Here are some highlights from the latest issue of Epilepsy Currents Vol. 15, no. 1:
• Net Worth of Networks: Specificity in Anticonvulsant ActionThe mechanisms of action of many central nervous system (CNS) drugs have been studied extensively on the level of their target proteins but the effect of these compounds on the level of complex CNS networks that are composed of different types of excitatory and inhibitory neurons are not well understood.
• Optogenetics and Epilepsy: Past, Present and FutureThe holy grail of epilepsy research is to understand the mechanisms underlying seizures so that patients with epilepsy can receive effective treatment or be cured, ideally with no significant side effects. Recent advances in neuroscience give such hope. Optogenetics is a modern neuroscience research tool that allows precise spatiotemporal control of defined cells and circuits, and thus, dissection of critical players and targeting them for responsive treatments.
• Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Connecting Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Systemic Inflammation, and NonconvulsiveNonconvulsive seizures (NCSz) are frequent following acute brain injury and have been implicated as a cause of secondary brain injury, but mechanisms that cause NCSz are controversial. Proinflammatory states are common after many brain injuries and inflammation-mediated changes in blood-brain barrier permeability have been experimentally linked to seizures.
About Epilepsy CurrentsEpilepsy Currents is a literature surveillance publication, including brief expert commentary on abstracts in selected basic science and clinical topics selected by the editorial board. The journal is available online to AES members and non-members.
About the American Epilepsy Society (AES)The American Epilepsy Society (AES) is the largest and most active non-profit medical and scientific society devoted to issues surrounding the epilepsies. Our individual members are professionals engaged in both research and clinical care for people with epilepsy from private practice, academia and government. For more than 75 years, AES has been unlocking the potential of the clinical and research community by creating a dynamic global forum where professionals can share, learn and grow. AES champions the use of sound science and clinical care through the exchange of knowledge, by providing education and by furthering the advancement of the profession.