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Our News on Newswise

Solis Agrosciences Acquires Genomics Platform to Provide Genotyping and Bioinformatics Services to Agriculture Companies

Solis will provide end-to-end genomics services enabling better-informed decisions, resulting in the development of more productive and resilient plants and animals
19-Nov-2024 3:15 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Danforth Technology Company Launches New Startup

The Danforth Technology Company (DTC) today announced the launch of Metablify, a startup that has developed a breakthrough technology platform that enables the detection and quantification of previously undetectable metabolites and chemicals in...
28-Oct-2024 9:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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New Tool Enables a More Complete and Rapid Decoding of the Language of Algal Gene Expression

A new method that research teams can use to measure and compare different forms of proteins and protein complexes helped reveal a previously unseen molecular signature of how algal genomes are controlled during the cell cycle.
23-Oct-2024 9:10 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Plant Science Research Collaboration Will Explore Key Mosses Critical to Storing Carbon

Plant scientists at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center and the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology have been awarded a four-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Enabling Discovery through GEnomics (EDGE) grant to advance their...
9-Oct-2024 9:15 AM EDT Add to Favorites

The Academy of Science of St. Louis Names Katherine Polokonis as Executive Director

The academy of science of st. Louis names katherine polokonis as executive director
25-Sep-2024 11:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Danforth Plant Science Center Announces New Principal Investigator

The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center announced today that Kevin Cox, PhD, has joined as an assistant member. Cox will hold a joint appointment as an assistant professor of Biology at Washington University in St. Louis. A native St. Louisan, Cox...
21-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Research collaboration to explore the impact of cover crops on soil health and corn production to improve agriculture sustainability

Christopher Topp, PhD, Member and Principal Investigator of the Danforth Plant Science Center and his lab members Marcus Griffiths, PhD and Kong Wong, PhD, have teamed up with colleagues at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Kaiyu Guan,...
14-Aug-2024 10:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Danforth Center Announces New Assistant Member

The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center announced today that Nadia Shakoor, PhD, has joined as Assistant Member. She is an expert in sorghum genetics, a versatile and drought-resistant cereal grain vital for food, feed and fuel in many arid and...
6-Aug-2024 9:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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Harnessing the Power of Perennial Plants for Sustainable Agriculture

Matthew Rubin’s research is focused on perennial plants, or “long-lived” plants, seeking to increase our understanding of these plants across their lifetime. Perennial plants offer many benefits to agriculture and our environment. They develop...
9-May-2022 10:25 AM EDT

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About The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Founded in 1998, the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is a not-for-profit research institute with a mission to improve the human condition through plant science. Research, education and outreach aim to have impact at the nexus of food security and the environment, and position the St. Louis region as a world center for plant science. The Center’s work is funded through competitive grants from many sources, including the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To keep up to date with Danforth Center’s current operations and areas of research, please visit,, featuring information on Center scientists, news and the “Roots & Shoots” blog. Follow us on Twitter at @DanforthCenter.

