Human Ovarian Granulosa Cells

Exposure Sciences
Short-Term Treatment with Cholestyramine Increases Long-Acting Anticoagulant Rodenticide Clearance from Rabbits without Affecting Plasma Vitamin K1 Levels or Blood Coagulation

The Role of Corticosterone in Nevirapine-Induced Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver Injury

Molecular, Biochemical, and Systems Toxicology
Comparison of Transcriptomic Profiles between HFPO-DA and Prototypical PPARα, PPARγ, and Cytotoxic Agents in Mouse, Rat, and Pooled Human Hepatocytes(open access)

Comparison of Transcriptomic Profiles between HFPO-DA and Prototypical PPARα, PPARγ, and Cytotoxic Agents in Wild-Type and PPARα Knockout Mouse Hepatocytes(open access)

Cadmium Inhibits Calcium Activity in Hippocampal CA1 Neurons of Freely Moving Mice

ToxSci Volume 200, Issue #1, as well as all past issues, is available on the ToxSci website.

About Toxicological Sciences 
The mission of Toxicological Sciences, the official journal of the Society of Toxicology, is to publish a broad spectrum of impactful research in the field of toxicology. The journal’s primary focus is on original research articles, but it also provides expert insight via contemporary, in-depth, and systematic reviews, as well as forum articles and editorial content that addresses important topics in the field.

About the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 
Founded in 1961, SOT is a professional and scholarly organization of scientists from academic institutions, government, and industry representing the great variety of scientists who practice toxicology around the world. The Society’s mission is to create a safer and healthier world by advancing the science and increasing the impact of toxicology.

Journal Link: Toxicological Sciences Volume 200, Issue 1