Research Alert

Newswise — This paper was jointly developed from members of the American Academy of Nursing Expert Panelson Palliative and End of Life Care, Primary Care, Aging, Acute and Critical Care, and two expert physicians.Purpose: The overarching goal is to promote the integration of palliative care as symptom management intothe primary care setting to transform care for patients living with multiple chronic conditions.

Methods: Embracing the recommendations made by the World Health Organization, the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services, and the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine to initiatepalliative care or symptom management at the onset of nonreversible or serious chronic conditions.

Discussion: Earlier palliative interventions reduce disease exacerbation, prevent hospitalization, maintainphysical functioning, and support health-related quality of life.

Conclusion: This is a needed paradigm shift as the nation’s aging population escalates, Americans are livinglonger, and the healthcare costs for the nation are unprecedented.

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