Focus: Hidden - Maryland

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Released: 20-Sep-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Cover crop tour of Maryland’s eastern shore
American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)

Local media are invited for November 10th tour highlighting cover crops on Maryland’s beautiful Chesapeake Bay Eastern Shore region

Released: 23-Jun-2022 10:20 AM EDT
University of Maryland Children’s Hospital Plans Significant Enhancements to Pediatric Emergency Department to Meet Escalating Youth Mental Health Needs
University of Maryland Medical Center

University of Maryland Children's Hospital Continues to Add or Enhance Existing Services for Children and their Families in Psychiatric Crisis.

Newswise: University of Maryland Children’s Hospital Named a “Best Children’s Hospital” for Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Surgery by U.S. News & World Report for 2022
Released: 14-Jun-2022 2:45 PM EDT
University of Maryland Children’s Hospital Named a “Best Children’s Hospital” for Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Surgery by U.S. News & World Report for 2022
University of Maryland Medical Center

The University of Maryland Children's Hospital is named a “Best Children’s Hospital” for Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Surgery by U.S. News & World, which also lauded UMCH as the #2 children’s hospital in Maryland and one of the top 15 in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Released: 8-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Access to Quality Anesthesia Care Increased for Maryland Patients
American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

Maryland patients now have increased access to safe, affordable care with the enacting of HB55. The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) applauds the new law, as it expands the scope of practice for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), granting them the authority to order and prescribe medications, including controlled substances.

Released: 17-May-2022 1:30 PM EDT
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy to Deliver Graduation Address to the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s 213th Graduating Class
University of Maryland School of Medicine

University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) Dean E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA, announced today that Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, will deliver the keynote address for this year’s graduating class.

Newswise: Groundbreaking for Major Expansion of University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
Released: 13-May-2022 10:00 PM EDT
Groundbreaking for Major Expansion of University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Maryland Medical Center

The University of Maryland Medical Center celebrates the groundbreaking of a nine-story patient care tower – the Roslyn and Leonard Stoler Center for Advanced Medicine – that will become the new home of the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. The $219 million building will enable the cancer center to provide the most technologically advanced, integrated care to cancer patients throughout Maryland and the region well into the future

Newswise: Mercy Medical Center Once Again Ranked Among
Released: 14-Feb-2022 11:20 AM EST
Mercy Medical Center Once Again Ranked Among "America's Best MidSize Employers" by FORBES
Mercy Medical Center

Mercy Medical Center has been ranked as one of the top 500 midsize employers (1,000-5,000 employees) in the United States for 2022 by Forbes magazine, a leading national business publication.

Released: 2-Dec-2021 1:35 PM EST
Maryland Autism Rates Among 8-Year-Olds Up 6.5 Percent in New CDC Report
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

New CDC data, collected by researchers at the Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the Bloomberg School, finds an increase in autism prevalence in five Maryland counties based in 2018 data.

Released: 14-Sep-2021 1:25 PM EDT
University of Maryland Medicine Partners with Vibrent Health to Embark on Landmark Precision Health Research Study
University of Maryland School of Medicine

New Partnership Will Create Digital Infrastructure to Support Statewide ‘All of Maryland’ Study to Learn More About How Genes and Other Factors Affect Health

Released: 19-Aug-2021 2:20 PM EDT
LifeBridge Health to Connect Consumers and Patients to Care through Higi
LifeBridge Health

Health system will leverage the Higi platform and network to build community ties, understand community health needs and provide smart digital connections to care

Released: 12-Jun-2020 9:05 AM EDT
FAA Extends Funding for NEXTOR III Aviation Operations Research Consortium
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

The FAA has extended funding for the Maryland Smith-supported consortium that has developed decision support tools, operational and system concepts, and policymaking tools that benefit the FAA, the airline industry and the flying public.

11-Jun-2020 7:05 AM EDT
Fentanyl Tops List of Drugs Found in Baltimore Overdose Patients
University of Maryland Medical Center

Fentanyl is not typically part of hospital tests for illicit drug use, however, a new University of Maryland study found after expanding testing that fentanyl, linked to most fatal overdoses in Maryland, tops the list of drugs detected in overdose patients at two Baltimore hospital ERs. The researchers suggest addition of fentanyl to routine drug tests.

Released: 10-Jun-2020 10:00 AM EDT
New Report on Enforcement of Gun Laws in Baltimore Finds More Focused Approached Could Reduce Violence, Improve Community Relationships with City Police
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health finds that broad “stop-and-search” practices used for many years by Baltimore police to look for illegally possessed guns have minimal, if any, impact on gun violence. These practices also result in mental and physical harm to those who are unjustifiably searched and serve to undermine community trust in police. The researchers also found that residents of communities most impacted by gun violence in Baltimore want more focused and accountable law enforcement to reduce gun violence.

25-Feb-2019 3:05 PM EST
New Cell-Sized Micro Robots Might Make Incredible Journeys
American Physical Society (APS)

Researchers have created tiny functional, remote-powered, walking robots, developing a multistep nanofabrication technique that turns a 4-inch specialized silicon wafer into a million microscopic robots in just weeks. Each one of a robot’s four legs is just under 100-atoms-thick, but powered by laser light hitting the robots’ solar panels, they propel the tiny robots. The researchers are now working on smart versions of the robots that could potentially make incredible journeys in the human body.

21-Feb-2019 2:05 PM EST
Mathematics of Sea Slug Movement Points to Future Robots
American Physical Society (APS)

Mathematician Shankar Venkataramani’s research group recently discovered a lot of new, powerful geometries involved in frilly surfaces, which he will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting. For mathematicians, frilly is plain language for an inflected nonsmooth surface -- one that changes the direction in which it bends, such as with kale or coral. Venkataramani’s group developed the mathematics to describe these surfaces, and the combination of new geometry insights and age-old slugs might just be the right combination for a new generation of flexible, energy-efficient soft-bodied robots.

22-Feb-2019 10:05 AM EST
New Report on Industrial Physics and its Role in the US Economy
American Physical Society (APS)

A new APS report, “The Impact of Industrial Physics on the U.S. Economy,” shows the significant role of physics, which contributed an estimated $2.3 trillion (12.6 percent of U.S. GDP) in 2016 alone. Industrial physics encompasses the application of physics knowledge and principles to the design and manufacture of products and services. Many people working within this field have job titles other than physicist, so this report includes all aspects of industrial physics contributions.

22-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
New Surprises from Jupiter and Saturn
American Physical Society (APS)

The latest data from the giant planets has sent researchers back to the drawing board. Cassini orbited Saturn for 13 years before its dramatic final dive into the planet’s interior, while Juno has been orbiting Jupiter for two and a half years; the data collected has been “invaluable but also confounding,” said David Stevenson from Caltech, who will present an update of both missions at the 2019 APS March Meeting in Boston. Innovative design that protected the instruments from fierce radiation and powered the mission on solar energy alone has reaped plenty of surprises.

22-Feb-2019 10:05 AM EST
Improving Solar Cell Efficiency with a Bucket of Water
American Physical Society (APS)

Solar cells offer a clean source of energy, but the efficiency of a fixed solar system is limited: The sun moves, but solar cells do not. Beth Parks has devised an astonishingly simple way to overcome this limitation -- a bucket of water. As she will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting, she developed a frame that holds the solar cell with a bucket suspended on either end. By controlling the leak of water from one of the buckets, the solar cell shifts, tracking the arc of the sun throughout the day.

22-Feb-2019 2:05 PM EST
The Science of Knitting, Unpicked
American Physical Society (APS)

Knitting may be an ancient manufacturing method, but Elisabetta Matsumoto believes that understanding how different stitch types determine shape and mechanical strength will be invaluable for designing materials for future technologies, and a more detailed understanding of the knitting “code” could benefit manufacturers around the world. Members of the Matsumoto group are delving through the surprisingly complex mathematics that underlies tangles of yarn -- work Matsumoto will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting.

22-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
Sacrificing Accuracy to See the Big Picture
American Physical Society (APS)

Humans have a knack for finding patterns in the world around them. Researchers are building a model that shows how this ability might work, which they will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting. The brain does more than just process incoming information, the researchers say. It constantly tries to predict what’s coming next. The new model attempts to explain how people can make such predictions.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 2:05 PM EST
Introverts Perform Nearly As Well in Social Settings As Extroverts Do, According to Study by Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Researcher
Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School

A new study by Johns Hopkins Carey Business School researcher Erik Helzer found Introverts’ expectations of social interactions are more pessimistic than what they ultimately experience.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 7:00 AM EST
Singing for Science: How the Arts Can Help Students Who Struggle Most
 Johns Hopkins University

Incorporating the arts—rapping, dancing, drawing—into science lessons can help low-achieving students retain more knowledge and possibly help students of all ability levels be more creative in their learning, finds a new study by Johns Hopkins University.

22-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
Transforming Magnetic Storage Might Stem from the Vision of Quantum
American Physical Society (APS)

A new frontier in the study of magnetic materials, femtomagnetism, could lead to ultrafast magnetic storage devices that would transform information processing technologies. Now, researchers report a tabletop method to characterize such a faster magnetic storage using high-harmonic generation of laser light in iron thin films. Their work, which Guoping Zhang will present at the 2019 APS March Meeting, has the same vision as quantum technology.

22-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
A New Approach to an Old Question: How Do We Actually Cooperate?
American Physical Society (APS)

Princeton researchers are exploring how cooperation arises in human societies, where people tend to cluster into various group types -- political, religious, familial, professional, etc. -- which they will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting. Within such groups, people can cooperate or “defect” and receive payoffs based on those exchanges. Cooperation, they observed, is most favored when allowing for the existence of “loners” -- people who are temporarily not members of any group.

25-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
The First Look at How Hacked Self-Driving Cars Would Affect New York City Traffic
American Physical Society (APS)

Researchers have analyzed the real-time effect of a large-scale hack on automobiles in a major urban environment. Using percolation theory, they analyzed how a large, disseminated hack on automobiles would affect traffic flow in New York City, and they found that it could create citywide gridlock. However, based on these findings the team also developed a risk-mitigation strategy to prevent mass urban disruption -- work they will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting.

25-Feb-2019 1:05 PM EST
Superconductivity is Heating Up
American Physical Society (APS)

Theory suggests that metallic hydrogen should be a superconductor at room temperature; however, this material has yet to be produced in the lab. Metal superhydrides are packed with hydrogen atoms in a configuration similar to the structure of metallic hydrogen. Models predict they should behave similarly. Samples of superhydrides of lanthanum have been made and tested, and at the 2019 APS March Meeting in Boston, Russell Hemley will describe his group’s work studying the material.

22-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
Imaging Technique Lets Ordinary Cameras Capture High-Speed Images of Crack Formation
American Physical Society (APS)

Because cracks propagate quickly, studying the fracturing process -- which can tell us a lot about the materials and the physics involved -- currently requires expensive high-speed cameras. A new imaging method known as the virtual frame technique allows ordinary digital cameras to capture millions of frames per second for several seconds, requiring only a short and intense pulse of light. At the 2019 APS March Meeting, researchers will describe how the virtual frame technique would allow direct imaging of fracturing and other material surface processes.

22-Feb-2019 1:40 PM EST
Applying a Network Perspective to Human Physiology
American Physical Society (APS)

Medical practitioners commonly treat organs in isolation, but Boston University physicist Plamen Ivanov wants to usher in a new paradigm. As he will describe at the 2019 APS March Meeting, “It’s time to view health and disease not only from the perspective of individual organs but from the point of view of their integration,” he said. “We need to show how the different systems communicate with each other and stay in sync.” Ivanov calls the field he’s pioneering “network physiology.”

Released: 4-Mar-2019 8:00 AM EST
Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Asteroids are Stronger, Harder to Destroy Than Previously Thought
 Johns Hopkins University

A popular theme in the movies is that of an incoming asteroid that could extinguish life on the planet, and our heroes are launched into space to blow it up. But incoming asteroids may be harder to break than scientists previously thought, finds a Johns Hopkins study that used a new understanding of rock fracture and a new computer modeling method to simulate asteroid collisions.

22-Feb-2019 2:40 PM EST
The Speedy Secrets of Mako Sharks – ‘Cheetahs of the Ocean’
American Physical Society (APS)

To investigate how shortfin mako sharks achieve their impressive speeds, researchers tested real sharkskin samples, using digital particle image velocimetry. They discovered that a “passive bristling” capability of the microscopic surface geometry of the shark’s scales controlled flow separation, which causes pressure drag -- the most influential cause of drag on aircraft. The work will be described at the 2019 APS March Meeting, and could lead to new designs to reduce drag on aircraft.

25-Feb-2019 1:35 PM EST
Let the Sperm Races Begin
American Physical Society (APS)

For best chances of in vitro fertilization success, the most motile sperm are chosen from semen. But current methods of sperm selection are inefficient and can cause fragmentation of the precious DNA carried in sperm heads. Afrouz Ataei has developed an alternative mechanism to sort sperm, which avoids genetic damage while also being faster and more cost-effective. Ataei will describe the device at the 2019 APS March Meeting in Boston.

Released: 1-Mar-2019 1:05 PM EST
Researchers Discover Clues to Brain Differences Between Males and Females
University of Maryland School of Medicine

Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have discovered a mechanism for how androgens -- male sex steroids -- sculpt brain development. The research, conducted by Margaret M. McCarthy, Ph.D., who Chairs the Department of Pharmacology, could ultimately help researchers understand behavioral development differences between males and females.

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
When it comes to sex and aggression in mice, a cold-sensor tells the brain when “enough is enough!”
Biophysical Society

Researchers at the University of Illinois College of Medicine find that TRPM8, long ago identified as a cold-temperature sensor, regulates aggressive and hypersexual behavior in response to testosterone

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
High fat diet causes thickening of arteries down to the cellular level
Biophysical Society

Researchers at the University of Illinois show that the membranes of cells surrounding arteries get stiffer and thicker in response to a high fat diet, due to both LDLs and oxidized LDLs

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
A highly sensitive new blood test can detect rare cancer proteins
Biophysical Society

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University developed a new blood test that can identify proteins-of-interest down to the sub-femtomolar range with minimal errors

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
Ducks offer researchers a unique opportunity to study human touch
Biophysical Society

Researchers at Yale University gain insights into the mechanics of touch by studying the sensitive skin on ducks’ bills, which they found is similar in some ways to the skin on human palms.

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
New device mimics beating heart with tiny pieces of heart tissue
Biophysical Society

Researchers at Imperial College London created a bioreactor to allow heart tissue to experience mechanical forces in sync with the beats, like it would in the body, to study the mechanics of healthy and diseased hearts.

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
New area of research: How protein structures change due to normal forces
Biophysical Society

Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory are developing techniques to study how proteins respond to the tiny forces our cells experience.

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
Python hearts reveal mechanisms relevant to human heart health and disease
Biophysical Society

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder study fast-growing python hearts, which could provide insights to aid those with diseased heart growth. Their latest work reveals ways to study python heart cells.

28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
Researchers develop techniques to track the activity of a potent cancer gene in individual cells
Biophysical Society

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute use novel tools to reveal that cancer gene MYC causes global changes in gene activation, with subtle differences between individual cells

Released: 28-Feb-2019 3:05 PM EST
Brain Processes Concrete and Abstract Words Differently
American Physiological Society (APS)

A new review explores the different areas of the brain that process the meaning of concrete and abstract concepts. The article is published ahead of print in the Journal of Neurophysiology (JNP).

Released: 28-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
Large-Scale Initiative Linked to Reductions in Maternal and Newborn Deaths in Indonesia
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A U.S.-funded initiative to improve quality of care and referrals during pregnancy and childbirth in Indonesia resulted in significant reductions in maternal and newborn mortality at participating hospitals, according to a new study led by scientists at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

27-Feb-2019 4:15 PM EST
Shedding Light—Literally—on Resistance to Radiation Therapy
 Johns Hopkins University

A new Johns Hopkins study offers promise towards someday being able to non-invasively examine changes in cancerous tumors to determine whether they’ll respond to radiation treatment, before treatment even begins.

Released: 28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
An inner ear protein speaks volumes about how sound is converted to a brain signal
Biophysical Society

Researchers at Rockefeller University characterized a molecular spring attached to the membrane of inner ear cells that converts bending forces created by a sound wave to electrical signals that the brain can interpret.

Released: 28-Feb-2019 9:00 AM EST
Scientists Discover How Surfaces May Have Helped Early Life on Earth Begin
Biophysical Society

Researchers at the University of Oslo find that when lipids land on a surface they form tiny cell-like containers without external input, and that large organic molecules similar in size to DNA’s building blocks can spontaneously enter these protocells while they grow. Both of these are crucial steps towards forming a functioning cell.

Released: 28-Feb-2019 8:00 AM EST
Educator regional meeting allows networking opportunities in the Southeast
American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)

“Teaching Tomorrow’s Scientists: An ASCB Regional Meeting” is a day-long meeting that will include education research and scientific plenaries, a poster session, networking lunch, afternoon workshops, and mixer.

Released: 27-Feb-2019 9:45 AM EST
Ulcerative Colitis Clinical Guideline Now Available
American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)

BETHESDA, MD (February 27, 2019) – The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) is pleased to announce the publication of the ACG Clinical Guideline on Ulcerative Colitis (UC) in Adults, which was published online today in The American Journal of Gastroenterology and which serves as an update to the College’s 2010 UC guideline.
