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Schlechter named Cancer Moonshot Scholar

Chelsey Schlechter, PhD, MPH, has been chosen as a Cancer Moonshot Scholar. She is one of eleven researchers from across the country who have been selected for the prestigious honor.
26-Nov-2024 2:35 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Collaborative Core Combo Jumpstarts Gene-editing Experiments

A new gene-editing pipeline cuts the time to generate a transgenic mouse line by a month by providing cheaper, better, faster CRISPR.
26-Nov-2024 12:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Seemingly “Broken” Genes in Coronaviruses May be Essential for Viral Survival

Researchers have found that some coronavirus genes don’t produce a working protein, but nevertheless appear evolutionarily advantageous. Their work investigating how these mystery genes evolve could help forecast which viral variants might be more...
14-Nov-2024 2:55 PM EST Add to Favorites

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“We Need Everyone”: New Award Recognizes the Importance of Scientific Community

In the lab of Minna Roh-Johnson, PhD, great science and great mentorship are inextricable. Now, up to $250,000 in federal funding from the National Cancer Institute has made that philosophy concrete by advancing cancer research and building...
13-Nov-2024 1:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Family Caregiving Collaborative Seeks Better Ways to Care for the Caregivers

Health care doesn’t stop when a patient leaves the hospital. The vast majority of most patients’ care happens at home. Caregivers often struggle to balance work, caretaking duties, and other responsibilities while managing what can be intense...
6-Nov-2024 2:50 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Health Research Launches Into Orbit to Discover How Spaceflight Affects Blood

NASA crew and ground-based scientists are sending blood cells to the International Space Station on November 4 to learn why astronauts have a higher risk of blood clots.
4-Nov-2024 4:30 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Novel Prostate Cancer Treatment Increases Overall Survival Rates for Late-Stage Prostate Cancer Patients

A global study of a combination drug therapy, led by an investigator at Huntsman Cancer Institute, has shown improved overall survival rates for metastatic prostate cancer compared to standard treatments.
28-Oct-2024 4:20 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Discovery of Critical Iron-Transport Protein in Malaria Parasites Could Lead to Faster-Acting Medications

New research from University of Utah Health has identified a promising target for new antimalarial drugs: a protein called DMT1, which allows single-celled malaria parasites to use iron. Preventing DMT1 activity causes parasites to die unusually...
28-Oct-2024 3:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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CDC Data Suggests Attitudes Are Shifting About the HPV Vaccine: Utah Vaccine Rates Among Teens Increased More Than 16%

Many more Utah teens are getting vaccinated for HPV, protecting them against six types of cancer. The state saw a significant increase in HPV vaccinations after a long history of mixed messages and misunderstandings about the vaccine. Huntsman...
4-Nov-2022 5:00 PM EDT

Wildfire Smoke May Increase Risk to COVID-19 Infection

Wildfires are becoming more common and severe due to climate change and warmer and drier conditions in the West. As wildfire season rages in the United States, people are also at increased risk for COVID-19 infection due to wildfire smoke.
4-Sep-2020 2:35 PM EDT

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C): What You Need to Know

A panel of University of Utah Health and Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital experts answered questions about what is known about Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) so far.
25-May-2020 8:55 AM EDT

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University of Utah Health is the state’s only academic health care system, providing leading-edge and compassionate care for a referral area that encompasses 10 percent of the US, including Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and much of Nevada. A hub for health sciences research and education in the region, U of U Health touts a $458 million research enterprise and trains the majority of Utah’s physicians, and more than 1,670 scientists and 1,460 health care providers each year at its Colleges of Health, Nursing, and Pharmacy and Schools of Dentistry and Medicine. With more than 20,000 employees, the system includes 12 community clinics and five hospitals: University Hospital, Huntsman Mental Health Institute, Huntsman Cancer Hospital, University Orthopaedic Center, and the Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital. For 13 straight years, U of U Health has ranked among the top 10 US academic medical centers in the rigorous Vizient Quality and Accountability Study.

