Newswise — (April 8, 2013-- St. Charles, IL) In observance of National Hunger Week, April 8-12, 2013, the Association of Nutrition & Food Service Professionals is encouraging nutrition and foodservice professionals to mobilize by taking steps in their local communities to help address the problem of hunger in the United States.

The organization is suggesting three simple steps that anyone who works in a nutrition and foodservice setting can take immediately to help: collecting non-perishable foods, volunteering at a local soup kitchen, or providing monetary assistance for a local food pantry.

The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that millions of Americans live in “food insecure” households – meaning they don’t have access to a consistent, nutritionally sound food supply. Nearly every county in America has at least some level of food insecurity, and food-related professionals can help by actively helping charitable efforts aimed at hunger in their local areas.

“National Hunger Week is the perfect time for nutrition and foodservice professionals to spearhead outreach efforts in their local communities,” said ANFP Chair Ginger Cater, CDM, CFPP. “Hunger is a huge problem with no easy solution, but just a small investment of time can help provide resources for those less fortunate among us.”

ANFP is sending out announcements to its nationwide network of members this week as a part of Hunger Week, asking them to encourage and participate in local volunteerism in their communities.

In addition, staff at ANFP Headquarters in St. Charles, Illinois, will volunteer at Feed My Starving Children on Monday April 15th, located in Aurora, Illinois.

For more information, visit

About ANFPThe Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals (ANFP) is a national not-for-profit association established in 1960 that today has over 14,000 professionals dedicated to the mission of providing optimum nutritional care through foodservice management.

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