Newswise — The University of Miami has signed a three-year Programming Partnership agreement with Concordia, a leading global convener widely recognized for hosting the largest and most inclusive nonpartisan global affairs forum alongside the U.N. General Assembly. The partnership stipulates that the University will host the annual Americas Summit for the next three years. 

University President Julio Frenk was in New York City recently, speaking about health care issues during Concordia’s 2022 Annual Summit. As a Principal Programming Partner for the 2023 Concordia Americas Summit, the University will host Concordia’s seventh Americas Summit from March 9-10, 2023. 

“One of our responsibilities and privileges as a comprehensive research university is to bring together leading thinkers around pressing global issues,” said Frenk. “We are delighted to serve as a point of connection for the Americas, and we look forward to working with Concordia to feature relevant research conducted in Miami on issues ranging from climate change to democracy, both at its future Americas Summits and at its convenings year-round.”

Following the 2023 Americas Summit, Concordia and the University will collaborate on the 2024 and 2025 Americas summits, with the University hosting those events as well. In addition, key experts and researchers from the University will regularly contribute to Concordia annual and regional summits.

“Concordia is based on the tenet that cross-sector partnerships represent the culmination of innovative ideas. Twelve years since our founding and 37 summits later, it is an honor to return to Miami to host our seventh Americas Summit, continuing an important legacy of our institutional focus on the Western Hemisphere,” commented Concordia’s co-founders, Matthew Swift and Nicholas Logothetis, in a statement. 

“We are thrilled to be continuing our partnership with the University of Miami over the next three years. Through this partnership, we look forward to furthering our on-the-ground impact as we connect researchers, students, and community with leaders from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors to drive solutions shaping the future of the Americas,” they also stated.

The partnership is being supported through a gift from University of Miami Trustee Emeritus Jose Bared, whose Bared Family Foundation views the partnership with Concordia as an important avenue for continuing the University’s engagement in the Western Hemisphere. 

“The University of Miami has, from its founding, helped shape the thinking around important issues affecting our hemisphere,” noted Bared in making the gift. “The platform provided by this partnership with Concordia builds on that tradition and creates new opportunities for connection.” 

The Concordia Americas initiative began in 2016, with the inaugural summit in Miami and subsequent convenings in Bogotá, Colombia, gathering leaders from the public, nonprofit, and private sectors to explore the most pressing issues facing the Western Hemisphere. 

The 2023 Concordia Americas Summit will build on many of the outcomes and themes from this year’s 2022 Americas Summit. Programming themes include innovative technology, democracy, security and geopolitical risk, health opportunities and challenges, environmental sustainability, and cultural diplomacy and youth advocacy. Registration for the 2023 Americas Summit will open in the coming weeks.

Read the 2022 Concordia Americas Summit Report.