Newswise Blogs: Science News

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Wheelchair Can be Controlled by Sniffing

Weizmann Institute scientists have invented a unique device, based on sniffing, that permits disabled persons to navigate wheelchairs and communicate. Sniffing technology is being investigated for other uses as well, such as a “third hand” for surgeons or pilots.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/27 at 12:09 PM
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Unique Style of “Walking” Identified in Species of Caterpillar

You’ve probably never given a lot of thought to how a caterpillar walks, but some new research has identified a completely unique, and novel form of locomotion in the tobacco hawkmoth caterpillar (Manduca sexta).  Using synchronized x-ray and microscope technology, researchers learned that the creature’s stomach and internal gut structure seem to move forward in advance of the surrounding body and legs.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/23 at 09:49 AM
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Might As Well Face It, You’re Addicted To Love

Everyone knows the immortal 80s pop song by Robert Palmer, “Addicted to Love.”  New research shows just how right those immortal lyrics are - with studies on how the human brain responds to romantic feelings in much the same way it responds to addiction.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/22 at 03:47 PM
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cornell’s Robot Ranger Sets Untethered ‘Walking’ Record at 14.3 Miles

They say that to understand a person, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  Well, I don’t know what shoes he was wearing, but a robot designed by Cornell University walked 14.3 miles, setting an unofficial world record.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 07/22 at 02:11 PM
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scientists Isolate First Stage of Tissue Production From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Scientists at the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center have described a population of cells that mark the very first stage of differentiation of human embryonic stem cells as they enter a developmental pathway that leads to production of blood, heart muscle, blood vessels and bone.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/21 at 11:22 AM
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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Organic Farming Enhances Biodiversity and Natural Pest Control

A team of researchers from Washington State University and the University of Georgia have found that organic farming increases biodiversity among beneficial, pest-killing predators and pathogens. In potato crops, this led to fewer insect pests and larger potato plants.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 07/01 at 02:39 PM
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Climate Change Scientists Turn Up the Heat in Alaska

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are planning a large-scale, long-term ecosystem experiment to test the effects of global warming on the icy layers of arctic permafrost.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/28 at 01:38 PM
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Hurricanes Effect Gulf Oil Spill

As two possible hurricanes form in the Gulf of Mexico, experts are working hard to predict damage and make safety recommendations for the oil spill containment and clean-up effort.

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Posted by Thom Canalichio on 06/28 at 01:32 PM
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Technology Helps Explain The Quick Reflexes of a Goalie During a Penalty Kick

Research shows body reveals early clues to direction of soccer penalty kicks.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 06/25 at 11:44 AM
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Expert Says Lifting Offshore Drilling Embargo Puts Entire Gulf Coast at Risk

Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Cornell University Professor of Law and an expert in environmental law, comments on the recent court decision to lift a federal embargo on deep-water oil drilling.

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Posted by Craig Jones on 06/23 at 01:01 PM
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