Research Alert

Article title: Vascular tone regulation in renal interlobar arteries of male rats is dysfunctional after intrauterine growth restriction

Authors: Jenny Voggel, Lubomir Lubomirov, Felix Lechner, Gregor Fink, Eva Nüsken, Maria Wohlfarth, Gabriele Pfitzer, Kija Shah-Hosseini, Martin Hellmich, Miguel A. Alejandre Alcázar, Jörg Dötsch, Kai-Dietrich Nüsken

From the authors: “Our study not only confirms that [intrauterine growth restriction] rat offspring after experimental uteroplacental insufficiency (i.e., a combination of prenatal surgical stress and reduced uteroplacental blood flow) show increased systemic blood pressure in adulthood but, for the first time, also demonstrates dysfunctional vascular tone regulation in renal interlobar arteries.”

This study is highlighted as one of August’s “best of the best” as part of the American Physiological Society's APSselect program.

Journal Link: American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology