Newswise — The Argonne in Chicago South Side STEM Opportunity Landscape Project was awarded the Societal Impact Award by the Chicago Council on Science and Technology (C2ST) for its commitment to advancing equity and opportunity in STEM education and careers across underserved communities.

C2ST is a nonprofit that works to inspire and engage all segments of society about science and technology and their contributions to society. The South Side STEM Opportunity Landscape Project is part of Argonne in Chicago, which is focused on driving inclusive innovation to advance economic and societal impacts for underserved and underrepresented communities. The idea for the STEM landscape project began with a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University's Digital Youth Network. Together, they mapped existing STEM resources and opportunities across nine South Side of Chicago communities — Douglas, Grand Boulevard, Greater Grand Crossing, Hyde Park, Kenwood, Oakland, South Shore, Washington Park and Woodlawn. The program aims to establish effective STEM pathways within the nine communities by addressing disparities in educational and workforce development opportunities within the emerging STEM economy.

At the helm of the STEM initiative are Meridith Bruozas, Argonne’s institutional partnerships director, and Jessica Burgess, Argonne's STEM education partnerships and outreach manager. With extensive backgrounds in education and STEM programing, Bruozas and Burgess have convened a diverse group of South Side education leaders and community partners to work together on advancing equitable STEM access and literacy.

"We are honored to receive this award from such an influential organization as C2ST,” Bruozas said. “This recognition is a testament to the power of collaboration and collective impact. It reaffirms our commitment to equity and inclusion in STEM, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to thrive and succeed."

The culmination of these efforts is a website that provides free access to interactive maps and visuals of STEM programming and organizations, offering insights into workforce development, internship opportunities and STEM education within the nine communities.

"By highlighting existing resources and fostering partnerships, we're laying the groundwork for a more equitable and accessible STEM ecosystem," Burgess said. "This award helps fuel our determination to continue making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve."

The Societal Impact Award was presented to Argonne at C2ST’s Matrix of Metropolis Annual Science in the City Gala, where C2ST also honored other award recipients. All the awards for the evening honored outstanding organizations and individuals who have had a great impact in the Chicagoland STEM ecosystem in the last few years.

“We look forward to the next chapter of this project and remain committed to working with our community and education partners to expand its impact,” said Bruozas.