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22-Mar-2022 12:00 PM EDT
HSS Study Reveals Why Men are More Likely to Be Offered Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hospital for Special Surgery

Males presented with more severe carpal tunnel syndrome and were offered surgery more often than females with the condition, according to work by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) featured today in a poster presentation at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2022 Annual Meeting.

22-Mar-2022 10:00 AM EDT
HSS Study Offers Timelines for Return to Activity After Major Foot Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery

A new study by researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City provides attainable goals for return to sports and related physical activities for patients who have undergone procedures to correct progressive collapsing foot deformity (PCFD), a severe musculoskeletal pathology that can drastically inhibit a patient’s daily function. The findings were presented today at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2022 Annual Meeting.

15-Mar-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Space-grown lettuce could help astronauts avoid bone loss
American Chemical Society (ACS)

NASA plans to send humans to Mars in the 2030s. The 3-year mission will cause astronauts to lose bone mass. Now, scientists report transgenic lettuce that produces a bone-stimulating hormone, which astronauts might someday grow and eat in space. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2022.

Released: 22-Mar-2022 1:10 AM EDT
Satisfaction rates for virtual and in-person clinical care remain high among pediatric orthopaedic patients
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

elemedicine and virtual office visits experienced exponential growth during the COVID-19 pandemic to help facilitate the safe delivery of orthopaedic care for numerous patient populations, including pediatric.

Released: 22-Mar-2022 1:10 AM EDT
Medical cannabis can reduce use of opioids in patients with chronic back pain and osteoarthritis, but further study needed
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

Providing patients with chronic back pain and osteoarthritis (OA) access to medical cannabis can reduce or even eliminate the use of opioids for pain management, according to two studies presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).

Released: 22-Mar-2022 1:10 AM EDT
Total knee arthroplasty in patients over 80 years old have lower levels of implant-related complications, but higher readmission rates, medical complications, and length of stays
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

When patients over 80 years old (octogenarians) are a candidate for total knee arthroplasty (TKA), there are concerns regarding medical and implant-related complications from the procedure due to their age.

Released: 22-Mar-2022 1:10 AM EDT
Depressive disorder may hinder healing in patients undergoing reverse shoulder arthroplasty
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

Depressive disorder (DD) is associated with longer in-hospital length of stay (LOS), higher rates of medical complications, and increased healthcare costs for patients undergoing reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) for the treatment of glenohumeral osteoarthritis (OA), according to a large-scale study presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).

21-Mar-2022 3:35 PM EDT
AAOS releases trends and outcomes from the Registry Program
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Registry Program is pleased to announce the availability of two new clinical data reports – the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) 2021 Annual Report Supplement and the AAOS Patient-Facing Registry Report.

Newswise: Tip Sheet: Orthopaedic Experts to Discuss Advances in Care
Released: 17-Mar-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Tip Sheet: Orthopaedic Experts to Discuss Advances in Care

Cedars-Sinai orthopaedic experts will present their latest advances in treatments and research at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) in Chicago March 22-26, sharing innovations to improve the quality of patient care and diversify the ranks of surgeons.

Released: 15-Mar-2022 11:30 AM EDT
Amino acid supplements reduce complications after fracture surgery
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

For patients recovering from fracture fixation surgery, dietary supplementation with conditionally essential amino acids (CEAA) reduces complications and prevents skeletal muscle wasting, concludes a clinical trial in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio in partnership with Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 11-Mar-2022 12:45 PM EST
Mayo Clinic


Released: 10-Mar-2022 1:05 PM EST
إدارة الألم بعد جراحات الركبة والكتف دون استخدام العقاقير أفيونية المفعول
Mayo Clinic

لاية مينيسوتا- أعطى أحد أنظمة إدارة الألم من دون استخدام العقاقير أفيونية المفعول نفس نتائج استخدام العقاقير أفيونية المفعول الشائعة، وفقًا لدراستين حديثتين عن العمليات الجراحية الرياضية الشائعة.

Released: 10-Mar-2022 1:00 PM EST
Manejo da dor após cirurgias de joelhos e ombros sem opioides
Mayo Clinic

Um regime de manejo da dor sem opioides ofereceu o mesmo alívio da dor que os opioides comumente prescritos, de acordo com dois estudos de cirurgias esportivas comuns.

Released: 10-Mar-2022 12:50 PM EST
Controlar el dolor sin opioides después de una cirugía de rodilla o de hombro
Mayo Clinic

El tratamiento farmacológico sin opioides para controlar el dolor ofrece el mismo alivio que la terapia con los opioides más comúnmente recetados, dicen dos estudios recientes sobre cirugías frecuentes en los deportes.

Released: 7-Mar-2022 4:20 PM EST
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Pé torto equinovaro na infância
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Estou grávida de 24 semanas e fiz um ultrassom que descobriu que meu filho tem pé torto equinovaro. Estou preocupada em relação à vida da minha criança e suas funções com esse diagnóstico. O que é a condição?

Released: 7-Mar-2022 4:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic

尊敬的妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic):我怀孕24周,接受了超声波检查,发现我的孩子有马蹄内翻足。这个诊断让我很担心我孩子的生活和功能性。这是一种什么样的病症?有没有什么新的治疗进展可以让我的孩子受益?

Released: 7-Mar-2022 4:05 PM EST
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: Pie equino varo en la infancia
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Tengo 24 semanas de embarazo y en la ecografía realizada se descubrió que mi bebé tiene pie equino varo. Me preocupa la vida y la funcionalidad que tendrá mi bebé con este diagnóstico.

Released: 7-Mar-2022 4:05 PM EST
أسئلة وإجابات مايو كلينك: حنف القدم في مرحلة الطفولة
Mayo Clinic

السادة الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: أنا حامل في الأسبوع الرابع والعشرين وخضعت لتصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية والذي اكتشف أن طفلي يعاني من حنف القدم. أنا قلقة على حياة طفلي ووظائف جسمه مع هذا التشخيص. ما هي الحالة، وهل هناك أي تطورات علاجية جديدة يمكن أن يستفيد منها طفلي؟

Released: 1-Mar-2022 10:35 AM EST
Younger patients seeking knee replacement have similar arthritis severity, but more risk factors for surgical complications than older patients
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Compared to older patients being evaluated for total knee arthroplasty (TKA), younger patients – under age 60 – have similar pain, disability, and willingness to undergo surgery, reports a study in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio in partnership with Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 28-Feb-2022 1:15 PM EST
Updated Guideline Introduces New Recommendations for Use of Medications Around Total Hip and Knee Replacement
American College of Rheumatology (ACR)

The ACR and the AAHKS released a summary of their updated guideline for the Perioperative Management of Antirheumatic Medication in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases Undergoing Elective Total Hip or Total Knee Arthroplasty.

Newswise: Sonic advance: How sound waves could help regrow bones
Released: 22-Feb-2022 11:05 AM EST
Sonic advance: How sound waves could help regrow bones
RMIT University

Researchers have used sound waves to turn stem cells into bone cells, in a tissue engineering advance that could one day help patients regrow bone lost to cancer or degenerative disease.

17-Feb-2022 3:35 PM EST
The Latest Research News in Cardiovascular Health

The Latest Research News in Cardiovascular Health

Released: 21-Feb-2022 4:55 PM EST
Mayo Clinic

明尼苏达州罗切斯特 — 长期以来,脊柱侧凸(脊柱左右侧弯)患者只能通过融合手术进行治疗。但现在可以有其他选择,包括为患有脊柱侧凸的儿童施行椎体拴系术。

Released: 21-Feb-2022 4:40 PM EST
ربط الجسم الفقري: خيار آخر لعلاج الجنف في الأطفال
Mayo Clinic

ولاية مينيسوتا- لطالما كانت جراحة الدمج علاجًا طويل الأمد للأشخاص المصابين بالجنف- انحناء العمود الفقري من جنب إلى آخر. لكن ظهرت خيارات أخرى - منها ربط الجسم الفقري للأطفال المصابين بالجنف.

Released: 21-Feb-2022 4:05 PM EST
Fixação do corpo vertebral: outra opção para o tratamento da escoliose em crianças
Mayo Clinic

a cirurgia de fusão tem sido o tratamento adotado há muito tempo para as pessoas com escoliose (um desvio de curvatura da coluna vertebral). Entretanto, outras opções estão se tornando disponíveis – inclusive a fixação do corpo vertebral para crianças com escoliose.

Released: 21-Feb-2022 4:00 PM EST
Anclaje del cuerpo vertebral: otra opción para el tratamiento de la escoliosis en niños
Mayo Clinic

La cirugía de fusión ha sido el tratamiento tradicional para las personas con escoliosis (una curvatura de lado a lado de la columna vertebral). Sin embargo, existen otras opciones, incluido el anclaje del cuerpo vertebral para niños con escoliosis.

Released: 21-Feb-2022 1:05 PM EST
Vertebral body tethering: Another option for treating scoliosis in children
Mayo Clinic

Fusion surgery has been the long-standing treatment for people with scoliosis - a side-to-side curve of the spine. But other options have become available — including vertebral body tethering for children with scoliosis. "Vertebral tethering is a new tool in the tool kit for the treatment of scoliosis," says A. Noelle Larson, M.D., a pediatric orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and expert in scoliosis surgery.

Released: 17-Feb-2022 3:05 PM EST
Continuation versus discontinuation of anti-rheumatic biologics during the perioperative period: What does the evidence support?
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

For patients with rheumatic arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases, discontinuing biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) prior to orthopaedic surgery does not appear to increase the risk of surgical site infections or delayed wound healing, concludes a review and meta-analysis in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio in partnership with Wolters Kluwer.

15-Feb-2022 4:15 PM EST
Harnessing vaccine technology to heal bone
Mayo Clinic

Researchers at Mayo Clinic, along with colleagues in the Netherlands and Germany, may have a viable, less risky alternative to regenerate bone: messenger RNA. This well-known platform for vaccines has already proven to be safe in human use by the FDA.

Newswise: UT Southwestern reports foot problems increasing due to pandemic habits
Released: 15-Feb-2022 12:05 PM EST
UT Southwestern reports foot problems increasing due to pandemic habits
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Changes in habits during the pandemic can lead to unexpected health issues with feet and ankles. Orthopedic surgeon Kshitij Manchanda, M.D. at UT Southwestern Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine has seen an increase in both reported injuries and chronic problems.

8-Feb-2022 9:00 AM EST
Men with high levels of body fat may be at risk for osteoporosis
Endocrine Society

Men with high levels of body fat have lower bone density and may be more likely to break a bone than those with normal levels of body fat, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Released: 8-Feb-2022 4:35 PM EST
Mayo Clinic


Released: 8-Feb-2022 4:20 PM EST
تحديد أفضل المرشحين المصابين بالنخر اللاوعائي للعلاج ببديل تجديديٍ لإجراء استبدال مفصل الورك
Mayo Clinic

يؤدي البديل التجديدي لاستبدال مفصل الورك إلى تأخير الحاجة إلى عمليات الزراعة الاصطناعية لمدة سبع سنوات على الأقل لدى 35% من المرضى الذين خضعوا لجراحة لعلاج النخر اللاوعائي.

Released: 8-Feb-2022 3:10 PM EST
Identificação dos melhores candidatos com necrose avascular como alternativa regenerativa para a artroplastia de quadril
Mayo Clinic

Uma alternativa regenerativa para a artroplastia total de quadril adiou a necessidade de implantes artificiais em pelo menos sete anos para 35 por cento dos pacientes que foram operados para tratar necrose avascular.

Released: 8-Feb-2022 3:05 PM EST
Identificar entre quienes tienen necrosis avascular a los más aptos para la alternativa regeneradora al reemplazo de cadera
Mayo Clinic

Una alternativa regeneradora al reemplazo total de cadera postergó por al menos 7 años la necesidad de implantes artificiales en el 35 por ciento de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía para tratar la necrosis avascular.

Released: 7-Feb-2022 10:25 AM EST
Managing Pain After Knee, Shoulder Surgeries Without Opioids
Mayo Clinic

A pain management regimen without opioids offered the same pain relief as common prescription opioids, according to two recent studies of common sports surgeries.

Newswise: Winter Olympics wipeouts: Top orthopaedic doctors discuss which injuries will dominate the 2022 games and how injuries are treated and prevented
Released: 1-Feb-2022 8:05 AM EST
Winter Olympics wipeouts: Top orthopaedic doctors discuss which injuries will dominate the 2022 games and how injuries are treated and prevented
Keck Medicine of USC

Winter Olympic wipeouts: Top orthopaedic doctors discuss which injuries will dominate the 2022 games and how injuries are treated and prevented

Newswise: Kappa Delta Anne Doner Vaughn Award presented to Lawrence J. Bonassar, PhD, for study of micromechanics and mechanobiology of cartilage to improve joint health, disease prevention and repair
Released: 31-Jan-2022 10:15 AM EST
Kappa Delta Anne Doner Vaughn Award presented to Lawrence J. Bonassar, PhD, for study of micromechanics and mechanobiology of cartilage to improve joint health, disease prevention and repair
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

The 2022 Kappa Delta Anne Doner Vaughn Award was presented to Lawrence J. Bonassar, PhD, for his research on the microscale mechanics and composition of articular cartilage and their relevance to musculoskeletal disease.

Newswise: Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award presented to L. Scott Levin, MD, for research in evolution of microsurgery and development of orthoplastic approach and microsurgical reconstructive ladder for extremity reconstruction
Released: 31-Jan-2022 10:15 AM EST
Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award presented to L. Scott Levin, MD, for research in evolution of microsurgery and development of orthoplastic approach and microsurgical reconstructive ladder for extremity reconstruction
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

The 2022 Kappa Delta Elizabeth Winston Lanier Award, which recognizes research in musculoskeletal disease or injury with great potential to advance patient care, was awarded to L. Scott Levin, MD, FACS, FAOA, FAAOS.

Newswise: Martha Murray, MD, FAAOS, presented with 2022 OREF Clinical Research Award for studies leading to FDA approval of first implant to stimulate ACL healing
Released: 31-Jan-2022 10:15 AM EST
Martha Murray, MD, FAAOS, presented with 2022 OREF Clinical Research Award for studies leading to FDA approval of first implant to stimulate ACL healing
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

he 2022 Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF) Clinical Research Award was presented to Martha Murray, MD, FAAOS, and her collaborators for outstanding clinical research related to musculoskeletal disease or injury.

Newswise: Loyola Medicine - Orthopaedics Berwyn Opens at MacNeal Hospital
Released: 28-Jan-2022 3:35 PM EST
Loyola Medicine - Orthopaedics Berwyn Opens at MacNeal Hospital
Loyola Medicine

Located at 3345 Oak Park Ave, Berwyn, IL 60402, Loyola Medicine - Orthopaedics Berwyn will be a one-stop shop for patients. The 4,000 square foot building will feature nine exam rooms and provide X-ray services on-site. Physicians at this location will provide patients with quality care for sports medicine, hand surgery, hip and knee care, spine care, rehabilitation and more.

Released: 26-Jan-2022 1:45 PM EST
The latest news in Behavioral Science for media

Here are some of the latest articles we've posted in the Behavioral Science channel.

Released: 24-Jan-2022 3:40 PM EST
The Latest Research News from the Health Disparities Channel

The latest research news from the Health Disparities Channel.

Newswise: Researchers to study how drug can be repurposed to assess nerve injuries
Released: 24-Jan-2022 10:40 AM EST
Researchers to study how drug can be repurposed to assess nerve injuries
Penn State College of Medicine

Researchers are studying whether a drug already approved to treat neurodegenerative diseases can be repurposed to help trauma surgeons determine whether nerves are severed or non-severed in peripheral nerve injuries.

Released: 19-Jan-2022 7:30 AM EST
When COVID Delayed Patients’ Joint Replacement Surgeries, A Chatbot Improved Their Mental and Physical Health
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

An automated text messaging system informed by psychotherapeutic techniques achieved meaningful improvement in not just mental, but the physical health of patients with delayed surgeries

Newswise: Partial bone marrow transplant 'rescues' mice with cystic fibrosis
Released: 18-Jan-2022 1:35 PM EST
Partial bone marrow transplant 'rescues' mice with cystic fibrosis
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) have found they can dramatically improve survival of mice with cystic fibrosis through a partial bone marrow transplant. Their new study in the Journal of Immunology shows that a partial bone marrow transplant helps these mice by introducing a population of healthy immune cells called monocytes.

Released: 17-Jan-2022 12:00 PM EST
Woman shares life-altering surgical journey with thousands of YouTube followers
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A young woman with osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bone disease, had severe scoliosis that impacted her breathing. Some doctors told her a spinal fusion could not happen. After having the procedure done at University of Michigan Health, she is sharing her health journey with thousands of YouTube followers.
