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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Most Men with Genital Piercings are White, Middle Class

From Texas Tech University

Whatever your assumptions about men with genital piercings might have been, the results of a recent study might surprise. 

Most of the men with genital piercings are white, college-educated, and middle class.  The average age of men with genital piercings is 31.

“Some of the literature and stereotypes would lead you to believe that men who get genital piercings are strange or aberrant,” said Alden Roberts, a professor in Texas Tech’s Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work. “But if you look at the data, these men are not much different from the general population.”

Some other interesting tidbits from the survery:
• 62 percent reported only one sexual partner in the last 6 months

• 89 percent of respondents identified themselves as Caucasian.

• 41 percent were married, and another 20 percent living with a significant other

• 56 percent reported a salary of more than $45,000 a year

• 28 percent identified themselves as having strong religious faith

• 82 percent identified themselves as heterosexual

• 87 percent said they didn’t use drugs

For the full study (WARNING: graphic illustrations!) go here:

Read the full article here.

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 08/25/10 at 12:07 PM


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