Abstract: Non-coding RNAs exert diverse functions in many cell types. In addition to transcription factors from coding genes, non-coding RNAs may also play essential roles in shaping and directing the fate of germ cells. Here, we report the presence of many long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) which were specifically expressed in the germ cells during human gonadal development by single-cell profiling of the reported datasets, and the functional characterization of one divergent lncRNA, LNC1845. Comprehensive bioinformatic analysis of these lncRNAs indicates that divergent lncRNAs occupied the majority of female and male germ cells. Integrating lncRNA expression into the bioinformatic analysis also enhances the cell-type classification of female germ cells. Functional dissection using in vitro differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to germ cells revealed the regulatory role of LNC1845 on a transcription factor essential for ovarian follicle development, LHX8, by modulating the levels of histone modifications, H3K4me3 and H3K27Ac. Hence, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of lncRNAs in developing germ cells and elucidates how a lncRNA function as a cis regulator during human germ cell development.

Journal Link: 10.1101/2022.04.01.486705 Journal Link: Publisher Website Journal Link: Download PDF Journal Link: Google Scholar