Newswise — BALTIMORE, Md. -- The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD) is participating in a multi-city tour of China this summer as part of The Charlesworth Group’s Academic Journal Exhibition 2012. The scholarly journals tour of China will visit four major cities—Wuhan, Shanghai and Shenzhen—and will take part in the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF)—Overseas Periodical Show. The road show will promote journals and databases from international publishers to scholars and librarians in mainland China from June to September 2012.

These cities are all well known for their history, culture and educational resources, with the exhibitions located in renowned university libraries or in public libraries. Spending a week in each city, the tour will enable publishers to introduce their academic content to an audience of prominent academics and key librarians invited with complimentary admission. The tour is hosted by The China National Publications Import & Export Corporation, which also will conduct educational seminars and allow opportunities for publisher-sponsored seminars on topics including journal publishing, e-journal access and electronic archiving.

“We’re pleased to be included as part of this international tour,” said JRRD Editor, Stacieann Yuhasz, PhD. “JRRD reaches Veterans and their caregivers throughout the United States who want to know about what is happening in rehabilitation research, as well as a highly-educated and informed audience internationally. There is a significant amount of research underway in mainland China that our audiences could definitely benefit from learning more about as well as researchers who would benefit from future publication in JRRD.” Additional information about the tour and other participants is available at

JRRD, an open-access, international peer-reviewed rehabilitation journal, has been a leading research journal in the field of rehabilitation medicine and technology for nearly 50 years. JRRD publishes original research articles, clinical studies, topical reviews and editorials from U.S. and international researchers covering 31 rehabilitation disciplines. JRRD publishes both multi- and single-topic issues and is currently translated and available in English, Spanish, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

The journal is an official publication of VA’s Rehabilitation Research and Development Service and is available to anyone with an Internet connection at No subscription or registration is required to access full text articles online. Articles are archived on JRRD's Web site and within PubMed and many other abstract indexing companies. Legacy archival materials dating back to 1964 are available on the JRRD Web site. Digital subscriptions are available on Zinio or, if a printed copy of JRRD is preferred, it can be purchased through the U.S. Government Bookstore.

“Get Social” with JRRD on Facebook at JRRDJournal and follow us on Twitter at JRRDEditor.

Contact: Ken Frager[email protected]Cell: (443) 996-7208