Newswise Blogs: Medical News

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ten Steps to a Safe School Year for Kids with Allergies and Asthma

For millions of children with allergies and asthma, heading back-to-school with high levels of fall pollens and molds in the air and exposure to potential allergens and viruses in class can really take a toll. The ACAAI and its allergist members, doctors who are experts at diagnosing and treating allergies and asthma, offer strategies to help prevent allergy and asthma flare-ups at school.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/27 at 02:26 PM
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Wheelchair Can be Controlled by Sniffing

Weizmann Institute scientists have invented a unique device, based on sniffing, that permits disabled persons to navigate wheelchairs and communicate. Sniffing technology is being investigated for other uses as well, such as a “third hand” for surgeons or pilots.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/27 at 12:09 PM
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scientists Isolate First Stage of Tissue Production From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Scientists at the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center have described a population of cells that mark the very first stage of differentiation of human embryonic stem cells as they enter a developmental pathway that leads to production of blood, heart muscle, blood vessels and bone.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/21 at 11:22 AM
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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Top Five Summer Injuries Among Children

Doctors at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have noticed a trend in injuries that occur in children during the summer months. See what experts say can help prevent these common summer injuries. Video included.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/06 at 10:51 AM
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Friday, July 02, 2010

Major Racial Disparities Found in Hospital Admissions for High Blood Pressure

The hospital admission rate for blacks with hypertension was 161 per 100,000 people in 2006 – nearly 5 times the hospitalization rate for whites (33 admissions per 100,000).

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/02 at 02:42 PM
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Employees in Small Businesses Are More Likely to Have High-Premium Health Plans

Nearly 13 percent of workers with employer-sponsored health plans who worked in firms with 10 or fewer employees had premiums of $7,200 or more a year for single-coverage plans in 2008.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 06/24 at 03:26 PM
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hot Weather and Diabetics Do Not Mix

A new survey shows that diabetic individuals who live in a hot climate have important gaps in their “heat awareness,” or knowledge about proper diabetes self-care in hot weather, even though diabetes raises their risk of heat illness. The results of “Diabetes in the Desert: What Do Patients Know About the Heat?” will be presented Monday at The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/22 at 10:48 AM
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Friday, June 18, 2010

Never Too Young for Chronic Disease Prevention through Fitness

Staying in shape may bolster the metabolic profiles of first-year college students, and working on physical fitness in your early 20s can help limit certain metabolic risk factors that lead to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/18 at 01:30 PM
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Low Back Pain Is No Reason to Stay in Bed

“Normal daily activity seems to be the best way for patients with low-back pain to get better,” says the lead author of an updated review.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/16 at 01:50 PM
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Healthier Foods the Latest Rage at Today’s Ballparks

Buy me some sushi and veggie wraps? There are a lot more choices besides “peanuts and Cracker Jacks” when you go out to the ballgame these days, according to an article in the May issue of Heart Insight.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 06/14 at 10:21 AM
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