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Exercise More, Sit Less to Manage Frailty and Hypertension Risk in Aging

A new study of middle-age and older adults looks at sex differences in frailty levels and their link with heart health. The findings suggest that moving your body more through regular exercise and sitting less can help keep both heart disease and...
17-Jul-2024 7:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Sweat Rate Calculator Blocks Heat Illness, Boosts Athletic Performance

For the first time, researchers have developed a validated tool that lets athletes predict their rate of whole-body sweat loss.
11-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

American Physiological Society Launches Women’s Health Research Initiative

The American Physiological Society announces the launch of the 2024–2025 Women’s Health Research Initiative. This groundbreaking initiative aims to advance women’s health research, addressing critical gaps in understanding conditions that...
10-Jul-2024 7:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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TPM Examines the Shortcomings of BMI, Allyship in Science + More

In the latest issue out today, The Physiologist Magazine (TPM) explores the scientific relevance of the body mass index (BMI) tool for assessing health; examines the critical role allyship plays in expanding diversity in physiology; and profiles...
3-Nov-2022 4:50 PM EDT

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About the American Physiological Society
Physiology is the study of how molecules, cells, tissues and organs function in health and disease. Established in 1887, the American Physiological Society (APS) was the first U.S. society in the biomedical sciences field. The Society represents 9,000 members and publishes 16 peer-reviewed journals with a worldwide readership.



