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Released: 25-Apr-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Four Questions to Ask Before Paying for an Employee's Training
Dick Jones Communications

An employee asks you to pay for additional training that he says he needs to do his job better. How do you know that the training will benefit the company? Is he really asking you to fund skill building that will help him land a new job somewhere else?

Released: 21-Mar-2011 8:00 AM EDT
U. of Denver Experts on Japan Crisis
Dick Jones Communications

The University of Denver has several experts available to discuss various disaster issues in Japan.

Released: 9-Feb-2010 1:30 PM EST
Additional Incentives Would Aid Toyota's Comeback, PR Researcher Says
Dick Jones Communications

Toyota will bounce back but there is no doubt that the car maker made some significant PR missteps, reports a scholar of public relations ethics.

Released: 22-Oct-2009 9:00 AM EDT
Interest in Paranormal Fuels Rise in Halloween's Popularity
Dick Jones Communications

Why is Halloween on the rise as a popular celebration? Many young adults just want an excuse to dress up and party. But there is more to it than that, says a U. of Denver communication professor. There is also greater interest in the paranormal and the supernatural.

Released: 24-Mar-2009 2:20 PM EDT
Pilot: How to Survive Emergency Aircraft Landings
Dick Jones Communications

There are several things people can do to maximize their chances of survival in emergency aircraft landings. So says the director of Delaware State University's airway science program.

Released: 2-Mar-2009 11:35 AM EST
American Rubberneckers: Why We Love to Witness Disaster
Dick Jones Communications

We are a nation of gawkers. Log onto YouTube and you can watch dozens of videos of planes crashing into the towers on 9/11 and victims leaping to their deaths. Browse Amazon for one of the 87 DVDs about Hurricane Katrina. Or tune into the Discovery Channel's new show, "Destroyed in Seconds."

Released: 17-Dec-2008 4:00 PM EST
Santa Urged to Give Seaweed Instead of Coal to Bad Kids
Dick Jones Communications

A Tennessee professor is calling on Santa Claus this year to give seaweed instead of coal to children who have been naughty and not nice. Doing so could save delivery of up to 5,000 tons of coal to children's stockings worldwide, estimates Gerald Smith, professor of religion and environmental studies at Sewanee: The University of the South in Sewanee, TN.

Released: 24-Nov-2008 1:00 PM EST
A Revealing Transfer of Power from Bush to Obama
Dick Jones Communications

The campaign marathon has turned into a transition sprint, with thousands of decisions on personnel, policy and spending to be made in a fraction of the time it took the country to elect a new president.

Released: 27-Oct-2008 8:55 AM EDT
What To Expect From The Nation's New First Lady
Dick Jones Communications

What can the nation expect of its new first lady? Three things and maybe a fourth, says Laura van Assendelft, professor of political science at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, VA and a scholar on the role of women in politics.

Released: 13-Oct-2008 3:20 PM EDT
Professor Explains Why Financial Crises Occur in Autumn
Dick Jones Communications

For centuries, autumn has been the season for financial disaster. Modern practices of managing our credit system were supposed to have changed all that. But the panic of 2008 and the market crash of 1987 are possible signs that autumn may still be the weakest link in the financial chain.

Released: 4-Sep-2008 5:30 PM EDT
Hurricane Anxiety Creates Storm of Emotions
Dick Jones Communications

During hurricane season, coastal dwellers are faced with constant uncertainty about when and where the next disaster may strike. For many, that anxiety can be more distressing than the actual storms.

Released: 27-Aug-2008 6:45 PM EDT
New Book Debunks the Myths of Bullying
Dick Jones Communications

Whether your child is beginning kindergarten or finishing high school, bullying is a reality every student will face. "One hundred percent of children are touched by bullying," says Dr. Meline Kevorkian, author of book, "101 Facts About Bullying: What Everyone Should Know" (Rowman & Littlefield, September 2008).

Released: 30-Jul-2008 11:00 AM EDT
China Poised to Overtake USA in Olympic Medal Tally
Dick Jones Communications

China is clearly poised to overtake Team USA in the medal tally, says Curt Hamakawa, director of the Center for International Sport Business at Western New England College in Springfield, MA, and former member of the United States Olympic Committee.

Released: 11-Jul-2008 1:00 PM EDT
For a Safe Back-to-School, Everyone Has to Get on the Prevention Bus
Dick Jones Communications

National school crises expert says the most important back-to-school concern is safety -- and everyone is responsible.

Released: 12-Dec-2007 1:00 PM EST
Civil Liberties Question Still Surround Death Penalty in U.S.
Dick Jones Communications

Allan D. Sobel, director of the Arlin M. Adams Center for Law and Society at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pa., argues that inmate executions in the U.S. should be stopped while institutional problems with the justice system are addressed.

Released: 11-Oct-2007 9:45 AM EDT
Keep Schools Open After Shooting, Psychologist Advises
Dick Jones Communications

Schools have a tendency to close for the entire week after a shooting incident but it would be better if they remained open. At the very least they should be open for counseling, says a psychologist who has written four books on school crises and served on counseling teams after the shootings at Littleton, CO and Red Lake, MN.

Released: 17-Apr-2007 12:50 PM EDT
Two Experts on Virginia Tech Shootings
Dick Jones Communications

A psychologist who has written four books on school crises and consulted at Columbine and Red Lake and a criminal justice professor who teaches one of the few courses on mass and serial murder, comment on the Virginia Tech shootings.
