Feature Channels: Asthma

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Newswise: The Parasitic Worms that Transformed Our Immune System
Released: 5-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
The Parasitic Worms that Transformed Our Immune System
University of Utah Health

Mammalian immunity has been shaped from day one by the most successful human pathogens on the planet. Learning how we've evolved together could help scientists understand immune development, treat autoimmune conditions, and make better vaccines.

13-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Few Moderate or Severe Asthma Patients Prescribed Recommended Inhaler Regimen
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Only 14.5 percent of adult patients with moderate or severe asthma are prescribed the recommended SMART combination inhaler regimen and over 40 percent of academic pulmonary and allergy clinicians have not adopted this optimal therapy, according to research published at the ATS 2024 International Conference.

Newswise:Video Embedded advancements-in-pediatric-respiratory-medicine-insights-from-leading-researchers
13-May-2024 9:40 AM EDT
VIDEO and TRANSCRIPT: RSV Risk And Undertreated Asthma: Expert Panel Q&A

Doctors with the American Thoracic Society will discuss new research about the potential effect of estrogen on hypertension for women in menopause, and the link between hormone replacement and breast cancer risk. How can patients and doctors weigh the risks and benefits and decide whether or not estrogen is right for them?

Not for public release

This news release is embargoed until 19-May-2024 5:15 PM EDT Released to reporters: 13-May-2024 8:00 AM EDT

A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 19-May-2024 5:15 PM EDT The Newswise PressPass gives verified journalists access to embargoed stories. Please log in to complete a presspass application. If you have not yet registered, please Register. When you fill out the registration form, please identify yourself as a reporter in order to advance to the presspass application form.

Newswise: Link between e-cigarette use and early age of asthma onset in U.S. adults found through UTHealth Houston research
Released: 17-May-2024 10:35 AM EDT
Link between e-cigarette use and early age of asthma onset in U.S. adults found through UTHealth Houston research
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

A significant link between the use of electronic cigarettes and earlier age of asthma onset in U.S. adults was reported by UTHealth Houston researchers today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open.

Newswise: IU School of Medicine researchers to present respiratory therapy advancements at ATS 2024
Released: 17-May-2024 9:05 AM EDT
IU School of Medicine researchers to present respiratory therapy advancements at ATS 2024
Indiana University

Researchers will showcase promising respiratory disease research at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2024 International Conference and ATS 2024 Respiratory Innovation Summit (RIS), May 17-22 in San Diego, California.

Newswise: Breathing Easier with Asthma — Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Experts Available for Interviews During Asthma Awareness Month
Released: 7-May-2024 10:00 AM EDT
Breathing Easier with Asthma — Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Experts Available for Interviews During Asthma Awareness Month
Johns Hopkins Medicine

For many children with asthma, May is a peak season — their condition is at its worst, often due to seasonal allergies, pollen or poor air quality that come with this time of year.

Newswise: Asthma Education is Key to Reducing Deaths Worldwide, Say Respiratory Health Associations
Released: 7-May-2024 9:00 AM EDT
Asthma Education is Key to Reducing Deaths Worldwide, Say Respiratory Health Associations
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

On World Asthma Day 2024 the message is clear: "Asthma Education Empowers." The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), of which the American Thoracic Society is a founding member, stresses the crucial role of education in empowering people with asthma to manage their condition effectively and to know when to seek medical assistance.

Newswise: Are All Types of Asthma the Same? Not by a Long Shot
Released: 17-Apr-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Are All Types of Asthma the Same? Not by a Long Shot
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month – the ideal time to get the word out on the different types of asthma, as well as the different triggers and treatments.

10-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Researchers Find No Link Between COVID-19 Virus and Development of Asthma in Children
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families worried about the long-term effects posed by the SARS-COV-2 virus. Now, researchers found that a SARS-COV-2 infection likely does not increase the risk of asthma development in pediatric patients. The findings were published today in the journal Pediatrics.

Newswise: Make Summer Camp Plans Now for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Released: 11-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Make Summer Camp Plans Now for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Sending your child with allergies and asthma off to summer camp means putting extra protections in place to keep them symptom-free.

Newswise: Researchers identify new way to inhibit immune cells that drive allergic asthma
19-Mar-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Researchers identify new way to inhibit immune cells that drive allergic asthma
The Rockefeller University Press

Researchers at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, have discovered that a protein called Piezo1 prevents a type of immune cell in the lung from becoming hyperactivated by allergens.

Released: 28-Feb-2024 3:05 PM EST
How New Drug Approvals are Reshaping Treatment for Eosinophilic Esophagitis
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

The FDA has approved two medications for the treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)—the first oral medication tailored for adults and the exclusive therapeutic option for children. Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, internationally known for his work with EoE, and colleagues continue to focus on optimizing usage for effective, personalized outcomes.

Newswise: You may be breathing in more tiny nanoparticles from your gas stove than from car exhaust
Released: 27-Feb-2024 9:05 PM EST
You may be breathing in more tiny nanoparticles from your gas stove than from car exhaust
Purdue University

Cooking on your gas stove can emit more nano-sized particles into the air than vehicles that run on gas or diesel, possibly increasing your risk of developing asthma or other respiratory illnesses, a new Purdue University study has found.

23-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST
New Clinical Practice Guideline Provides Evidence-based Recommendations for Immunotherapy for Inhalant Allergy
American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF) published the Clinical Practice Guideline: Immunotherapy for Inhalant Allergy today in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.

Newswise: Targeting inflammatory protein could help treat severe asthma
Released: 25-Feb-2024 6:05 PM EST
Targeting inflammatory protein could help treat severe asthma
University of South Australia

Australian scientists have revealed a promising new treatment for severe asthma, targeting a protein that controls inflammation and scarring of the airways.

Released: 21-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Long COVID can happen to anyone. Keep up with the latest research on Long COVID on Newswise

Stay informed! These are the latest research articles on "Long COVID" from the Coronavirus News Source on Newswise.

Newswise: Spring Allergies Attack More Than Just Your Nose
Released: 15-Feb-2024 8:00 AM EST
Spring Allergies Attack More Than Just Your Nose
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Spring allergens such as pollen, mold spores and other airborne particles not only trigger nasal allergies, but also can have a profound effect on a variety of allergic conditions including asthma and eczema

Released: 13-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Life doesn't stop at age 65. Get the latest on seniors and healthy aging in the Seniors channel

Below are some of the latest research and features on this growing population of older adults in the Seniors channel on Newswise.

Released: 30-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Our winter of discontent: Get the latest news on the flu in the Influenza channel

The latest research and expertise on the flue can be found in the Influenza channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Allergy and Asthma Do’s and Don’ts for a Great 2024 Valentine’s Day
Released: 30-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Allergy and Asthma Do’s and Don’ts for a Great 2024 Valentine’s Day
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. If the person you love has allergies or asthma, you’ll want to make sure to keep them safe from symptom flares in order to up the “passion quotient.”

Released: 29-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Asthma rates climb for high school students as cannabis use increases
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

Asthma is more common among high school students who use cannabis, relative to those who do not and the prevalence of asthma increases with the frequency of its use among the students, according to a new study at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and the City University of New York. The findings are published in the journal Pediatric Pulmonology.

Released: 25-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Rutgers Health Receives $3 Million U.S. Grant to Study Impact of Environmental Factors on Pregnancy and Children’s Health
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A multidisciplinary group of Rutgers Health researchers have received a $3.1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study the impact of environmental influences on pregnancy and children’s health.

Released: 19-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Don't wait for an emergency to get the latest emergency medicine news

Find the latest research and features on emergency medicine in the Emergency Medicine channel on Newswise.

Released: 11-Jan-2024 8:00 AM EST
Join Us in Sunny San Diego for the ATS 2024 International Conference May 17-22
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Register now to learn about the latest in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. Join us for scientific sessions and expert interviews.

Newswise: Pollution-Tracking Citizen Science Project Offers New York Students a Breath of Fresh Air
Released: 4-Jan-2024 10:30 AM EST
Pollution-Tracking Citizen Science Project Offers New York Students a Breath of Fresh Air
American Association of Physics Teachers

In The Physics Teacher, researchers from Fordham University partnered with middle and high schools in the Bronx and Manhattan in a citizen science project to collect real-time air quality data.

Released: 3-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Inhaled statins show promise as effective asthma treatment
UC Davis Health

In an NIH-funded study, UC Davis pulmonology researchers are exploring whether delivering statins by inhalation can lead to better outcomes for people with asthma.

Newswise: Groundbreaking Study Reveals Indoor Metabolites as Key Indicators in Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis
Released: 21-Dec-2023 8:50 AM EST
Groundbreaking Study Reveals Indoor Metabolites as Key Indicators in Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Millions of children worldwide suffer from asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR), two chronic respiratory conditions that significantly impact their quality of life.

Released: 20-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Working with Big Data requires a lot of power! The latest research and features on Supercomputing

With the rise in machine learning applications and artificial intelligence, it's no wonder that more and more scientists and researchers are turning to supercomputers. Supercomputers are commonly used for making predictions with advanced modeling and simulations. This can be applied to climate research, weather forecasting, genomic sequencing, space exploration, aviation engineering and more.


Not for public release

This news release is embargoed until 18-Dec-2023 5:00 PM EST Released to reporters: 12-Dec-2023 2:00 PM EST

A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 18-Dec-2023 5:00 PM EST The Newswise PressPass gives verified journalists access to embargoed stories. Please log in to complete a presspass application. If you have not yet registered, please Register. When you fill out the registration form, please identify yourself as a reporter in order to advance to the presspass application form.

Released: 15-Dec-2023 9:30 PM EST
Immune cells shape lung before birth and provide new avenues for treating respiratory diseases
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Immune cells play an active and intimate role in directing the growth of human lung tissue during development, researchers find, revolutionising our understanding of early lung development and the role of immune cells outside of immunity.

Newswise: New Year, New Resolutions to Keep Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Controlled
Released: 14-Dec-2023 8:00 AM EST
New Year, New Resolutions to Keep Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Controlled
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Five New Year’s resolutions from ACAAI that people who suffer from allergies or asthma may want to consider.

Released: 13-Dec-2023 12:05 PM EST
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Examines Effects of Climate Change on Allergic Conditions
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

The current issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology focuses its attention on a key problem affecting those with allergic conditions and the world today: climate change.

Released: 9-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
Major breakthrough for severe asthma treatment
King's College London

A landmark study has shown that severe asthma can be controlled using biologic therapies, without the addition of regular high-dose inhaled steroids which can have significant side effects.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 2:15 PM EST
Looking for unique stories about the winter holidays? Check out the Winter Holidays channel

It's the moooost wonderful time...of the year! Are you looking for new story ideas that are focused on the winter holiday season? Perhaps you're working on a story on on managing stress and anxiety? Perhaps you're working on a story on seasonal affective disorder? Or perhaps your editor asked you to write a story on tracking Santa? Look no further. Check out the Winter Holidays channel.

Released: 21-Nov-2023 3:45 PM EST
It's not over until it's over. Keep up with the latest COVID research in the Coronavirus channel.

Stay informed! Keep up with the latest research on the COVID-19 virus in the Coronavirus channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Gailen Marshall Installed as ACAAI President
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Gailen Marshall Installed as ACAAI President
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Allergist Gailen Marshall, MD, PhD, of Jackson, MS, was installed as president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) at the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting on November 12 in Anaheim, Calif.

Newswise: Una encuesta revela que el 42 % de los médicos de atención primaria no están familiarizados con los productos biológicos para tratar el asma
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Una encuesta revela que el 42 % de los médicos de atención primaria no están familiarizados con los productos biológicos para tratar el asma
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestra que el 42% de los médicos de atención primaria (PCP) encuestados no estaban familiarizados con los productos biológicos para tratar el asma.

Newswise: Eliminating Mold After Natural Disasters is Vital for Those with Mold Allergy
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Eliminating Mold After Natural Disasters is Vital for Those with Mold Allergy
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Two new studies being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. show the harmful health effects of excess mold on those with asthma, while also discussing methods for getting rid of mold and other airborne allergens in the most efficient way possible.

Newswise: Survey Reveals 42% of Primary Care Physicians Are Unfamiliar with Biologics to Treat Asthma
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Survey Reveals 42% of Primary Care Physicians Are Unfamiliar with Biologics to Treat Asthma
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim, Calif. shows that 42% of the primary care physicians (PCPs) surveyed were unfamiliar with asthma biologics.

Newswise: Eliminar el moho después de desastres naturales es vital para las personas alérgicas al moho
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Eliminar el moho después de desastres naturales es vital para las personas alérgicas al moho
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Dos nuevos estudios que se presentarán en la Reunión Científica Anual del ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestran los efectos nocivos para la salud del exceso de moho en las personas asmáticas y analizan métodos para deshacerse del moho y otros alérgenos transportados por el aire de la forma más eficaz posible.

Newswise: Las barreras lingüísticas pueden ser la causa por la que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas
3-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Las barreras lingüísticas pueden ser la causa por la que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Un nuevo estudio que se presentará en la Reunión Científica Anual ACAAI de este año en Anaheim (California) muestra que las dificultades lingüísticas pueden ser la causa de que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas, como las alergias alimentaria, el asma y el eccema. Además, un nuevo caso médicamente desafiante ilustra que es posible que un programa informático de traducción para farmacias interfiera por error en el surtido de una receta.

Released: 24-Oct-2023 1:35 PM EDT
From nanoplastics to airborne toxins: Pollution stories for media.

Read the latest research news on air pollution, nanoplastics, waterborne illnesses and more in the Pollution channel on Newswise.

Released: 20-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Army of specialized T cells may trigger asthma attacks in older men
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

LA JOLLA, CA—Scientists from La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) and The University of Southampton, UK, have uncovered a group of immune cells that may drive severe asthma. These cells, called cytotoxic CD4+ tissue-resident memory T cells, gather in the lungs and appear to possess the molecular weaponry to cause the most harm in men who developed asthma later in life.

Released: 16-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
You Can Still Register for the 2023 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaheim!
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

The 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) is happening in Anaheim, CA, November 9-13 at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Newswise:Video Embedded navigating-childhood-asthma-insights-from-a-pediatric-pulmonologist
Released: 12-Oct-2023 11:05 PM EDT
Navigating Childhood Asthma: Insights From a Pediatric Pulmonologist

As the seasons transition from warm fall nights to cool and wintry evenings, children with asthma often experience a rise in wheezing or chest tightness, because weather changes and cold temperatures are often asthma triggers.

Newswise: A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Released: 3-Oct-2023 8:00 AM EDT
A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

At Halloween, if your child has allergies or asthma, they need to be aware of necessary precautions to keep them safe from sudden flares.

Released: 27-Sep-2023 12:50 PM EDT
Stay informed on women's health issues in the Women's Health channel

Below are some of the latest headlines in the Women's Health channel on Newswise.
