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Newswise Blog

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Many Possibilities of a Newswise Sponsorship

Sponsored Content

Sponsorship opportunities with Newswise allow participating institutions to craft a targeted message and reach thousands of subscribers through the Newswise Wires. (Find out more.)

Sponsorship Possibilities

Participating institutions can choose from a variety of possibilities for a Newswise sponsorship message, including links to a news release, promoting a campaign, announcing a new product, and more.  And each Newswise wire targets that message to a variety of audiences, including the media, bloggers, professionals in healthcare and scientific research, and an interested public. 

View this following list of suggestions for sponsorship possibilities, and contact us to find out more

Link to a News Release
Use your Newswise sponsorship message to promote your news release. The prominent placement of a sponsorship message will help drive additional traffic to your news, resulting in more likelihood of media coverage, and greater reach to our public subscribers. 

Promote an Annual Meeting
Advertise and promote your upcoming annual meeting, provide registration details, and highlight meeting presentations, and invite journalists to attend. 

Promote a Campaign
Is your institution participating in a public health campaign, cause, or other type of advocacy? Use a Newswise sponsorship to link to a web page detailing the awareness message.

Offer a Coupon
Reach your constituents with a coupon as an incentive for consumers to explore your services and products. 

Extend Your Brand
Craft a sponsorship ad and introduce your brand to Newswise subscribers with a message of your choice, including links, logos, and a description of your organization, products, or services. 

Promote Your Publications
Give additional marketing exposure to your publications by alerting the media of your forthcoming book, magazine, or academic journal. 

Launch a New Website
Make a splash with your new website launch and drive traffic with a sponsorship message.  Announce a new site or publicize updates and new features in the Newswise wires to attract visitors to your landing page. 

Promote a New Product or Device
Is your institution or company involved in the development of a new medical device or other consumer product?  Use a sponsorship ad to announce it to the media and to the public. 

Promote a New Service
Devote your sponsorship message to announcing a new service with your logo, a description of the new offering, and links to more information. 

Awards and Prizes
Announce awards and prizes sponsored by your institution and solicit applications from the media or the public. Post your award on the free Newswise awards calendar, and give your entry special promotion with a sponsorship message in the Newswise wires. 

New Higher Ed Developments
Publicize news in higher education, such as a new school, department, course of study, fundraising initiative, and development grants. Corporations and academic institutions may also promote their experts and spokespersons as sources for the media.

Promote Apps and Social Media
Launch a new smartphone app, podcast, or social media profile.  Does your institution have an app for iphone or other smartphone?  Do you want more followers for your Facebook page?  Use a Newswise sponsorship to get more users and fans. 
Affect Public Policy
Does your institution want to influence public policy or awareness of a prominent issue?  Use a Newswise sponsorship to announce a policy statement, advocacy campaign, or charitable cause. 

View more information about Newswise Sponsorship opportunities.

Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/02/11 at 03:41 PM


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