Credit: Horticulture Research
Performance of Bnopr3 after different treatments and F1 hybrids. A Seed set of Bnopr3 after spraying with MeJA or water and hybrids after pollination by normal variety. B, CBnopr3 mutant and hybrid plants at seedling stage. D Genotype analysis of Bnopr3 mutant, normal variety, and F1 hybrids by using the B. napus 50 K Illumina Infinium SNP array. Gray and red represent the loci in the two parents, respectively. Blue lines represent heterozygous SNP alleles in hybrid plants. EBnopr3 mutant and hybrid plants at flowering stage. F Yield traits, including plant height, branch number, pod number per plant, pod length, thousand-seed weight, and yield per plant; comparison between two parents and F1 hybrid. *<0.05; **, P < 0.01; examined by Student’s t-test. G Flowering phenotype of two hybrids. F1-1, hybrids of ‘Westar’ and WB; F1-2, hybrids of Bnopr3 and WB. H Disease symptoms of two hybrids after S. sclerotiorum infection for 24 h (top) and 48 h (bottom). IT1 plant from seeds of Bnopr3 after MeJA treatment. J, K Flower morphology in Bnopr3 mutant in T1 generation and wild type. Scale bar = 1 cm. L Schematic diagram of two-line system with phytohormone genic male sterility in rapeseed. Male-sterile plants treated with MeJA can restore fertility and set seeds. Any normal variety can serve as a restorer line to pollinate this genic male-sterile line and generate F1 hybrids.