MYTH: More domestic violence happens at this time of year. False, says Farley. “Domestic violence actually goes down, so there must be some truth to the holiday saying, ‘Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men.’”
MYTH: It is OK to tell young children there is no Santa Claus. Disagree, says Farley. “Santa provides children with a vivid, imaginative and memorable figure with positive personal traits to represent Christmas, and children should be allowed to believe.”
MYTH: Dangerous driving and driving fatalities are highest at New Year’s Eve. Wrong, says Farley. “Actually, the worse days for dangerous driving and driving fatalities are July 4, and around Labor Day,” he says. “However, deaths due to drunk driving have a one-day high on New Year’s Day which also shows the highest number of pedestrian deaths of the year.”
MYTH: There is a big weight gain over the holidays. Wrong, says Farley. "The cookies, the cakes, the sweets tip the scales for an average holiday gain of only about 1-2 pounds."
MYTH: More suicides occur during Christmas or New Year’s. Not true, says Farley. “There is no increase in suicide during these holidays,” he says. “People are just as likely to commit suicide in June or July as they are now.”
MYTH: A nip will warm you up. Not true, warns Farley. "Try a sweater instead as alcohol may actually aid in heat loss," he says.
MYTH: Kissing under the mistletoe confers something special. “Who knows," says Farley. "But let’s keep this myth going!"
"These myths are just another source of misinformation, of which there is much in modern society,” says Farley, a Laura. H. Carnell Professor at Temple and former president of the American Psychological Association. “Myths and misinformation, if unchallenged and propagated long enough, become our truths and our belief systems.”
Contact: Farley can be reached at 215/668-7581 or [email protected].