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APA Issues Recommendations for Teens Viewing Online Videos

In response to the increasing volume and accessibility of video content for youth on streaming channels and various online platforms, the American Psychological Association has issued its first ever set of recommendations to help parents,...
20-Nov-2024 12:10 AM EST Add to Favorites

Texting Abbreviations Makes Senders Seem Insincere, Study Finds

If you want to seem sincere and receive more responses to your texts, spell out words instead of abbreviating them, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.
8-Nov-2024 12:20 PM EST Add to Favorites

How COVID-19 Transformed Family Dinners

While the lockdowns associated with COVID-19 pandemic led many families to eat more meals at home, they had an additional benefit: an increase in the quality of family time during those dinners, according to research published by the American...
28-Oct-2024 2:30 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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APA Poll: Future of Nation, Economy and Presidential Election Top U.S. Stressors

More than 7 in 10 adults said the future of the nation (77%) is a significant source of stress in their lives, with the economy (73%) and the 2024 U.S. presidential election (69%) following closely behind, according to the latest Stress in...
22-Oct-2024 12:00 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Unpaid Caregiving Is Undervalued by Society

Americans believe volunteering to help strangers contributes more to society than providing care for family or friends, even though they contribute billions of dollars’ worth of labor in unpaid caregiving every year, according to research...
11-Oct-2024 2:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

People Prefer Working with Higher-Paid Colleagues

When given the choice, people prefer to collaborate on work projects with higher-paid colleagues, but they want to hire subordinates with a lower pay history than theirs, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
18-Sep-2024 7:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Swiping Through Online Videos Increases Boresom, Study Find

Swiping through online videos to relieve boredom may actually make people more bored and less satisfied or engaged with the content, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
16-Aug-2024 8:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Sometimes it hurts to think

If somebody complains that it hurts to think, they may be onto something, as mental exertion appears to be associated with unpleasant feelings in many situations, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
1-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Journal highlights contributions of Black psychologists

Despite historical strides and the important perspectives Black psychological researchers offer to their field, the contributions of Black psychologists have been left out of many foundational teachings in psychology, according to the journal...
5-Jul-2023 2:40 PM EDT


July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, which focuses on the mental health challenges experienced by underrepresented groups. Minorities face additional hurdles due to lack of adequate, culturally competent care and cultural stigma....
2-Jul-2019 3:40 PM EDT

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The mission of the APA is to promote the advancement, communication, and application of psychological science and knowledge to benefit society and improve lives.


