Feature Channels: Exercise and Fitness

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Released: 20-Apr-2017 8:05 AM EDT
Tired? Try Walking Up Stairs Instead of Caffeine
University of Georgia

Research from the University of Georgia shows that 10 minutes of walking up and down stairs was more likely to make participants feel energized than ingesting 50 milligrams of caffeine.

Released: 19-Apr-2017 12:05 AM EDT
With Beetroot Juice Before Exercise, Aging Brains Look ‘Younger’
Wake Forest University

Drinking a beetroot juice supplement before working out makes the brain of older adults perform more efficiently, mirroring the operations of a younger brain, according to a new study by scientists at Wake Forest University.

Released: 18-Apr-2017 8:05 AM EDT
acac Fitness & Wellness Centers Raise More Than $90,000 for the Focused Ultrasound Foundation
Focused Ultrasound Foundation

The Focused Ultrasound Foundation is pleased to receive a donation of more than $90,000 from acac Fitness & Wellness Centers. The money was raised during acac’s most successful “Work Out and Give Back” campaign to date.

Released: 13-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
The Medical Minute: Exercise Helps to Keep Seniors Safe From Falls
Penn State Health

Each day, more than 800 Americans suffer a hip fracture. Most of those fractures are due to falls, and most happen to seniors, who have lower bone density and muscle mass than the rest of the population.

10-Apr-2017 12:00 PM EDT
People Suffering Heart Attacks Near Major Marathons Face Grimmer Survival Odds
Harvard Medical School

At a glance: People who suffer heart attacks and cardiac arrests in the vicinity of major marathons are more likely to die within a month. The bleaker survival odds are linked to delays in transportation to nearby hospitals. The delays are believed to stem from widespread road closures within the radius of the race. The study findings underscore the need for citywide strategies that ensure rapid transport for medical emergencies in the vicinity of major public events.

Released: 10-Apr-2017 7:00 AM EDT
How ‘Training’ Patients for Surgery Shortens Hospital Stays and Saves Money
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Wellness coaching, administered in advance, could reduce a surgical patient’s average hospital stay two days, from seven down to five, when compared to a control group.

Released: 6-Apr-2017 11:35 AM EDT
To Eat or Not to Eat (Before Exercising): That Is the Question
American Physiological Society (APS)

Exercise enthusiasts often wonder whether it’s better to eat or fast before a workout. A new study is the first of its kind to show the effects of eating versus fasting on gene expression in adipose (fat) tissue in response to exercise. This difference highlights the different roles fat plays in powering and responding to exercise.

3-Apr-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Regular Exercise, Not BMI, Before Stroke May Predict Disability Later
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new study suggests it’s the amount of regular exercise people get, not the amount of body fat they have, that may predict just how well they recover from a stroke. The study is published in the April 5, 2017, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 5-Apr-2017 1:00 PM EDT
UCLA Researchers Discover a New Cause of High Plasma Triglycerides
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

People with hypertriglyceridemia often are told to change their diet and lose weight. But a high-fat diet isn’t necessarily the cause for everyone with the condition. UCLA researchers have discovered a subset of people with hypertriglyceridemia whose bodies produce autoantibodies — immune-response molecules that attack their own proteins — causing high levels of triglycerides in the blood.

Released: 24-Mar-2017 3:05 PM EDT
A Little Vigorous Exercise May Help Boost Kids’ Cardiometabolic Health
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

As little as 10 minutes a day of high-intensity physical activity could help some children reduce their risk of developing heart problems and metabolic diseases such as diabetes, according to an international study led by a researcher at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

Released: 23-Mar-2017 12:05 PM EDT
SLU Scientists Take Aim at Diabetes and Obesity with Exercise in a Pill
Saint Louis University Medical Center

With a series of new grants, Saint Louis University researchers will develop the potential of two nuclear receptors that control muscle metabolism.

Released: 23-Mar-2017 8:05 AM EDT
New Moms Need Workout Programs That Are Less Structured, More Flexible
Kansas State University

Often running on empty, new moms may need a bit more flexibility and support to ease back into exercise after giving birth, according to a Kansas State University researcher. Emily Mailey, assistant professor in kinesiology, said when a mom has survived the first several weeks of having a new baby and is ready to start adding exercise — and all of its benefits — back into her life, a more flexible approach works better than a specific regimen.

Released: 22-Mar-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Weight-Bearing Exercises Promote Bone Formation in Men
University of Missouri Health

Osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people worldwide and is a serious public health concern, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Now, Pamela Hinton, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, has published the first study in men to show that long-term, weight-bearing exercises decrease sclerostin, a protein made in the bone, and increase IGF-1, a hormone associated with bone growth. These changes promote bone formation, increasing bone density.

17-Mar-2017 11:10 AM EDT
Moderate Exercise May Be Beneficial for HCM Patients
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are urged to take it easy. But new research shows they might benefit from moderate aerobic exercise.

13-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Whole-Body Vibration May Be as Effective as Regular Exercise
Endocrine Society

A less strenuous form of exercise known as whole-body vibration (WBV) can mimic the muscle and bone health benefits of regular exercise in mice, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s journal Endocrinology.

Released: 10-Mar-2017 12:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic Discovers High-Intensity Aerobic Training Can Reverse Aging Processes in Adults
Mayo Clinic

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you, but what type of training helps most, especially when you’re older - say over 65? A Mayo Clinic study says it’s high-intensity aerobic exercise, which can reverse some cellular aspects of aging. The findings appear in Cell Metabolism.

Released: 8-Mar-2017 2:15 PM EST
Pokémon Go Appears to Encourage Sedentary People to Get Up and Go
Duke Health

The Pokémon Go craze that spurred millions of people to collect virtual monsters via a smart phone app might have also had a health benefit by encouraging people to get up and walk.

Released: 7-Mar-2017 5:05 PM EST
Penn Study Parses Influence of Genes and Environment in Metabolic Disease
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

By comparing two strains of mice -- one that becomes obese and diabetic on a high-fat diet and another resistant to a high-fat regimen -- researchers identified genome-wide changes caused by a high-fat diet.

Released: 6-Mar-2017 1:05 PM EST
Proper Movements in Muslim Prayer Ritual Can Reduce Lower Back Pain
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Five times a day, roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, bow, kneel, and place their foreheads to the ground in the direction of the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as part of the Islamic prayer ritual, the Salat. The ritual is one of the five obligatory elements of the faith set forth by the holy book, the Qur’an. According to research at Binghamton University, State University of New York, the complex physical movements of the ritual can reduce lower back pain if performed regularly and properly.

23-Feb-2017 1:00 PM EST
HumanN Launches Protein40®, Optimal Daily Muscle and Bone Support

HumanN is pleased to announce the launching of Protein40®, a powerful functional foods supplement that delivers three high quality proteins – in one convenient shake for seven full hours of muscle and bone support during the Natural Products Expo West trade show.
