Newswise — The largest gathering of plant health professionals worldwide will take place during the joint annual meeting of the American Phytopathological Society (APS), Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS), and the Mycological Society of America (MSA). The joint meeting will be held July 29 — August 2, 2006, at the Centre des Congrès de Québec, Québec City, Québec, Canada.

"The scientific program for this year's meeting covers a diverse range of topics that reflect the breadth of our membership's interests," said Jan Leach, APS president-elect and chair of the meeting planning committee. "Because of our collaboration with CPS and MSA, the program will be rich in mycology and forest pathology. Combined with the lovely venue of Quebec City, this promises to be an exciting and memorable meeting," she said.

The meeting's scientific program will kick off Sunday morning, July 30, with the plenary session "Biological Interactions and Biological Crossroads." The scientific program, which collectively represents the program of all three societies, includes nearly 25 oral sessions, more than 700 poster presentations, and three days of special sessions. The meeting will also include an exhibition, hands-on workshops, and field trips.

Session tracks include:"¢ Biology of Plant Pathogens"¢ Diseases of Plants"¢ Epidemiology/Ecology/Environmental Biology"¢ Molecular/Cellular Plant-Microbe Interactions"¢ Plant Disease Management"¢ Mycology

More information on the meeting, including the symposia listing and schedule is available at The advance registration deadline is June 2, 2006.

Members of the media are extended complimentary registration to the annual meeting. To register, contact Amy Steigman at [email protected] or +1.651.994.3802.

The American Phytopathological Society (APS) is a non-profit, professional scientific organization. The research of the organization's 5,000 worldwide members advances the understanding of the science of plant pathology and its application to plant health. The Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) is a scientific society that was formed in 1929 as a nonprofit organization to enable plant pathologists to meet and discuss their common interests in teaching and research of plant diseases. The Mycological Society of America (MSA) is a scientific society dedicated to advancing the science of mycology—the study of fungi of all kinds including mushrooms, molds, truffles, yeasts, lichens, plant pathogens, and medically important fungi.

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Joint Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Canadian Phytopathological Society, and the Mycological Society of America